Houston and Emerson Peach – Tombstone Inscription

Peach, Houston
Peach, Emerson
Section 14
ID # 140037 

Houstonand Emerson
Sons of
Hardin and Mary Peach
Sleep in one grave

HoustonAged 5
Emerson Aged 3
Died August 1862 

1908 Plat: Houston & Emerson Peach
                Section 14 Lot 1
Interment Book: 8-20-1862 Infant
                           Child of H. S. Peach
                           8-24-1862 Huston Peach, 5
                           Child of H. S. Peach
Recorded 2005 with Additions (Garrett)
         and 2008 restoration

After 2009 Restoration

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