Historic Newsletters and Publications – Individuals

1843, June 13
Nashville Whig
1844, March 12
Nashville Whig
1855, Jan. 5
Nashville Union & American
1855, Jan. 9
Nashville Union & American
1858, April 5
Nashville Daily Patriot
Brown, William D. Obituary. Interment Record
1871, June 22
Republican Banner
Cooper, Washington. Masonic funeral at City Cemetery
1893, Dec. 19
Nashville Banner  
Bedford, Lucinda.  Obituary
1935, May 2
Nashville Banner
Ewing, Andrew. Unveiling marker at City Cem.
1935, prior May 1
Nashville newspaper
Ewing, Andrew. Unveiling marker at City Cem.
1831, April 1
National Banner & Nashville Whig
Ewing, Orville. Business announcement
1857, Nov. 10
National Banner & Nashville Daily Advertiser
1820, March 8
Nashville Whig
Hynes, Andrew. Coppersmith business open
1830, Sept. 27
Nashville Banner & Whig
1867, Feb. 12
Nashville newspaper
Matlerer, Andrew. Obituary. Interment Record
1904, April 4
Nashville Banner
1864, Nov. 8
Nashville Daily Press
1819, March 27
Nashville Whig & Tennessee Gazette
McNairy, Boyd.  His Bull Pup stolen. Reward
1837, Jan. 24
Nashville Union
Parrish, Frank. Barber Shop. Bathing House
1842, June 18
Nashville Whig
Parrish, Frank. Bathing House open on Deaderick
1848, Dec. 7
Nashville Whig
Parrish, Frank. New Barber Shop on Square
1889, July 27
Nashville Banner
Person, Emily. Murdered. Atempt on Bedford, Lucinda
1889, July 30
Nashville Banner
Person, Emily. Murdered. Atempt on Bedford, Lucinda
1855, Jan. 5
Nashville Union & American
1843, June 13
Nashville Whig
1833, June 1
National Banner & Nashville Daily Advertiser
Robertson, Duncan. Subscribers for his monument
Kelley, West Nashville
Robertson, James.  Later life. Children
1825, Oct. 10
Nashville Whig
Robertson, James. Re-burial set for Oct. 15th
Boddie, Southern Historical Families
Shelby, David, father Dr. John, buried Gallatin
1819, March 27
Nashville Whig & Tennessee Gazette
Smiley, Robert.  Presbyterian Church
1820, March 8
Nashville Whig
Tannehill, Wilkins Endorsement of architect Hugh Roland
1857, Nov. 10
Nashville American
Troost, Dr. (deceased) Sale of residence
1939, Nov. 6
Nashville newspaper
1843, June 13
Nashville Union
Winston, Dr. C. K. Opens Nashville practice
Marsh, American Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Tennessee
Bradford, John buried at City Cemetery
Cockrill, John buried at City Cemetery
Ewing, Andrew buried at City Cemetery
Foster, Anthony buried at City Cemetery
Lewis, Joel buried at City Cemetery
Marlin, Archibald buried at City Cemetery
Norvell, Lipscomb buried at City Cemetery
Robertson, James buried at City Cemetery
Shelby, David buried Gallatin. Son Dr. John buried City Cemetery
Tatum, Howell buried at City Cemetery