Name |
Section |
ID # – NOTES |
R |
R. |
28.51 |
280248 Footstone for #280246 |
R. & W.P. |
15.1 |
150042 Footstone for #150041 |
R.A.G. |
15.1 |
Footstone for Rebecca A. Green – Tombstone missing in 2016 |
R.A.H. |
29.2 |
290094 Footstone for #290098 Rebecca A. Higgins |
R.A.V. |
18 |
180019 Footstone for #180018 |
R.B. |
2 |
20074 Footstone for Richard Brandon |
R.B.W. |
7 |
70024 Footstone for #70018 |
R.C. |
9 |
90005 Footstone for #90004 |
R.C.A. |
26 |
260052 Footstone for 260049 Rebecca C. Adcock |
R.D. |
4 |
40047 Footstone for #40044 Robert Duncan |
R.D. |
19 |
190035 Footstone for #190037 |
R.D. |
20 |
200137 Footstone for #200128 |
R.D.S. |
8 |
80002 Footstone for #80001 |
R.E. |
8 |
80009 Footstone. Rowena Ewing. Research |
R.F. |
2 |
20003 Footstone for Robert Farquharson |
R.F. |
10 |
100028 Footstone for #100038 Rosa Floeck |
R.F.A. |
28.2 |
280935 Footstone for #280936 Robert F. Allen |
R.F.B. |
7 |
70036 Footstone for #70034 |
R.F.G. |
28.0 |
280501 Footstone for #280500 Robert F. Glenn |
R.G. |
20 |
200031 Footstone for #200030 Rebecca Green |
R.G.H. |
28.3 |
280384 Footstone for #280383 |
R.H. |
28.2 |
280960 Footstone for #280959 Mrs. Rebecca Hume |
R.H.L. J.P.L. M.C.L. Infants of Robt.& Ella Lawrence |
16.2 |
160019 |
R.H.L.C. |
28.2 |
280977 Footstone for #280980 |
R.H.M. |
19 |
190117 Footstone for #190146 |
R.H.S. |
28.4 |
280327 Footstone for #280326 Robert H. Sanders |
R.I. |
15.2 |
150127 Footstone for #150128 Robert Irwin |
R.J.B. |
7 |
70038 Footstone for #70034 |
R.J.W. |
11.2 |
110070 Footstone for #110069 |
R.M. |
28.1 |
280577 Footstone for #280576 |
R.P.B. |
16.2 |
No ID# Near #160017 |
R.P.M.G. |
2 |
20037 Footstone for H.P. Miles Gallaghan |
R.P.N. |
28.3 |
280409 Footstone for #280403 |
R.R.P. |
11.2 |
110142 Footstone for #110135 |
R.S., Z.W.S. |
28.0 |
280481 Footstone for #280395 Rocksey and Z.W. Smith |
R.S.D., W.D.D. |
20 |
200136 Footstone for #200127 Dr. Wm. D. Dorris and Rebecca Shivers |
R.V.A. |
25.1 |
250029 Footstone. Robert V. Allison. Research |
R.W.H. |
19 |
190109 Footstone for #190112 Ralph William Hawkins |
Rahm, Laura |
16.2 |
160058 |
Rains, Captain John |
(Once thought to be buried at City Cemetery) |
Rains, John, Rev. |
25.1 |
250001 |
Rains, Sarah Eveline |
25.1 |
250002 |
Ramage, Christine |
7 |
70002 |
Ramsey, Charlotte P. |
4 |
40076 |
Ramsey, Mary E. W. |
4 |
40074 |
Ramsey, Susan P. |
4 |
40075 |
Ramsey, Wm. B. A., Colonel |
4 |
40076 |
Ransom, Agnes |
30 |
300017 |
Rawley, W.B. |
20 |
200025 |
Rawlings, Margaret G. |
25.2 |
250123 |
Rawson, Gracie Bell |
15.2 |
150062 |
Rayburn, Ginnette |
18 |
180012 |
Rayburn, J. K., Major |
18 |
180012 |
Read, David |
15.2 |
150145 |
Read, David B., Jr. |
15.2 |
150142 |
Read, Edney E. |
15.2 |
150111 |
Read, G. |
28.51 |
280134 |
Read, Grace Million |
15.2 |
150142 |
Read, Harriet A. |
15.2 |
150124 |
Read, Harriet A. |
15.2 |
150146 |
Read, Harriet A. |
15.2 |
150109 |
Read, Harriet Hill |
28.1 |
280593 |
Read, James H. |
15.2 |
150108 |
Read, Martha L. |
15.2 |
150110 |
Read, Mrs. Sarah H. |
15.2 |
150129 |
Rear, Nancy |
15.2 |
150171 Replacement Tombstone 2009 |
Reddick, Winnie A. |
28.7 |
280057 |
Reddy, Ann |
20 |
200002 |
Reece, Ed Moore |
20 |
200148 |
Reece, Murphy |
20 |
200109 |
Reece, Murphy |
20 |
200152 |
Reed, Clara & Reed, Marvin |
26 |
260012 |
Reed, Clara |
26 |
260013 |
Reed, Marvin |
26 |
260014 |
Reese, Emma Rutledge |
4 |
40056 |
Reese, William B. |
4 |
40057 |
Reeves, Virginia Walton |
16.2 |
160021 |
Reid, A.H.L. |
28.52 |
280078 |
Reid, Laetitia Clark |
27 |
270047 |
Reid, Margaret Louisa Trimble |
27 |
270047 |
Reyburn, Greene Lafayette |
28.2 |
280786 |
Reyburn, John Henry |
28.2 |
280786 |
Reyburn, Mary Elizabeth |
28.2 |
280786 |
Reyburn, Sarah Jane |
28.2 |
280786 |
Reynolds, Henry |
16.1 |
160157 |
Richards, Corintha A. |
17 |
170022 |
Richards, Henry |
20 |
200021 |
Richardson, Alex’r |
28.2 |
280865 |
Richardson, William |
28.2 |
280953 |
Riddle, Mary A. |
28.4 |
280455 |
Rieff, Annie L. |
28.1 |
280569 |
Rieff, Mrs. |
28.1 |
280567 Footstone for #280568 Mrs. Rieff |
Rieff, Mrs. |
28.1 |
280568 |
Riggs, Mary C. Napier |
28.51 |
280904 |
Rimberger, Henrietta |
29.1 |
290189 |
Ritchie, Helen |
28.51 |
280246 |
Ritter, John Henry |
32 |
320008 |
Riva, Andrew |
11.1 |
110024 |
Rives, Charles W. |
15.2 |
150102 |
Rives, George N. |
15.2 |
150101 |
Rives, John A. |
15.2 |
150100 |
Rives, Richard G. |
1502 |
150099 |
Rix, David |
6 |
60010 |
Rix, Henry |
6 |
60010 |
Roan, Archibald |
28.51 |
280236 |
Roan, Laura H. |
28.51 |
280237 |
Roan, Mary H. |
28.51 |
280238 |
Roane, Ann |
28.51 |
280239 |
Robb, S.E.C. |
28.51 |
280910 |
Robert, A. D. |
28.2 |
280696 |
Robert, Ann Eliza T. |
28.2 |
280695 |
Robert, I. |
28.2 |
280694 |
Roberts, Luella J. |
17 |
170033 |
Robertson, Catharine |
28.51 |
280809 |
Robertson, Charlotte Reeves |
28.51 |
280045 |
Robertson, Duncan |
28.51 |
280780 |
Robertson, Duncan |
28.51 |
280808 |
Robertson, Felix, Dr. |
28.51 |
280043 |
Robertson, J. F. |
28.51 |
281005 |
Robertson, Felix |
28.51 |
280911 Sundial Marker for James & Felix Robertson |
Robertson, James |
28.51 |
280911 Sundial Marker for James & Felix Robertson |
Robertson, James |
28.51 |
280044 |
Robertson, Lydia Waters |
28.51 |
280042 |
Robertson, William |
28.51 |
280808 |
Robeson, George Henry |
19 |
190096 |
Robeson, Lillie M. |
19 |
190148 |
Robeson, Louis O. |
19 |
190148 |
Robinson, A. or Alexander M. |
28.52 |
280077 |
Robinson, Benjamin |
28.52 |
280074 |
Robinson, J.C. |
28.52 |
280076 |
Robinson, J.L. |
28.52 |
280075 |
Robinson, son of James C. and Susan Robinson |
28.2 |
280925 |
Robinson, William |
28.4 |
280663 |
Rockwood, Elizabeth Ann |
4 |
40049 |
Rockwood, Walter |
4 |
40048 |
Rogers, George W. |
28.8 |
281107 |
Rodgers, Foster |
16.1 |
160102 |
Rodgers, George |
16.1 |
160102 |
Rogers, Edward |
29.2 |
290018 |
Rogers, James W. |
11.2 |
110177 |
Rogers, Lucretia Adelaide Clay |
28.52 |
280211 |
Rogers, Mary A. Simmons |
16.2 |
160010 |
Rogers, Sallie Edmundson |
11.2 |
110176 |
Roler, Margaret F. |
28.2 |
280835 |
Rose, Jennie Wise |
19 |
190134 |
Roser, Catherine |
13 |
130029 |
Roser, John |
13 |
130029 |
Rowan, John Hamilton |
28.52 |
280299 |
Rowe, Julia Elizabeth (infant) |
28.0 |
280480 |
Royle, M. |
28.2 |
281000 |
Royster, Edwin Alexander Ruthven |
28.1 |
280660 |
Royster, Tho. W. |
16.1 |
160144 |
Rucker, Benjamine |
7 |
70015 |
Rucker, Louisa T. M. |
7 |
70015 |
Ruckle, Robert |
23 |
230040 |
Rutherford, David |
24 |
240023 |
Rutledge, Alice W. |
4 |
40055 |
Rutledge, Arthur M. |
4 |
40065 |
Rutledge, Henry Middleton |
4 |
40065 |
Rutledge, Septima Sexta |
4 |
40065 |
Rymer, Joseph W. |
16.1 |
160076 |
Return to top |
S |
S. |
7 |
70030 “S’ on 1908 City Cemetery Plat |
S. |
28.0 |
280502 Footstone for #280499 Stewart, Infant daughter of Wm. & Mary Stewart |
S.A. |
10 |
100037 Footstone for #100032 Sarah Albertson |
S.A.B. |
6 |
60004 Footstone for #60003 |
S.A.E. |
1 |
10028 Footstone. Sarah Ann Ebaugh. Research |
S.A.G. |
15.2 |
150154 |
S.A.G. |
29.2 |
290095 Footstone for #290097 Sarah A. Griffis |
S.A.K. |
30 |
300014 Footstone. Sarah A. King Died 1855 |
S.A.P. |
16.2 |
160047 Footstone for #160048 |
S.A.P. |
28.0 |
280497 Footstone for #280483 Sarah A. Parrish |
S.A.R. |
15.2 |
150130 Footstone for #150129 Mrs. Sarah H. Read |
S.B.D. |
4 |
40045 Footstone for #40042 Susie B. Duncan |
S.B. |
28.1 |
280516 Footstone for #280520 |
S.B. |
24 |
240033 Footstone for #240027 Samuel Bennett |
S.B.C. |
7 |
70031 Footstone for #70028 |
S.B.S. |
28.1 |
280621 Footstone. Sarah B. Stevens. Research |
S.C. |
26 |
260024 Footstone for #260023 Sarrah/Sarah L. Craddock |
S.C. |
28.51 |
280267 Footstone for #280268 Susan Carper |
S.C.D. |
20 |
200071 Footstone. S. C. Dowd. Research |
S.C.M. |
28.52 |
280112 Footstone. S. C. Marling. Research |
S.D. |
4 |
40046 Footstone for #40043 Susan Duncan |
S.D. |
6 |
60017 Footstone for #60018 |
S.D.O. |
11.2 |
110145 Footstone for Susan D. Oney See #110147 |
S.E.B. |
20 |
200112 Footstone for #200096 Sarah Birchett |
S.E.C.R. |
28.51 |
280909 Footstone for #280910 S.E.C. Robb |
S.E.M. |
26 |
260016 Footstone for #260015 |
S.E.P. |
28.51 |
280752 Footstone for #280750 Susanna E. Perkins |
S.E.S. |
28.1 |
280535 Footstone for #280540 Sarah E. Swiney |
S.E.R. |
11.2 |
110002 Footstone for #110176 |
S.E.S. |
28.1 |
280597 Footstone for #280596 |
S.H. or J.A.H. |
28.52 |
280190 Footstone for #280187 S. Hill or Jane Ann Hill |
S.H. |
28.52 |
280192 May be a footstone for Samuel Hill or may be a property marker |
S.H.B. |
15.2 |
150065 Footstone for #150064 Susan H. Bass |
S.H.C.W. |
11.2 |
110115 Footstone for #110114 |
S.H.G. |
2 |
20057 Footstone for S.H. Goodwin (no headstone found) |
S.H.M. |
28.2 |
280774 Footstone for #280765 S.H. McCombs |
S.H.P. |
27 |
270005 Footstone for #270007 |
S.J.C.O. |
8 |
80053 Footstone. Sarah J. Callender Owen. Research – [No headstone] |
S.J.H.S. |
28.9 |
280008 Footstone. Stanmore J. H. Smith. Research |
S.J.S. |
16.1 |
160147 Footstone for #160151 Sarah J. Sweeney |
S.J.V. |
18 |
180027 Footstone for #180026 |
S.L. |
28.52 |
280091 Footstone for #280089 Sarah Leake |
S.M. |
4 |
40006 Footstone for #40005 Sallie and Laura Martin |
S.M. |
28.51 |
280218 |
S.M. |
28.2 |
280923 Footstone for #280893 |
S.M.A. |
28.2 |
280939 Footstone for #290151 |
S.M. & L.M |
4 |
40006 Footstone for #40005 Sallie & Laura Martin |
S.M.H. |
1 |
10027 Footstone for #10026 Sallie M. Haslam |
S.M.M. |
1 |
10021 Footstone for #10025 Samuel M. McCroy |
S.P. |
6 |
60002 Footstone for #60001 Sarah Petty |
S.P.C. |
25.1 |
250023 Footstone for #250013 Shelby P. Cowan |
S. R. |
29.1 |
280939 Footstone for #280931 |
S.R.A.C. |
25.1 |
250061 Footstone for #250064 Samuel R.A. Cole |
S.R.C. |
13 |
130025 Footstone for #130022 Samuel R. Corbitt |
S.S. |
9 |
90011 Footstone for Sarah Smith |
S.S.M.R. |
4 |
40064 Footstone for #40065 |
S.V.D.S. |
28.51 |
280120 Footstone for #280087 S.V.D. Stout |
S.W. |
24 |
240016 Footstone for #240008 Susanner Watson |
S.W.W. |
19 |
190084 Footstone for #190083 |
Sadler, Elvington A. |
11.2 |
110078 |
Sadler, J. H. |
11.1 |
110036 |
Sadler, Mary E. |
11.1 |
110035 |
Sadler, Rebecca S. |
11.2 |
110079 |
Salley |
No ID# Negro Lot |
Sanders, Ann Rawlins |
18 |
180058 |
Sanders, Robert H. |
28.4 |
280326 |
Sanderson, Robert |
28.51 |
280815 |
Sandhouse, Caroline E. |
2 |
20023 |
Sandhouse, G. Arnold |
2 |
20062 |
Sandhouse, J. Arnold |
2 |
20064 |
Sandhouse, Jno. B. |
2 |
20023 |
Sandhouse, M. Lucia |
2 |
20063 |
Sandhouse, Mary C. E. |
2 |
20023 |
Sandhouse, Wm. E. |
2 |
20023 |
Sansom, Loulie Zollicoffer |
20 |
200059 |
Sansom, Richard Henry |
20 |
200060 |
Saunders, John W. |
19 |
190061 |
Savage, Ada Blanch |
10 |
100040 |
Savage, Thomas H. |
10 |
100041 |
Sawyer, Martha Jane |
19 |
190032 |
Sayers, Mary A. |
26 |
260046 |
Sayers, Robert D. |
26 |
260048 |
Sayers, Stephen/W.S. |
26 |
260047 |
Sayres, Maria E. |
15.1 |
150031 |
Sayrs, Foster |
28.2 |
280708 |
Scharrenberger, C. |
29.2 |
290081 |
Scharrenberger, Louisa Frances |
29.2 |
290086 |
Scheuerman, Frank A. |
16.2 |
160067 |
Scheuerman, Mary Ida |
16.2 |
160067 |
Schloss, Augusta |
23 |
230020 |
Schloss, Henrietta |
23 |
230020 |
Schnell, M. |
24 |
240060 |
Schoemans, Frederick |
28.0 |
280394 |
Scott, Mary |
26 |
260018 |
Scott, Mattie |
26 |
260019 |
Scott, Ruth |
15.2 |
150076 |
Scott, Samuel Marshall |
26 |
260022 |
Scruggs Babies |
12 |
120001 |
Scruggs, Margaret J. |
12 |
120002 |
Seabury, Alex M. |
19 |
190126 |
Seabury, Edward R. |
19 |
190125 |
Seay, Jane M. |
19 |
190058 |
Seay, John H., Dr. |
19 |
190057 |
Seay, M. |
19 |
190056 |
Seay, Rachel Douglass |
8 |
80001 |
Seay, Samuel |
19 |
190059 |
Seibert, Augusta |
23 |
230020 |
Seibert, George |
23 |
230020 |
Sevier, John |
3 |
30030 Not buried at Nashville City Cemetery |
Sevier, Mary Douglass |
11.2 |
110193 |
Shaffer, Margaret |
27 |
270023 |
Shaffer, Catherine |
27 |
270024 |
Shaffer, D. Ella |
27 |
270025 |
Shaffer, Richard W. |
27 |
270024 |
Shannon, Elizabeth |
28.3 |
280385 |
Shapard, Little Gardner |
11.2 |
110160 |
Shapard, Little Maggie |
11.2 |
110159 |
Shapard, Maggie |
11.2 |
110154 |
Shapard, Margery Childress |
11.2 |
110150 |
Shapard, Martha J. |
11.2 |
110156 |
Shapard, Thos. C. |
11.2 |
110153 |
Shapard, William B. |
11.2 |
110150 |
Sharp, Lizzie |
28.9 |
280017 |
Sharp, Vallie |
28.9 |
280015 |
Sharpe, Benjamin |
20 |
200035 |
Sharpe, Charles T. |
20 |
200033 |
Sharpe, Victoria A. |
20 |
200034 |
Shaw, George W. |
29.1 |
290160 |
Shaw, John L. |
28.52 |
280148 |
Shaw, Nancy T. |
28.52 |
280147 |
Shearon, Josephine Nichol |
11.2 |
110130 |
Shearon, Rose |
29.1 |
290105 |
Sheffield, Henry |
27 |
270017 |
Sheffield, Mrs. Henry |
27 |
270004 |
Shelby, David |
28.51 |
280157 |
Shelby, Dr. John (Family Mausoleum) |
27 |
270060 |
Shelton, Amelia and Cimmy |
29.2 |
290029 |
Shelton, M.L. |
29.22 |
290028 |
Shelton, Susan |
29.2 |
290031 |
Shelton, Susan W. |
29.2 |
290030 |
Sheppard, Bier |
5 |
50001 |
Sheppard, Charles Ed./L. |
29.2 |
290091 |
Sheppard, J.O. |
30 |
300011 |
Sheppard, Mary Elizabeth |
5 |
50001 |
Sheppard, Matilda S. |
29.2 |
290090 |
Sherwood, Edwin E. |
28.52 |
280102 |
Sherwood, Mrs. Rachel |
28.52 |
280101 |
Shields, James |
28.51 |
280262 |
Shields, Maria |
28.51 |
280261 |
Shirley, James A. |
28.52 |
280316 |
Shirley, Paul |
28.52 |
280314 |
Shirley, Paul, Admiral |
28.52 |
280313 |
Shirley, S. C., Mrs. |
28.52 |
280315 |
Shirley, Wm Riley |
15.2 |
150072 |
Shivers, Elizabeth Fleming |
20 |
200132 |
Shivers, John C. |
12 |
120006 |
Shivers, Jonas |
20 |
200133 |
Shover, Florence |
26 |
260011 |
Shover, Ida Reed |
26 |
260011 |
Sigler, Elizabeth |
11.2 |
110185 |
Simms, Anthony |
24 |
240019 |
Simms, Armice |
1 |
10007 |
Simms, Millington |
1 |
10009 |
Simms, Nancy |
28.2 |
280980 |
Simms, Wiley, Captain |
28.2 |
280980 |
Simpson, Robert H. |
15.1 |
150030 |
Simpson, Marshall |
28.3 |
280475 |
Marshall, Martha E. |
28.3 |
280475 |
Simpson, Martha E. |
28.0 |
281031 |
Simpson, Thomas |
28.0 |
281031 |
Sinclair, James M. |
15.2 |
150059 |
Sinclair. Louise |
15.2 |
150060 |
Sippy, James |
15.2 |
150068 |
Sister |
5 |
50005 |
Skeggs, Edwin E. |
11.2 |
110104 |
Skeggs, Frank H. |
11.2 |
110104 |
Skeggs, Mary J. |
11.2 |
No ID# Near #110105 2008 restoration # 110241 |
Skeggs, Paul A. |
11.2 |
110108 |
Skeggs, Thomas L. |
11.2 |
110105 |
Slack, Martha E. |
6 |
60011 |
Slade Children |
13 |
130015 |
Slade, John Nicholas |
13 |
130012 |
Slade, Martha A. |
13 |
130014 |
Sloan, Rebecca L. Wise |
19 |
190123 |
Slocum, Caledonia J. Moffat |
25.1 |
250049 |
Smiley, Robert |
28.51 |
280459 |
Smith (Schmidt), George Marion |
29.1 |
290166 |
Smith, Albert J. |
8 |
80108 |
Smith, Alice J. |
10 |
100026 |
Smith, Angelina L. |
28.51 |
280220 |
Smith, Angeline L. |
30 |
300008 |
Smith, Ann |
2 |
20068 |
Smith, Ann Nicholson |
8 |
80128 |
Smith, Charlotte O. |
3 |
30026 |
Smith, Currin |
8 |
80128 |
Smith, E. W. |
8 |
80075 Footstone for #80087 |
Smith, Edmonia Winston |
8 |
80087 |
Smith, Eliza J. |
10 |
100026 |
Smith, Elizabeth |
7 |
70017 |
Smith, Elizabeth |
28.1 |
280607 |
Smith, Elizabeth |
28.3 |
280408 |
Smith, Elizabeth K. |
28.1 |
280599 See also #280607 Kyle-Smith |
Smith, Frederick (Sailor) |
25.2 |
250110 |
Smith, Henry C. |
2 |
20068 |
Smith, Homer V. |
28.51 |
280368 |
Smith, James A. |
10 |
100026 |
Smith, Jane |
23 |
230032 |
Smith, Joel M. |
3 |
30025 |
Smith, John H. |
9 |
90006 |
Smith, John H. |
9 |
90058 |
Smith, John H. |
28.51 |
280041 |
Smith, Joseph V. |
28.1 |
280607 |
Smith, Joseph V. |
28.1 |
280611 See also #280607 Kyle-Smith |
Smith, Joseph, Captain |
28.1 |
280614 |
Smith, Joshua |
3 |
30011 |
Smith, Larkin |
8 |
80106 |
Smith, Louisa Minor Hough |
8 |
80107 |
Smith, Matty C. |
7 |
70014 |
Smith, Minor |
28.1 |
280607 |
Smith, Minor |
28.1 |
280613 See also #280607 Kyle-Smith |
Smith, N. M. |
8 |
80074 |
Smith, Nathaniel McNairy |
8 |
80088 Footstone for #80074 |
Smith, O. B. |
7 |
70017 |
Smith, R. P. |
8 |
80128 |
Smith, Ralph |
31 |
310009 |
Smith, Richard |
28.1 |
280607 |
Smith, Richard |
28.1 |
280612 See also #280607 Kyle-Smith |
Smith, Richard |
28.1 |
280618 |
Smith, Rocksey |
28.0 |
280395 |
Smith, Sam. G., General |
28.51 |
280781 |
Smith, Sarah |
28.2 |
280942 |
Smith, William |
2 |
20024 |
Smith, William H. |
9 |
90012 |
Smith, Wm. M. |
28.1 |
280610 |
Smith, Z. W. |
28.0 |
280395 |
Snead, Burwell B. |
28.1 |
280651 |
Snead, James Norvell |
28.1 |
280652 |
Snead, Mary and Smith, Mortimer W. |
28.1 |
280650 |
Snead, Susanna H. |
28.1 |
280653 |
Snead, William, Jr. |
28.2 |
280770 |
Snedekum, Joanna Pless |
15.2 |
150070 |
Sneed, John, Colonel |
28.52 |
280204 |
Sneed, Mrs. Elizabeth |
28.52 |
280203 |
Snell, Louisa M. |
17 |
170017 |
Snow, H. |
28.2 |
280711 |
Sommerville, Elizabeth |
28.51 |
280804 |
Sommerville, John |
28.51 |
280806 |
Sommerville, Pierce Butler |
28.51 |
280807 Headstone. Partial Inscription. Research |
Soule Family Lot |
8 |
No ID# Lot 21 – Bishop Soule buried on Vanderbilt Campus |
Spain, Berry Marion |
2 |
20012 |
Spain, Jane Mays |
28.51 |
280356 |
Spain, Thomas Batts |
28.51 |
280356 |
Speece, Alfred M. |
28.2 |
280727 |
Speece, Lewis |
28.2 |
280726 |
Speece, Sarah |
28.2 |
280730 |
Spence, John |
28.2 |
280819 |
Spenge, John |
28.2 |
280841 |
Spiegelhalter, George |
23 |
230046 |
Springfield, Mary |
24 |
240059 |
Spotswood, Isaac F. |
13 |
130031 |
Spotswood, Margaret M. |
13 |
130018 |
Stagg, Pleasant |
28.1 |
280686 |
Stainbach, Ann J. |
19 |
190092 |
Stainbach, Martha |
19 |
190091 |
Stalcup, Marcus L. |
16.2 |
160053 |
Stanley, Luvisa |
24 |
240080 |
Stanley, William B. |
24 |
240081 |
Stanley, William E. |
24 |
240021 |
Staton, Charles F. |
19 |
190111 |
Steane, Michael |
28.4 |
280512 |
Stearns, Mary Frances |
24 |
240013 |
Steele, Elizabeth Whitthorne |
4 |
40072 |
Steele, Lucy Rawlins |
18 |
180060 “Rock” sketch on 1908 Plat; see ID # 180065 for Lucy Rawlins Steele’s marker |
Steele, Lucy Rawlins |
18 |
180065 Marker for Lucy Rawlins Steele; see ID # 180060 for Rock |
Steele, Richard L. |
4 |
40071 |
Stephens, Abednego. Rev. |
28.2 |
280870 |
Stephens, Caroline Minerva |
28.2 |
280870 |
Stephens, George W. |
11.2 |
110113 |
Stephens, J.C. |
28.2 |
280693 |
Stephens, E.J., Miss |
28.2 |
280706 |
Stevens, Charlie |
28.0 |
280397 |
Stevens, Elizabeth |
28.52 |
280108 |
Stevens, John B. |
28.1 |
280623 |
Stevens, Moses |
28.1 |
280622 |
Stevens, Wm. Henry |
28.1 |
280624 |
Stevenson, Elizabeth |
28.51 |
280258 |
Stevenson, Henry |
20 |
200015 |
Stewart, A. C. |
3 |
30020 |
Stewart, M. S., Rev. |
3 |
30020 |
Stewart, Drucilla |
8 |
80113 |
Stewart, Isabel |
28.9 |
280014 |
Stewart, John E. |
3 |
30016 |
Stewart, John, Jr. |
28.4 |
280665 |
Stewart, Martha J. |
28.52 |
280319 |
Stewart, Mary E. |
3 |
30018 |
Stewart, Mary Francis |
8 |
80124 |
Stewart, Robert E. |
3 |
30017 |
Stewart, Sally |
30 |
300013 |
Stewart, William |
8 |
80126 |
Stewart, William |
28.9 |
280016 |
Stewart. Infant Daughter of Wm.& Mary Stewart |
28.0 |
280499 |
Stodder, Mary |
28.1 |
280602 |
Stodder, Mary P. |
28.1 |
280600 |
Stodder, Sarah Ellen |
28.1 |
280596 |
Stoll, Jacob |
16.1 |
160106 |
Stone, Tandy S. |
2 |
20080 |
Stones, Esther Maria |
27 |
270020 |
Stones, Robena A. |
27 |
270020 |
Stothard, Ann |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard, Annie A. |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard, Cornelia |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard, Eugene Leonidas |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard Hugh Kirkman |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard Jerry |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard, Mary D. |
28.52 |
280142 |
Stothard, Samuel Preston |
23 |
230047 |
Stothard, Walter |
23 |
230047 |
Stothart, Charlotte |
31 |
310002 Died 1864 |
Stothart, Charlotte |
31 |
310003 Died 1841 |
Stout, Andrew A. |
28.1 |
280670 |
Stout, Ira |
28.51 |
280126 |
Stout, John W. |
28.1 |
280669 |
Stout, Mary Ann |
20 |
200049 |
Stout, S. V. D. |
28.51 |
280087 |
Stretch, Elizabeth |
28.2 |
280797 |
Studley, Inez P. |
17 |
170034 |
Sullivan, W. W. |
1 |
10022 |
Sumner, William Henry |
28.1 |
280656 |
Sweeney, Edward H. |
16.1 |
160150 |
Sweeney, Elizabeth F. |
16.1 |
160152 |
Sweeney, Leander J. |
16.1 |
160149 |
Sweeney, Sarah J. |
16.1 |
160151 |
Swiney, Sarah E. |
28.1 |
280540 |
Return to top |
T |
T.C. |
8 |
80052 Footstone for #80055 Thomas Callender |
T.C.P. |
8 |
80059 Footstone for #80091 |
T.C.S. |
11.2 |
110157 Footstone for #110153 |
T.D. |
20 |
200141 Footstone for #200142 |
T.D. |
28.4 |
280667 Footstone for #280054 |
T.F. |
15.2 |
150081 Footstone for #150080 |
T.G. |
4 |
40039 Footstone for #40034 Thomas & Jane Gilliam |
T.G. |
28.1 |
280646 Footstone for #280643 Thomas Greenfield |
T.H.E. |
24 |
240031 Footstone for #240025 Thomas H. Everett |
T.J., E.B. |
20 |
200107 |
T.J.W. |
28.51 |
280135 Footstone for #280136 |
T.L.B. |
7 |
70039 Footstone for #70034 |
T.L.D. |
8 |
80004 Footstone for #80005 |
T.S.F. |
14 |
140013 Footstone for #140012 |
T.S.S. |
2 |
20077 Footstone for Tandy S. Stone |
T.W. |
28.1 |
280519 Footstone for #280518 |
T.W.W. |
26 |
260058 Footstone for #260056 |
Tannehill, Eliza |
28.52 |
280084 |
Tannehill, F. |
28.52 |
280100 |
Tannehill, Wilkins |
28.52 |
280083 |
Tardiff, Martha |
12 |
120012 |
Tarver, Henry S. |
28.52 |
280090 |
Tarver, Jane W. |
28.52 |
280092 |
Tatum, Howell |
15.2 |
150067 |
Taylor, Josiah |
24 |
240015 |
Taylor, Ruth V. |
11.2 |
110094 |
Taylor, William E. |
11.2 |
110094 |
Teal, Charles H. |
28.51 |
280372 |
Telton, O.E. |
28.4 |
280037 |
Temple, Liston Elliott, Col. |
29.1 |
290163 |
Temple, Mary A. |
28.0 |
281029 |
Terrass, Ann T. |
19 |
190089 |
Terry, G. M. |
4 |
40010 |
Terry, G.W. |
4 |
40009 |
Tessier, Catherine |
19 |
190028 |
Thomas, Caroline |
28.3 |
280379 |
Thomas, Eddie |
11.2 |
110189 |
Thomas, Eliza |
15.1 |
150040 |
Thomas, Frances |
28.0 |
280526 |
Thomas, Jackson C. |
28.8 |
281108 |
Thomas, John |
20 |
200007 |
Thomas, Jonathan |
25.1 |
250033 |
Thomas, Joseph |
16.1 |
160140 |
Thomas, Sally |
31 |
310022 |
Thompson, Harriet/Harriett |
29.2 |
290102 |
Thomm, Marg. |
24 |
240084 |
Thompson, James H. |
19 |
190050 |
Thompson, Stuart |
28.51 |
280228 |
Thornburgh, Leonard P. |
11.2 |
110103 His mother also listed. See #110101 |
Thornburgh, W. P. |
11.2 |
110102 |
Thornton, C.W. |
28.51 |
280334 |
Thornton, C. W. |
28.51 |
280333 |
Tilford, Margaret Sophia |
28.51 |
280738 |
Tilford, Mary |
28.2 |
280928 |
Tilford, Samuel James |
28.51 |
280737 |
Tindall, John |
11.2 |
110166 |
Tindall, Agnes |
11.2 |
110167 |
Tindall, John |
11.2 |
110167 |
Tipton, John, Colonel |
28.51 |
280168 |
Tiseurant, Infant |
28.51 |
280130 Footstone for #280127 Infant son of A.H. and A.D. Tiseurant |
Tiseurant. Infant son of A.H. & A.D. Tiseurant |
28.51 |
280127 |
Titus, Jonas |
28.51 |
280269 |
Todd, John N. |
4 |
40080 |
Todd, John N., Jr. |
4 |
40083 |
Todd, Mary Josephine |
4 |
40078 |
Tombstone Missing |
6 |
60009 Tombstone missing in 2005 and 2016 |
Tombstone Missing |
19 |
190127 Tombstone missing in 2005 and 2016 |
Tombstone Missing |
19 |
190132 Missing marker in 2005 and 2016 |
Tombstone Missing |
20 |
200018 |
Tombstone Missing |
20 |
200093 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.1 |
280523 |
Tombtone Missing |
28.2 |
280712 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.2 |
280846 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.51 |
280156 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.51 |
280754 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.51 |
280805 |
Tombstone Missing |
28.51 |
280987 |
Tombstone Missing or Jackson, Andrew |
28.4 |
280456 |
Toney, Cascenda L. |
8 |
80027 |
Toney, Parmelia Letiticia |
8 |
80028 |
Toney, W. H. C. |
8 |
80153 |
Townes, Richard G. |
15.1 |
150167 |
Townes, William Rea, Jr. |
15.1 |
150022 |
Trabue, Agness G. |
11.1 |
110027 |
Trabue, Charles Clay |
11.1 |
110026 |
Trail, Kathleen |
27 |
270064 |
Travis, J. D. |
2 |
20086 |
Travis, Jeff |
29.1 |
290174 |
Travis, William |
16.1 |
160093 |
Trimble, Ann W. |
25.2 |
250094 |
Trimble, H. F. |
28.2 |
280792 |
Trimble, J. D. |
29.1 |
290148 |
Troost, Gerard, M.D. PhD |
28.2 |
280148 |
Tully, Albert J. |
27 |
270057 |
Tully, Milton. |
27 |
270057 |
Tully, Nancy |
28.4 |
280348 |
Turk, William B. |
20 |
200153 |
Turner, Annie |
14 |
140020 |
Turner, Elizabeth Ann Kimbo |
14 |
140025 |
Turner, Harriot Stoddert |
28.2 |
280963 |
Turner, Martha |
19 |
190024 |
Turner, Our Boy |
14 |
140026 |
Turner, Sarah E. |
14 |
140023 |
Turner, W. C. |
14 |
140024 |
Turner, William W. |
14 |
140021 |
Turpin, White |
24 |
240057 |
Return to top |
U |
Ullian, Lucia |
16.1 |
160087 |
Unknown |
2 |
20065 |
Unknown |
2 |
20066 |
Unknown |
2 |
20075 |
Unknown |
4 |
40001 |
Unknown |
4 |
40002 Footstone for #40001 |
Unknown |
4 |
40073 |
Unknown |
6 |
60005 |
Unknown |
6 |
60019 |
Unknown |
12 |
120005 |
Unknown |
12 |
120019 |
Unknown |
12 |
120022 |
Unknown |
13 |
130033 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150063 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150064 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150065 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150066 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150155 |
Unknown |
10 |
100005 |
Unknown |
10 |
100015 Footstone for #100005 |
Unknown |
19 |
190022 |
Unknown |
19 |
190090 |
Unknown |
15.2 |
150138 |
Unknown |
16.1 |
160103 |
Unknown |
20 |
200027 |
Unknown |
20 |
200056 |
Unknown |
20 |
200057 |
Unknown |
20 |
200084 |
Unknown |
20 |
200085 |
Unknown |
20 |
200095 |
Unknown |
20 |
200105 |
Unknown |
20 |
200123 |
Unknown |
20 |
200131 |
Unknown |
24 |
240039 |
Unknown |
24 |
240049 |
Unknown |
24 |
240070 |
Unknown |
24 |
240073 |
Unknown |
24 |
240082 |
Unknown |
25.1 |
250036 |
Unknown |
25.1 |
250048 |
Unknown |
25.1 |
250070 |
Unknown |
25.2 |
250097 |
Unknown |
25.2 |
250098 |
Unknown |
25.2 |
250101 |
Unknown |
28.0 |
280425 |
Unknown |
28.1 |
280631 |
Unknown |
28.1 |
280677 |
Unknown |
28.1 |
280982 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280687 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280725 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280768 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280796 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280824 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280915 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280920 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
280940 |
Unknown |
28.2 |
281003 |
Unknown |
28.3 |
280386 |
Unknown |
28.3 |
280387 |
Unknown |
28.3 |
280454 |
Unknown |
28.3 |
280510 |
Unknown |
28.4 |
280349 |
Unknown |
28.4 |
280458 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280133 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280184 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280715 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280873 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280988 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
280989 |
Unknown |
28.51 |
281015 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280066 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280085 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280217 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280224 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280274 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
280275 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
281012 |
Unknown |
28.52 |
281013 |
Unknown |
29.2 |
290017 |
Unknown |
29.2 |
290079 |
Unknown |
29.2 |
290096 |
Unknown |
29.2 |
290104 |
Unknown (P.E.) |
16.1 |
160159 |
Unknown Footstone |
14 |
140010 |
Unknown, possibly J.C.W.O. |
24 |
240038 possibly a footstone for #240037 J.C.W. Ochrle |
Unknown/J.D.L.H. |
25.1 |
250057 possibly a footstone for #250053 Jno. De La Hay |
Unknown/L.M.L. |
25.1 |
250058 possibly a footstone for #250054 Luke M. Lyon |
Unknown/M.C.C. |
26 |
260025 possibly a footstone for #260026 Margaret C. Currey |
Unknown-Ellison Lot |
17 |
170014 |
Unknown-Hall Lot |
17 |
170018 |
Unknown-Malone Lot |
3 |
30037 |
Unknown Surname “My Betty” |
19 |
190033 |
Unknown Surname. 1861/his sister |
28.4 |
No ID# Fragment of tombstone. Near #280663 |
Unknown Surname. William K. |
28.4 |
280039 |
Return to top |
V |
V.A.B. |
16.2 |
160029 Footstone for #160161 |
V.A.M. |
2 |
20017 Footstone for Virginia Ann Monroe |
V.A.S. |
20 |
200037 Footstone for #200034 |
V.G. |
15.2 |
150158 Footstone for #150045 |
V.G.L.R.F. |
28.52 |
281010 Footstone for #280185 Virginia G.L. Randall Fite |
V.P.W., M.G.W. |
25.2 |
250128 Footstone for #250114 Van Perkins Winder and Martha Grundy Winder |
Valentine, Omelia |
6 |
60012 |
Van Leer, Amelia Wood Terrass |
27 |
270003 |
Van Leer, Bernard |
28.51 |
280159 |
Van Leer, Hannah |
28.51 |
280160 |
Van Leer, Samuel |
27 |
270002 |
Vandervort, Theodore Burroughs |
28.51 |
280336 |
Vannoy, Alice |
16.2 |
160026 |
Vaughan, J. D. (Jack) |
11.2 |
110106 |
Vaughn, John D. |
11.2 |
110089 |
Vaughn, Jamie Givens |
28.51 |
280245 |
Vaughn, Mary Loving |
11.2 |
110090 |
Vaughn, Lena |
11.2 |
110093 |
Vaughn, Susie |
11.2 |
110093 |
Vaughn, Virginia |
29.1 |
290175 |
Vaughn, William Loving |
11.2 |
110091 |
Vaulx, Catharine |
18 |
180020 |
Vaulx, Daniel |
18 |
180021 |
Vaulx, Daniel |
18 |
180022 Footstone for #180021 |
Vaulx, Ellen C. |
18 |
180025 |
Vaulx, Joseph |
18 |
180030 |
Vaulx, Susan E. |
18 |
180030 |
Vaulx, Mary |
18 |
180014 |
Vaulx, Mary |
18 |
180023 |
Vaulx, Mary A. |
18 |
180016 |
Vaulx, Robert A. |
18 |
180018 |
Vaulx, Susan J. |
18 |
180026 |
Vester, Claudia E. |
28.0 |
280447 |
Vester, A. Wellington |
28.0 |
280447 |
Vines, Mary L. |
20 |
200075 |
Vines, Polly |
20 |
200074 |
Vogel, Emili |
24 |
240010 |
Vogel, John |
24 |
240010 |
Return to top |
W |
W. |
28.2 |
280784 Footstone for #280785 |
W.A. |
28.0 |
280426 Footstone for #280419 |
W.A.B. |
28.1 |
280562 Footstone for #280557 |
W.A.R. |
28.7 |
280056 Footstone for #280057 |
W.B.C. |
28.51 |
280121 Footstone for #280122 William Brownlee Cross |
W.B.F.D. |
11.2 |
110203 Footstone for #110204 |
W.B.H. & S.A.H. |
15.1 |
150035 Footstone for #10034 William Gaird Sarah Ann Hodge |
W.B.O. |
26 |
260040 Footstone for #260039 William B. Omohundro |
W.C.S. |
28.1 |
280598 “W.C.S.” on 1908 Plat Map |
W.D. H.D. |
28.1 |
280563 Footstone for #280564 |
W.D.D., R.S.D. |
20 |
200136 Footstone for #200127 Dr. William D. Dorris and Rebecca Shivers Dorris |
W.E. & A.E. |
2 |
20035 Footstone for Willie & Anna Elliott |
W.E.M., J.B.P. |
25.2 |
250127 Footstone for #250091 James B. Pettit and W.E. McAllister |
W.F. |
4 |
40008 |
W.F.E., I.E., & T.E. |
2 |
20034 Footstone for William F., Irena, and Thomas Elliott |
W.G. |
28.1 |
280620 Footstone for #280619 |
W.G. |
28.1 |
280645 Footstone for #280644 Wesley Greenfield |
W.G.B.D. |
4 |
40021 Footstone for #40020 William G.B. Duncan |
W.G.H. |
28.51 |
280270 Footstone for #280271 |
W.H.B. |
7 |
70041 Footstone for #70034 |
W.H.C. |
28.51 |
280748 Footstone for #280749 William Hume Currey |
W.H.C.T. |
8 |
80154 Footstone for #80153 W.H.C. Toney |
W.H.D. |
28.1 |
280565 Footstone. William H. Diggons. Research |
W.H.H. |
28.1 |
280546 Footstone for #280545 Williamson Hartley Horn |
W.H.J. |
19 |
190073 Footstone for #190071 |
W.H.M. |
9 |
90017 Footstone for #90018 |
W.H.M. |
19 |
190072 Footstone for #190069 |
W.H.P. |
13 |
130004 Footstone of Wille Hedric Pyle – Headstone not located |
W.H.S. |
9 |
90010 Footstone for #90012 |
W.H.V. |
18 |
180029 Footstone. Wm. H. Vaulx. Research |
W.J.A. |
28.51 |
280341 Footstone for #280342 William James Aykroyd |
W.J.H. |
28.0 |
280414 Footstone for #280412 |
W.J.H. |
28.0 |
280434 Footstone for #280435 |
W.K. |
28.4 |
280345 Footstone for #280039 Unknown Surname. William K. |
W.L.H., B.H. |
28.4 |
280464 Footstone for #280465 Willie L. Howell and Birdie Howell |
W.M. |
15.2 |
150165 |
W.M. |
28.52 |
280189 |
W.M.S. |
28.1 |
280609 Footstone for #280610 William M. Smith |
W.N. |
10 |
100013 Footstone for #100009 Willie Napier |
W.N. |
17 |
170047 |
W.N.C. |
28.51 |
280371 Footstone for #280369 William N. Cockerell |
W.N.P. |
20 |
200068 Footstone for #200069 Wm. N. Plummer |
W.P. |
28.0 |
280528 Footstone for #280525 Woodson Parrish |
W.P. |
28.1 |
280533 Footstone for #280525 Woodson Parrish; See also #280528 |
W.R.G. |
15.2 |
150151 “W.R.G.” on 1908 City Cemetery Plat |
W.R.M./W.B.M., C.M. |
26 |
260004 Footstone for #260005 Wm. R./B. Mace and Charlie Mace |
W.R.S. |
15.2 |
150073 |
W.T.D. |
11.2 |
110171 Footstone for #110170 |
W.W. |
11.1 |
110013 Footstone for #110008 Willie Waldron |
W.W. |
28.2 |
280718 Footstone for #280719 William Wood |
W.W.C. |
25.1 |
250062 Footstone for #250063 Willis W. Cole |
W.W.G. |
15.2 |
150153 Footstone for Wm. Riley Shirley #150072 |
W.Z.H. |
14 |
140002 Footstone for #140011 |
Wade, Mary G. |
28.1 |
280570 |
Wadley, John Albert |
4 |
40023 |
Wadley, Sara McCutchen |
4 |
40024 |
Wadley, Thomas McCutchon |
4 |
40090 |
Waggoner, Vina |
32 |
320019 |
Wagoner, Colleen Langley |
8 |
80038 |
Wagoner, Robert Martin |
8 |
80038 |
Waldron, Amanda |
11.1 |
110010 |
Waldron, Charles |
11.1 |
110009 |
Waldron, Willie |
11.1 |
110008 |
Walker, Adaline |
29.2 |
290008 |
Walker, Alice |
28.51 |
280858 |
Walker, Cornelia Childress Stuckey |
20 |
200149 |
Walker, Infant Daughter |
5 |
50024 |
Walker, James T. C. |
19 |
190082 |
Walker, Margaret |
19 |
190080 |
Walker, Mary Norvell |
16.1 |
160127 |
Walker, Sarah Ann Gray |
5 |
50028 |
Walker, Susan W. |
19 |
190083 |
Wallace, Benj. R.B. |
26 |
260008 |
Wallace, Benjamin R. B. |
26 |
260056 |
Wallace, Tabitha W. |
26 |
260056 |
Wallace, James Hervey |
28.51 |
280743 |
Wallace, John W. |
26 |
260055 |
Waller Ada Eugenia |
15.2 |
150117 |
Walton, Robert J. |
11.1 |
110069 |
Walling, Andrew T. |
17 |
170031 |
Wand, James |
28.1 |
280582 |
Wand, Sarah |
28.1 |
280583 |
Ward, Julia M. |
15.2 |
150069 |
Ward, Rachel |
20 |
200010 |
Warder, Elizabeth T. |
8 |
80078 |
Warder, James Henry |
8 |
80084 |
Warfield, Sarah B., Mrs. |
28.51 |
280046 |
Warren, James F. |
3 |
30006 |
Warren, Robert Soule |
24 |
240054 |
Washington, Albert |
8 |
80035 |
Washington, James G. |
28.51 |
280177 |
Washington, Mary Gale |
8 |
80141 |
Washington, Sarah Alexander |
19 |
190008 |
Waters, Eunice Healey |
2 |
20022 |
Waters, John |
2 |
20022 |
Waters, Malvina Bass |
2 |
20022 |
Waters, Margaret A. |
2 |
20011 |
Watkins, Fannie Jackson |
7 |
70020 |
Watkins, Mary Doran |
7 |
70023 |
Watkins, Philip |
1 |
10034 |
Watkins, Robert Baxter |
7 |
70018 |
Watkins, Robert Mansel |
7 |
70023 |
Watkins, Stephen Dupree |
7 |
70023 |
Watkins, Theodor Baxter |
7 |
70021 |
Watson, Anna Morton |
4 |
40051 |
Watson, Marcus Morton |
4 |
40051 |
Watson, Alice Lee |
4 |
40051 |
Watson, John Dexter |
19 |
190062 |
Watson, Mary F. |
19 |
190063 |
Watson, Susan Emma |
19 |
190062 |
Watson, Susanner |
24 |
240008 |
Weaver, Ann Macon Ford |
27 |
270051 |
Webb, Mary |
28.1 |
280672 |
Webb, Mary L. |
24 |
240034 |
Webb, N. E. |
24 |
240065 |
Webber, Eliza, Wm. C., Elizabeth S., John A. |
28.1 |
280538 |
Webber, Elizabeth S. |
28.1 |
280539 |
Webber, Nancy |
28.1 |
280541 |
Wehrley, Elizabeth |
28.52 |
280304 |
Wehrley. Daughter of Vivian & Elizabeth Wehrley |
28.52 |
280307 |
Welborn, Jane |
28.1 |
280625 |
Welborn, Mary Ann |
28.1 |
280626 |
Welch, Tho. J. |
28.51 |
280136 |
Welcker, Frederick |
19 |
190026 |
Weller, Elizabeth Ann |
15.2 |
150084 |
Weller, Ben S. |
15.2 |
150087 |
Weller, Lucintha |
15.2 |
150087 |
Wells, Eliza Phillips |
11.1 |
110236 |
Wells, Elizabeth H. Garrett |
11.1 |
110236 |
Wells, Dr. Thomas |
11.1 |
110234 |
Wells, Walter |
31 |
310017 |
West, Jane C. |
28.2 |
280845 |
West, John B. |
11.1 |
110248 Replacement tombstone 2016 |
West, Mary Humes Meadors |
18 |
180059 |
West, Raphael Benjamin |
18 |
180059 |
West, Wm. Edward, Artist |
11.1 |
110028 |
Weston, Clement |
28.1 |
280515 |
Weston, H.N. |
28.1 |
280521 |
Weston, Sophia L. |
28.1 |
280517 |
Weston, Sophia L. |
28.1 |
280524 Footstone for #280517 |
Weston, Thomas |
28.1 |
280518 |
Wetmore, Ann |
8 |
80155 |
Wetmore, Ella |
8 |
80155 |
Wetmore, Ellen |
8 |
80155 |
Wetmore, Jennie |
8 |
80155 |
Wetmore, Moses W. |
8 |
80155 |
Wetmore, William H. |
8 |
80155 |
Wetterau, John Conrad |
29.2 |
290085 |
Wetzel, Joseph |
28.52 |
280210 |
Wetzel, Lewis |
28.52 |
280195 |
Wharton, Araminta Jane |
11.1 |
110031 |
Wharton, Ellen Josephine |
11.1 |
110033 |
Wharton, Frederick |
28.1 |
280047 |
Wharton, Mary Dally |
11.1 |
110246 Replacement tombstone 2016 |
Wharton, Miner |
28.1 |
280047 |
Wharton, Priscilla Jane |
11.1 |
110030 |
Wharton, William Henry |
28.1 |
280047 |
Wharton, William H. |
11.1 |
110249 Replacement Tombstone 2015 |
Wheat, Reginald H. |
19 |
190025 |
Wheeles, M. F. |
17 |
170037 |
Wheeless, M.T./W.T. |
17 |
170039 |
Wheless, Ellen S. |
11.2 |
110152 |
Wheless, Ellen Shapard |
11.2 |
110151 |
White, Ella Kenton |
25.1 |
250004 |
White, Thomas Wells |
11.1 |
110235 |
White, Carter |
30 |
300026 |
White, Cora B. |
15.1 |
150026 |
White, Fanny |
30 |
300010 |
White, William C. |
15.1 |
150026 |
Whiteman, Catharine |
5 |
50004 |
Whiteman Vault |
5 |
50031 |
Whyte, Phereby Glasgow |
5 |
50017 |
Whyte, Robert |
5 |
50029 |
Wife Q.T.C.H. |
14 |
140004 |
Wiles, Roy |
25.2 |
250126 |
Wilkerson, Benjamin |
28.2 |
280840 |
Wilkerson, Lilly Carroll |
9 |
90027 |
Wilkinson, Chloe Drake |
11.2 |
110219 |
Wilkinson, Clara L. |
11.2 |
110218 |
Wilkinson, Georgetta C. |
11.2 |
110221 |
Wilkinson, Jane |
28.51 |
280361 |
Wilkinson, William H. |
11.2 |
110220 |
Wilkinson, W. H., Sr. |
11.2 |
110222 |
Williams, Caledonia P. |
23 |
230043 |
Williams, Ann Rawlings Waters |
2 |
20022 |
Williams, David |
28.51 |
280158 |
Williams, Ethelread |
16.1 |
160130 Tombstone & Historical Marker |
Williams, John |
28.51 |
280178 |
Williams, Margaret A.C. |
32 |
320007 |
Williams, Nellie |
25.1 |
250011 |
Williams, Mary Cheatham |
29.1 |
290154 |
Williams, Sarah |
29.1 |
290191 |
Williams, Sarah |
29.1 |
290193 |
Williams, Sarah A. |
29.2 |
290092 |
Williams, Thomas H. |
29.1 |
290154 |
Williams, Thomas Lanier I |
28.2 |
281041 |
Willard, Susie Ruth Elliott Orndorff |
5 |
50032 |
Willis, John |
28.52 |
280212 |
Willis, Julia H. |
28.52 |
280213 |
Willis, Marcus A. |
8 |
80138 |
Willis, Richard |
28.8 |
281109 |
Willis, Sarah Preston |
20 |
200125 |
Wills, Bathenia |
21 |
210006 |
Wilson, Albert |
28.1 |
280574 |
Wilson, Anna E. |
8 |
80136 |
Wilson, Eleanor V. |
28.1 |
280605 |
Wilson, Elinora |
24 |
240028 |
Wilson, Eugenia G. |
28.51 |
280241 |
Wilson, George A. |
11.2 |
110173 |
Wilson, George, Colonel |
11.2 |
110174 |
Wilson, James Hazzard |
20 |
200058 |
Wilson, Syrus A. |
24 |
240044 |
Wilson, Virginia Zollicoffer |
20 |
200058 |
Wilson, John |
16.2 |
160039 |
Wilson, Lucy Anne Marshall |
8 |
80043 |
Wilson, Luticia |
28.1 |
280575 |
Wilson, Mary Lytton |
28.52 |
280058 |
Wilson, Robert |
26 |
260043 |
Winbourn, Agnes |
16.2 |
160002 |
Winbourn, Mary E. Brown |
16.2 |
160002 |
Winbourn, Maude |
16.2 |
160002 |
Winbourne, Alexander, Rev. |
19 |
190074 |
Winder, Ann Grundy |
25.2 |
250116 |
Winder, John Davidson Smith |
25.2 |
250116 |
Winder, Elizabeth Rowan |
25.2 |
250115 |
Winder, Margaret Rawlings |
25.2 |
250115 |
Winder, Malvina Bass |
25.2 |
250118 |
Winder, Martha Grundy |
25.2 |
250119 Died 1853 |
Winder, Martha Grundy |
25.2 |
250114 Died 1891 |
Winder, Van Perkins |
25.2 |
250114 |
Winder, Wm. Shields |
25.2 |
250117 |
Wingfield, Frances |
15.1 |
150033 |
Winstead, Hugh |
24 |
240006 |
Winston “Our Baby” |
8 |
80104 |
Winston, Ann Rogers |
8 |
80101 DAR Historical Marker |
Winston, Arthur Underwood |
8 |
80092 Footstone for #80102 |
Winston, Arthur Underwood |
8 |
80102 |
Winston, C. K. |
8 |
80100 |
Winston, C.K., Dr. |
8 |
80103 |
Winston, Ann Rogers |
8 |
80089 |
Winston, Charles Kimbrough., Dr. |
8 |
80089 |
Winston, Charles Kimbrough, Jr. |
8 |
80094 Footstone for #80100 |
Winston, E. P. |
8 |
80098 |
Winston, Edmund Pendleton |
8 |
80095 Footstone for #80098 |
Winston, Loulie Byrd |
8 |
80093 Footstone for #80099 |
Winston, Loulie Byrd |
8 |
80099 |
Winston, W. B. & Little Brother |
8 |
80097 |
Winston, Walter Bickerton |
8 |
80096 Footstone for #80097 |
Wise, Ed. H. |
19 |
190123 |
Wise, Henry A. |
19 |
190123 |
Wolfe, Samuel |
25.1 |
250010 |
Wood, Addie P. |
8 |
80068 |
Wood, Andrew W. |
8 |
80068 |
Wood, J.E. |
28.2 |
280721 |
Wood, John |
28.2 |
280720 |
Wood, Mary |
28.2 |
280717 |
Wood, William |
28.2 |
280719 |
Woodfin, Cordelia Ann |
28.0 |
280527 |
Woodfin, Frances M. |
28.0 |
280529 |
Woodfolk, Lucius H. |
25.2 |
250103 |
Woodfolk, M. W. |
28.51 |
280183 |
Woodfolk, Ellen D. Horton |
25.2 |
250102 |
Woodfolk, Richard |
25.2 |
250102 |
Woodfolk, W. W. |
25.2 |
250102 |
Woods, Bessie Campbell, Miss |
Woods, Elizabeth A. |
11.1 |
110041 |
Woods, Henry |
28.7 |
281114 Replacement Tombstone 2016 |
Woods, J.C. |
5 |
50018 |
Woods, James |
11.1 |
110046 |
Woods, Jane West |
11.1 |
110244 |
Woods, Joseph |
11.1 |
110025 |
Woods, Joseph, Jr. |
11.1 |
110039 |
Woods, Katherine |
Woods, Penelope Porter |
11.1 |
110040 |
Woods. Infant son of Jas. & E. A. Woods |
28.2 |
280785 |
Woodward Infant |
16.2 |
160034 |
Woodward, M.A. |
16l2 |
160035 |
Woolwine, Blanche Bradfute |
28.1 |
281045 Replacement Tombstone 2014 |
Woolwine, Earl G. |
11.2 |
110231 |
Woolwine, Ruth D. |
11.2 |
110231 |
Woolwine, Earl G. Jr. |
11.2 |
110092 |
Woolwine, Gwendolyn N. |
11.2 |
110092 |
Work, Julia |
28.3 |
280381 |
Wray, Susie H.C. |
11.2 |
110114 |
Wrigglesworth, Benjamin |
12 |
120011 |
Wright, A.H. |
25.1 |
250038 |
Wright, Amelia A. |
28.51 |
280178 |
Wright, Charles Henry |
28.2 |
280947 |
Wright, Infant of James |
2 |
20078 |
Wright, J., Mrs. |
25.1 |
250035 |
Wright, Novella Roper |
28.2 |
280946 |
Wyatt, Douglas L. |
11.2 |
110085 |
Wyatt, James, Captain |
11.2 |
110083 |
Wyatt, Martha Lanier |
11.2 |
110083 |
Wyatt, Nancy E. |
26 |
260054 |
Wynne, Albert H. |
2 |
20026 |
Return to top |
X |
Y |
Yates, John |
28.8 |
281110 |
Yeargin, Charles T. |
28.2 |
280948 |
Yeargin, Florence Rutland |
28.2 |
280948 |
Yeatman, Anne Elizabeth |
28.2 |
280724 |
Yeatman, Eliza Schooley |
11.1 |
110061 |
Yeatman, John |
11.1 |
110062 |
Yeatman, Mary Louisa |
11.1 |
110059 |
Yeatman, Louisa |
11.1 |
110060 |
Yeatman, Martha |
28.52 |
280279 |
Young, Caroline H. |
28.51 |
280803 |
Young, Elvina King |
28.2 |
280801 |
Young, Lizzie, Miss |
28.2 |
280802 |
Young, Joseph Robert |
25.1 |
250087 – #250087 & #250086 are one tombstone |
Z |
Z.W.S., R.S. |
28.0 |
280481 Footstone for #280395 Rocksey and Z.W. Smith |
Zachary, E. A. Peach |
20 |
200004 |
Zollicoffer, Felix K., General |
20 |
200063 Tombstone – Historical Marker (Honoring the location of his house and from the Andrew Jackson Hotel) |
Zollicoffer, Louisa P. Gordon |
20 |
200065 |
Zollicoffer, Ridie |
20 |
200064 |
Return to top |