Restoration History
Restoration work at the Nashville City Cemetery was under the supervision of Fred Zahn, Metro Historical Commission. The conservation firms of Dallas Upchurch & Dan Allen carried out the work. To read an article by Fred Zahn, click here.
New water line along the front entrance driveway and a back how at work in a side section. An improved water system provides water for drinking fountains, new hydrants for watering flowers and for the restroom in the Keeble Building.
Improvements for the Keeble Building, built in 1946. New uses for old spaces are planned with a future exhibit space on one side and restroom facility on the other side.
Flowers in full bloom in front of the Keeble Building. The Master Gardeners, all volunteers, plant and maintain the flowers at the City Cemetery.
Flowers blooming in the bed tomb of Nancy Anderson, 1803-1874.
Restoration work shown in progress on the major monuments of Duncan Robertson, died May 1, 1833, and General Sam G. Smith, died September 1, 1835.
The brick base of the box tomb has been rebuilt to hold the heavy stone slab top for Irena Alloway who died on November 26, 1833, at age 37 years.
The obelisk for Thomas Crutcher, Mayor of Nashville in 1819, has been cleaned and repaired. At the time of his death in 1844, at 84 years old, he had resided in Nashville for 60 years, since the pioneer days.
The distinctive monument for Edmund Crutcher, his wife Jane and daughter Mary Jane has been beautifully restored. They died in Nashville
in the mid-1840s.
View of the restored monuments in the
Crutcher Family Lot.
Construction of a new fence based on an existing original post is completed. The original iron chain was replicated to link the posts together. Allen Jones Family Lot.
McCrory Family Lot, with brick circles and squares, has been planted with summer flowers by the Master Gardeners.
Washington Cooper has a new replacement tombstone in the Masonic Lot. Members of Cumberland Lodge No. 8 attended his funeral on a hot summer day, 92 degrees in the shade, on June 22, 1871.
Broken slab on the box tomb near the Masonic Lot for Lucy Ann Hurt, wife of F. O. Hurt, will be restored.
The tombstone for Rachel, wife of John Ward, who died on December 2, 1865, at age 37 years. With conservation cleaning the lovely floral decoration can be seen as well as the names of the stone carvers, Shirley & Shane, Nashville.
Only a remnant of the original stone slab of the box tomb for John F. Hawkins, infant son of W. N. Hawkins, who died in 1842, at age 7 months and 4 days, exists. Now this partial top has been placed on a new slab with a new brick base.
Scaffolding surrounds the obelisk in memory of William Smith, who was born in 1807 in Shropshire, England and died in 1855 in Nashville. The obelisk, which has a serious tilt, has been
stabilized and straightened.