Name |
Section |
ID # – NOTES |
F |
F.A.H. |
14 |
140003 Footstone for #140011 |
F.B. |
19 |
190007 Footstone for #190137 |
F.B. |
24 |
240071 Footstone for #240069 Frederik Bender |
F.E.F. |
28.0 |
280405 Footstone for #280406 Fred E. Fisher |
F.G. |
29.2 |
290059 Footstone for #290058 Frances Gilliam |
F.J. |
10 |
100035 Footstone for #100033 Frederick Jonte |
F.L.P. |
19 |
190124 Footstone for #190114 Francis L. Patton |
F.M. |
29.2 |
290056 Footstone for #290057 Frances McFarland |
F.M.C. |
12.5 |
150093 Footstone for #150094 |
F.M.P. |
28.51 |
280880 Footstone for #280875 |
F.M.W. |
28.1 |
280530 Footstone for #280529 (Section 28.0) |
F.N. |
28.51 |
280914 Footstone. Francis Napier. Research |
F.P. |
11.2 |
110144 Footstone for #110134 |
F.P. |
15.1 |
150007 Footstone for #150004 Fanny Parker |
F.R. & G.R. |
16.1 |
160101 Footstone for #160102 Foster and George Roberts |
F.R.H. |
14 |
140006 Footstone for #140011 |
F.R.N. |
29.2 |
290007 Footstone for #290037 F.R. Nichol |
F.S. |
25.2 |
250111 Footstone for #250110 |
F.S.C. |
16.1 |
160099 Footstone for #160098 |
F.T. |
28.1 |
280532 Footstone for #280526 Frances Thomas |
Fagalay, Caleb |
28.51 |
280254 |
Fagalay, David |
28.51 |
280255 |
Farish, Leslie B. |
8 |
80042 |
Farquharson, Eliza |
2 |
20007 |
Farquharson, Robert |
2 |
20008 |
Farrar, Marvine E. |
26 |
260010 |
Farrell, Ernest Rossier |
11.2 |
110054 |
Farrell, John M.D. |
11.2 |
110055 |
Farrell, Louis, Jr. |
11.2 |
110056 |
Farrell infants |
11.2 |
110242 |
Farris, Charles |
1 |
10004 |
Father |
5 |
50008 |
Father |
11.2 |
110097 Footstone for #110089 |
Father |
15.2 |
150135 Footstone for #150141 |
Father |
16.2 |
160071 Footstone for #160067 |
Fell, Mary Elizabeth |
28.51 |
280251 |
Felts, Captain J. W. |
4 |
40059 |
Ferguson, John G. |
20 |
200114 |
Ferns, Nancy |
28.52 |
280286 |
Ferriss, Mary Alice |
2 |
20060 |
Finn, Thos. |
28.2 |
280705 |
Fisher, Fred E. |
28.0 |
280406 |
Fisher, Rebecca Favssoux |
28.51 |
280852 |
Fite, Amanda F. |
28.52 |
280186 |
Fite, Virginia G. L. Randall |
28.52 |
280185 |
Fitzgerald, E. J., Rev. |
16.2 |
160052 |
Fleming, Ebenezer |
14 |
140012 |
E.F. |
14 |
140015 headstone for Ebenezer Fleming |
E.F. |
14 |
140016 footstone for Ebenezer Fleming |
Fleming, John McKnight |
14 |
140012 |
J.McK.F. |
14 |
140014 footstone for #140012 |
Fleming, Thomas S. |
14 |
140012 |
T.S.F. |
14 |
140013 footstone for #140012 |
Flenz, Jacob |
24 |
240053 |
Fletcher, William R. |
11.2 |
110099 |
Floeck, Rosa |
10 |
100038 |
Fly, Henry H. |
28.0 |
280476 |
Fly, Nancy M. |
28.0 |
280477 |
Fogg, Elizabeth |
28.51 |
280170 |
Fogg, Francis B. |
4 |
40061 |
Fogg, Henry M. R. |
4 |
40062 headstone
40063 footstone |
Fogg, Mary Middleton Rutledge |
4 |
40061 |
Fogg, Francis Brinley |
4 |
40066 |
Fogg, Septima M. |
4 |
40060 |
Foltz, Catharine C. |
11.1 |
110066 |
Foltz, Joseph Dally |
11.1 |
110247 Replacement tombstone 2016 |
Forbes, B. S. |
28.4 |
280350 |
Forbes, Nancy Strong |
10 |
100045 Replacement Tombstone 2011 |
Ford Ann Smith Jefferson |
27 |
270055 |
Ford, Dr. J.P. |
27 |
270053 |
Forest, James S. |
29.1 |
290149 |
Forest, Martha M. |
29.1 |
290149 |
Forsyth, George |
28.51 |
280716 |
Foster, Allen |
28.8 |
280030 |
Foster, Ann |
29.2 |
290139 |
Foster, Ann S. |
29.2 |
290140 |
Foster, Anthony |
28.52 |
280278 |
Foster, Charles V. |
28.1 |
280559 |
Foster, Clarence C. |
6 |
60016 |
Foster, Eleanor |
28.52 |
280280 |
Foster, Ephraim H. |
29.2 |
290006 Died 1854 |
Foster, Ephraim H. |
29.2 |
290144 Died 1849 |
Foster, Fanny |
28.8 |
280030 |
Foster, James H. |
29.2 |
290075 |
Foster, Jane M. |
29.2 |
290078 |
Foster, Jennie Lee Butner |
6 |
60015 |
Foster, Mary P. |
28.52 |
280107 |
Foster, Narcissa H. |
29.2 |
290138 |
Foster, Robert |
29.2 |
290140 |
Foster, Robert Sanders |
29.2 |
290139 |
Foster, Septimus W. |
28.52 |
280106 |
Foster, Susan Cheatham |
29.2 |
290073 New Stone for Susan C. Foster |
Foster, Susan Cheatham |
29.2 |
290074 Old Stone for Susan C. Foster |
Foster, W. T. |
6 |
60016 |
Foster, William Lytle |
29.2 |
290071 |
Foy, Frederick Fabius |
10 |
100031 |
Fraley, A. M. |
15.1 |
150017 |
Fraley, J. W. |
16.1 |
160113 |
Fraley, M. C. |
16.1 |
160113 |
Frasch, Chas. |
16.1 |
160094 |
Frasch, John |
16.1 |
160158 |
Frasch, Thos. |
16.1 |
160094 |
Frazer, Robert E. |
17 |
170030 |
Fredarecke, Gohanna |
24 |
240088 |
Freedom Tree Marker |
32 |
320009 |
Freeman, Our Carrie |
15.2 |
150079 |
Freeman, Our Eugene |
15.2 |
150078 |
Freeeman, Tommy |
15.2 |
150080 |
Frensley, Lena E. |
15.2 |
150141 |
Frensley, Lorena |
15.2 |
150131 |
Frensley, Thos. N. |
15.2 |
150141 |
Frinsley, Elizabeth M. |
26 |
260029 |
Frinsley, G. W. |
26 |
260029 |
Fry, Triman |
16.1 |
160073 |
Fuller, Frank, Jr. |
13 |
130019 |
Fuller, Amanda M. |
15.1 |
150018 |
Fuller, Joseph H. |
15.1 |
150018 |
Fuller, Olive L. |
24 |
240085 |
Fuller, William H. |
24 |
240011 |
Return to top |
G |
G.A.S. |
2 |
20029 Footstone for #20062 |
G.B. |
2 |
20073 |
G.B.B. |
18 |
180007 Footstone for #180005 |
G.B.C. |
25.1 |
250025 Footstone for #250017 Grace Bruce Cameron |
G.B.R. |
15.2 |
150163 Footstone for #150162 |
G.C.S. |
11.2 |
110168 |
G.D. |
28.51 |
280366 Footstone for #280357 George Doughty |
G.E.M. or M. |
20 |
200017 |
G.F.N. & M.N. |
10 |
100014 Footstone for #100007
G.F. & Mary Napier |
G.H. |
16.2 |
160057 Footstone for #160056 |
G.H. |
19 |
190107 Footstone for #190105 George Hay |
G.H.R. |
19 |
190099 Footstone for #190096 |
G.L. |
20 |
200080 Footstone for #200079 Georgianna Lomas |
G.L.J. |
2 |
20083 Out of place. Footstone for #30001 |
G.M.C. |
25.1 |
250022 Footstone for #250016 Grace May Cowan |
G.P. |
28.0 |
280410 Footstone. Grief Price. Research |
G.R.H. |
20 |
200039 Footstone for #200041 George R. Hundley |
G.S. |
11.2 |
110163 Footstone foe Little Gardner Shapard #110160 |
G.S.C. |
28.2 |
280976 |
G.V.B. |
4 |
40070 Footstone for missing headstone for George V. Barbour |
G.W.B. |
15.2 |
150055 Footstone for George W. Bolton 150053 |
G.W.C. |
28.52 |
280105 Footstone for #280104 |
G.W.H. |
28.3 |
280504 |
G.W.M. |
28.9 |
280005 Footstone for #280007 |
G.W.S. |
28.2 |
280973 |
Gaither, Mary D. Zollicoffer |
20 |
200062 |
Gale, Anna |
8 |
80127 |
Gale, Thomas |
8 |
80127 |
Gallaghan, Maria |
2 |
20043 |
Gallaghan, Philip |
2 |
20042 |
Gallaghan, R.P. Miles |
2 |
20044 |
Gallaher, William J. |
11.2 |
110121 |
Garrett, Betsy C. |
25.1 |
250077 |
Garrett, Elizabeth C. Z. |
25.1 |
250076 |
Garrett, Green M. and Minerva |
24 |
240056 |
Garrett, Joseph L. |
24 |
240055 |
Garrett, Morgan |
11.2 |
110165 |
Garrett, William, Rev. |
25.1 |
250078 |
Geiger, Fredrick |
23 |
230045 |
Geiger, Henry |
23 |
230045 |
Gennett, Andrew |
28.1 |
280639 |
Gennett, John |
28.1 |
280641 |
Gennett, Vincent |
28.1 |
280640 |
Gibson, Alicia Sarah |
28.52 |
280303 |
Gibson, Idella Cathron |
17 |
170029 |
Gibson, Jane |
28.51 |
280231 |
Gibson, Mary |
25.1 |
250071 |
Gibson, Nathan |
28.52 |
280290 |
Gibson, Rosanna |
28.51 |
280232 |
Gibson, Rebecca |
28.51 |
280235 |
Gibson, William |
28.51 |
280235 |
Gilbert, Dewitt Clinton |
28.2 |
280787 |
Gilbert, Idella Cathron |
17 |
170029 |
Gilbert, Nancy |
28.2 |
280788 |
Gilbert, Captain Thomas |
28.2 |
180791 |
Gilchrist, Frances Ann |
29.2 |
290069 |
Gill, James J. |
7 |
70042 |
Gilliam, Frances |
29.2 |
290058 |
Gilliam, J. Wesley |
29.2 |
290050 |
Gilliam, Jane E. |
4 |
40034 |
Gilliam, Thomas |
4 |
40034 |
Gilliam, William |
29.2 |
290060 |
Gilliam, William, Jr. |
27 |
270044 |
Gillman, Wm. Carroll |
18 |
180061 |
Gillman, Mary Susannah |
no ID# |
Glasscock, Olivia F. |
28.52 |
280093 |
Glenn, Robert F. |
28.0 |
280500 |
Glenn, Robert F. |
28.3 |
280511 See also #280500 |
Glover, William |
28.1 |
280619 |
Godshall, Douglas |
18 |
180063 |
Godshall, Eugene |
18 |
180063 |
Godshall, Frederick |
18 |
180063 |
Godshall, Samuel Chester |
18 |
180064 |
Godshall, Webb |
18 |
180057 |
Goodloe, Edward A. |
29.1 |
290157 |
Gooch, Priscilla G. |
14 |
140031 |
Goodwin |
2 |
20028 |
Goodwin, Mary Sharpe |
20 |
200036 |
Goodwin, Nancy C. |
2 |
20049 |
Goodwin, Richard B. |
2 |
20049 |
Goodwin, Wm. W. |
7 |
70012 |
Gordon, M. |
28.52 |
280312 |
Gore, Albert P. |
24 |
240067 |
Goss, John D. |
4 |
40089 |
Goss, Mary A. |
4 |
40077 |
Gould, Abagail H. |
10 |
100006 |
Gould, A. W. |
10 |
100044 |
Gould, A.W. |
10 |
100001 |
Gould, James S. |
10 |
100004 |
Gould, Jos. H. |
10 |
100002 |
Gould. Martha W. |
10 |
100003 |
Gowdey, Margaret Victoria |
28.51 |
280340 |
Gower, Martha J. and Oliver C. |
16.2 |
160037 |
Graham |
4 |
40018 |
Graham, George |
4 |
40017 |
Graham, George Jr. |
4 |
40019 |
Graham, Andrew |
28.0 |
280413 |
Granger, Ann |
30 |
300016 |
Grant, Mary Ann |
28.1 |
280050 |
Grant. Infant son of Charles & Sophia Grant |
28.51 |
280225 |
Graves, R.W. |
14 |
140017 |
Gray, Oscar |
29.1 |
290161 |
Gray, Oscar |
30 |
300028 |
Green, Elizabeth Hetty |
28.52 |
280322 |
Green, Infant son of A. & E. Green |
20 |
200029 |
Green, Infant son of A. & E. Green |
20 |
200032 Footstone for # 200029 Green, infant son of A. & E. Green |
Green, Jacob |
28.4 |
280473 |
Green, Judith |
17 |
170040 |
Green, Mary |
20 |
200028 |
Green, Rebecca |
20 |
200030 |
Green, Robert W., Jr. |
28.2 |
281116 Replacement tombstone 2018 |
Green, Victoria |
15.2 |
150045 |
Green, Virginia |
29.1 |
290135 |
Green, Sarah McF. |
9 |
90020 |
Green, Thomas |
16.1 |
160153 |
Green, Wm. Bob |
9 |
90020 |
Greene, Thomas |
28.52 |
280323 |
Greenfield, Thomas |
28.1 |
280643 |
Greenfield, Wesley |
28.1 |
280644 |
Greenfield, Fanny |
28.1 |
280642 |
Greenhalgh, S.A. or possibly Greenhalgh, W.W. |
28.2 |
280723 |
Greer, John |
25.2 |
250112 |
Griffice, Durham |
28.52 |
280287 |
Griffice, Maria |
28.52 |
280285 |
Griffice, Nansey |
28.52 |
280288 |
Griffin, Eliza |
24 |
240046 also see #240047 Thomas and Eliza Griffin |
Griffin, Thomas |
24 |
240045 also see #240047 Thomas and Eliza Griffin |
Griffin, Thomas and Eliza |
24 |
240047 Second tombstone for Thomas and Eliza Griffin |
Griffis, Sarah A. |
29.2 |
290097 |
Grizzard, Hulon H. |
28.0 |
280476 |
Grosse, Ludw. |
24 |
240079 |
Grubbs, Malinda |
15.2 |
150162 |
Grundy, Ambrose |
25.2 |
250138 (HS) and 250139 (FS) |
Grundy, Ann |
25.2 |
250137 |
Grundy, Felix |
25.2 |
250136 |
Gugenheim, Mark |
6 |
60006 |
Gunn |
2 |
20006 |
Gunn, Ellis M. |
2 |
20005 |
Gunn, Lyman C. |
2 |
20002 |
Gunn, Sallie Boyd |
2 |
20001 |
Gupton |
11.2 |
110197 |
Gupton, Kate B. |
11.2 |
110196 |
Gupton, Lawrence A. |
11.2 |
110198 |
Gupton, Maggie M. |
11.2 |
110199 |
Gussman, M.C. |
16.1 |
160090 |
Gussman, Phillip J. |
32 |
320006 |
Return to top |
H |
H. |
28.3 |
280507 Footstone for #280505 Harman Infant |
H. |
28.52 |
280223 Base only. Hawkins Lot. Possibly a boundary marker |
H. or D.H. |
28.0 |
280423 Footstone for #280421 David Hughes |
H.A.A. |
28.51 |
280365 Footstone for #280358 Helen Ann Allen |
H.A.R. |
15.2 |
150109 Footstone for #150124 Harriet A. Read |
H.B.M. |
9 |
90023 Footstone for #90025 |
H.C., E.H. |
20 |
200147 |
H.C.H.B. |
9 |
90007 Footstone for #90055 |
H.D. |
28.51 |
280364 Footstone for #280360 Broken Illegible |
H.E. |
28.2 |
280934 Footstone for #280933 Henson Esters |
H.F.T. |
28.2 |
280795 Footstone for #280792 H.F. Trimble |
H.G.H. |
28.0 |
280440 Footstone. H. G. Harman. Research |
H.H.C. |
9 |
90044 Footstone for #90049 |
H.H.G., H.H.F. |
28.0 |
280478 Footstone for #280476 |
H.J. |
28.52 |
280296 Footstone for # 280293 Hugh Jackson |
H.M. |
8 |
No ID# Near #80047 |
H.M. |
12 |
120008 Footstone for #120009 |
H.P. |
24 |
240018 Footstone for #240017 Hattie Parmer |
H.R. |
16.1 |
160156 Footstone for #160157 Henry Reynolds |
H.S. |
20 |
200145 Footstone for #200015 |
H.S.T. |
28.52 |
280094 Footstone for #280090 Henry S. Tarver |
Hadley, Isaac |
32 |
320020 Replacement Tombstone 2016 |
Hager, Henry |
24 |
240051 |
Hagey, Catherine Ault |
28.4 |
280351 |
Hagey, John E. |
28.4 |
280352 |
Hagey, Richard Earl |
28.4 |
281040 |
Haggard, James K. |
29.1 |
290125 |
Haggard, Sarah Emma |
29.1 |
290125 |
Hailey, Martha A. |
14 |
140008 Footstone for #140011 |
Hailey, W. H. |
14 |
140001 Footstone for #140011 |
Hailey, Adda T. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Ader K. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Francis A. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Frances R. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Julia E. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Martha A. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, Quintilla T. C. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, William H. |
14 |
140011 |
Hailey, William Z. |
14 |
140011 |
Halbert, C. B. |
28.52 |
280059 |
Hale, Charles, Infant of |
10 |
100036 |
Hale, Mrs. T. |
13 |
130010 |
Hall, Baby |
29.2 |
290072 |
Hall, Charles B. |
11.1 |
110004 |
Hall, E., Mrs. |
28.2 |
280888 |
Hall, Elihu S. |
25.1 |
250072 |
Hall, Elihu W. & Sophia W. |
25.1 |
250073 |
Hall, John H. |
28.2 |
280889 |
Hall, John, Jr. |
28.51 |
280128 |
Hall, Mary E. |
28.2 |
280890 |
Hall, Matilda A. |
11.1 |
110005 |
Hall, Matilda Ann |
11.1 |
110004 |
Hall, Redding R. |
28.8 |
281098 |
Hall, Sophia or John H. |
17 |
170021 |
Hall, Wm. T. |
11.1 |
110006 |
Hallum, Elizabeth |
19 |
190014 |
Halsell, Jennie |
29.2 |
290025 |
Hamilton, Felix V. |
28.0 |
280390 |
Hamilton, Nancy J. |
16.2 |
160050 |
Hamilton,Thomas |
28.52 |
280095 |
Hampton, Annie May |
9 |
90020 |
Hampton, John W. |
9 |
90020 |
Hanifin, Daniel J. |
11.2 |
110191 |
Hanifin, Sallie M. Gupton |
11.2 |
110190 |
Hanks, Willie B. |
28.2 |
280921 |
Hard, J.F. |
28.0 |
280442 |
Hare, Mary J. Depp |
15.1 |
150027 |
Hare, Iva J. Marlowe |
15.2 |
150168 |
Hargrave, Allen Michael |
28.1 |
280586 |
Harman, Charles C. |
28.3 |
280506 |
Harman, H.G. / Henry Gibben |
28.0 |
280439 |
Harman, infant |
28.3 |
280505 |
Harman, Isabella H. |
19 |
190029 |
Harman, Mary |
28.0 |
280482 |
Harman, Richard D. |
28.0 |
280482 |
Harman, Richard G. |
28.3 |
280383 |
Harman, W. J., Captain |
28.0 |
280435 |
Harper, Elizabeth |
19 |
190116 |
Harris, Dr. A. W. |
1 |
10002 |
Harris, Adam G. |
19 |
190044 |
Harris, Elizabeth Sophronia |
19 |
190049 |
Harris, Emma A. |
19 |
190047 |
Harris, G. W. |
1 |
10001 |
Harris, George |
16.2 |
160056 |
Harris, Georgietta E. Burton |
11.2 |
110216 |
Harris, J. H. |
1 |
10013 |
Harris, Mrs. Mary |
1 |
10013 |
Harris, Mary Adelaide Moore |
28.2 |
280821 |
Harris, Medora F. |
19 |
190048 |
Harris, Peter, Jr. |
29.1 |
290127 |
Harris, Wm. |
19 |
190045 |
Harris, Dr. Wm. Hume |
19 |
190046 |
Harrison, William |
26 |
260041 |
Harsh, L. A. |
6 |
60020 |
Harsh, Magdalena |
6 |
60023 |
Harsh, Philip, Dr. |
6 |
60022 |
Hartman, Delilah Wells |
6 |
60024 |
Hartman, George L. |
6 |
60024 |
Hartshorn, Robert Howell |
19 |
190098 |
Harvey, Lucy A. |
30 |
300021 |
Haslam, C. |
24 |
240058 |
Haslam, Sallie M. |
1 |
10026 |
Haslam, Effie A. |
18 |
180001 |
Haslam, Samuel E. |
18 |
180001 |
Haslam, Sarah H. |
18 |
180001 |
Haslam, Willie W. |
18 |
180001 |
Hauser, Auguste Emille |
28.51 |
280877 |
Hawkins, Abner B. |
28.52 |
280215 |
Hawkins, John F. |
19 |
190113 |
Hawkins, M.T. |
28.52 |
280216 |
Hawkins, Mary Ann R. |
11.2 |
110111 |
Hawkins, Ralph William |
19 |
190112 |
Hawkins, S. |
16.1 |
160072 |
Hawkins, Virginia |
11.2 |
110112 |
Hay, George |
19 |
190105 |
Hay, John G. |
19 |
190106 |
Hayes, Mary C. |
28.51 |
280182 |
Hay, Preston |
19 |
190104 |
Hayes, Roswell P. |
28.51 |
280182 |
Haynes, William Henry |
25.1 |
250009 |
Haynie, Adilade |
13 |
130007 |
Haynie, Calista S. |
13 |
130008 |
Hays, Minerva C. |
19 |
190086 |
Hefferman, William |
2 |
20054 |
Heiss, Mrs. Anna |
16.1 |
160080 |
Helfer, F. W. |
16.2 |
160054 |
Helfer, H. M. C. |
16.2 |
160054 |
Henderson, Adam |
25.1 |
250032 |
Henderson, Adam T. |
25.1 |
250031 |
Henness, Elizabeth J. |
15.2 |
150063 |
Henning, Eliza |
28.52 |
280097 |
Henning, James S. |
28.52 |
280099 |
Henning, Joseph |
28.52 |
280096 |
Henning, Richard Alexander |
28.52 |
280098 |
Hensley, James |
28.51 |
280259 |
Hensley, Meritt S. P. |
18 |
180043 |
Henson, George Howard Jr. |
27 |
270062 |
Henson, Robert F., Sr. |
27 |
270035 |
Hercel, Henry |
28.9 |
280027 |
Herndon, William |
28.4 |
280514 |
Hicks, Alfred H. |
20 |
200124 |
Hicks, Mary |
20 |
200124 |
Higgins, Harriett |
28.4 |
280608 |
Higgins, Rebecca Ann |
29.2 |
290098 |
Hildebrand, Maria M. |
24 |
240074 |
Hill, Emma |
28.52 |
280188 |
Hill, Harry Lee |
20 |
200106 |
Hill, Harry Lee D. |
20 |
200121 |
Hill, Infant son of Jane and Samuel Hill |
28.52 |
280193 |
Hill, J.A. or S. |
28.52 |
280187 |
Hill, J. D. (Family Vault) |
17 |
170001 |
Hill, Jack |
20 |
200091 |
Hill, Mary |
30 |
300022 |
Hill, Mary Catherine |
25.1 |
250069 |
Hill, Mary Sophia |
25.1 |
250068 |
Hill, Rebecca S. |
19 |
190078 |
Hill, Sarah Birchett |
20 |
200094 |
Hill. Infant daughter of Sam & Jane Hill |
28.52 |
280194 |
Hillman, Daniel |
25.1 |
250075 |
Hillman, Elizabeth H. M. |
25.1 |
250074 |
Hilton, Nora |
4 |
40003 |
Hines, Willie R. |
31 |
310018 |
Hobbs, A. D. Mrs. |
11.2 |
110077 |
Hodge, Elizabeth M. |
15.1 |
150038 |
Hodge, Isabella |
2 |
20025 |
Hodge, Sarah Ann |
15.1 |
150034 |
Hodge, William B. |
15.1 |
150034 |
Hogg, Samuel E. |
17 |
170020 |
Hogg, Mary Talbot |
17 |
170019 |
Hogg, Samuel |
17 |
170019 |
Holley, Fred/Creed |
24 |
240002 |
Holley/Hailey, John W. |
25.1 |
250090 |
Holliday, William J. |
28.0 |
280412 |
Hollingsworth, Eliza |
19 |
190034 |
Hollingsworth, Fanny |
19 |
190152 |
Hollowell, J.S. |
3 |
30006 |
Holman, James T. |
19 |
190013 |
Holman, Toy |
19 |
190038 |
Holmes, Eliza R. |
15.1 |
150025 |
Holmes, Phineas |
15.1 |
150025 |
Holmes, Mary Maria Elizabeth |
28.52 |
280309 |
Holt, Bettie |
28.0 |
280452 |
Hood, Chesley, Captain |
1 |
10085 |
Hood, J. G. |
5 |
50021 |
Hood, Joseph |
5 |
50003 |
Hood, Julia Ann Foster |
29.2 |
290078 |
Hood, Sarah Ann |
5 |
50027 |
Hood, Sarah L. Read |
15.2 |
150143 |
Hooper, James |
1 |
10003 |
Hopkins, Abraham and T.D. |
28.4 |
280380 |
Horace |
21 |
No ID# On step of #210009 |
Horn, Clarissa Hartley |
28.1 |
280542 |
Horn, Frederick |
28.1 |
280543 |
Horn, Jane B. |
28.1 |
280548 |
Horn, Jesse |
8 |
80114 |
Horn, Joseph H. |
28.1 |
280553 |
Horn, Martelia |
31 |
310011 |
Horn, Mary E. |
28.2 |
280827 |
Horn, Nancy Alvina |
28.2 |
280826 |
Horn, Nancy F. |
28.1 |
280544 |
Horn, Williamson Hartley |
28.1 |
280545 |
Horton, Joseph W. |
25.2 |
250100 |
Horton, Sophia W. Davis |
25.2 |
250100 |
Hossbein, D., Capt. |
24 |
240035 |
Hotten, Margaret |
2 |
20056 |
Houchins, Mary Elizabeth |
27 |
270042 |
Hough |
8 |
80131 |
Hough, Ellen Douglas Anderson |
8 |
80110 |
Hough, Joseph Hart |
8 |
80111 |
Hough, Joseph Hart, Jr. |
8 |
80115 |
Hough, Margaret Wilson |
8 |
80132 |
Hough, Sarah Frances |
8 |
80137 |
Hough, Thomas J. |
8 |
80135 |
Hough, Virginia |
8 |
80116 |
Houser, John G. |
24 |
240029 |
Houston, James B. |
28.51 |
280181 |
Howard, Harlan Perry |
20 |
200150 |
Howard, Mary M. |
11.1 |
110007 |
Howard, Porter F. |
2 |
20009 |
Howell, Alice A. |
28.4 |
280463 |
Howell, Demandy |
25.1 |
250085 |
Howell, James L. |
28.4 |
280462 |
Howell, Birdie |
28.4 |
280465 |
Howell, Willie |
28.4 |
280465 |
Hoy, A. |
1 |
10018 |
Hubbard, Rebecca S. |
28.2 |
280967 |
Hudgins, James S. |
19 |
190065 |
Huff, Ann R. Hume |
28.51 |
280370 |
Hughes, Andrew J. |
28.0 |
280422 |
Hughes, David |
28.0 |
280421 |
Hull, Lawrence, Jr. |
28.2 |
280843 |
Hull, Lizzie |
1 |
10023 |
Hulse, Abram V. |
2 |
20081 |
Hume, Alfred |
28.2 |
280955 |
Hume, Alfred |
28.2 |
280957 |
Hume, Earle |
28.2 |
280951 |
Hume, John Orr |
28.2 |
280951 |
Hume, Edward Bradford |
28.2 |
280954 |
Hume, Jesse W., Rev. |
28.51 |
280850 |
Hume, Joseph B. |
28.2 |
280848 |
Hume, Rebecca A. |
28.2 |
280848 |
Hume, Louisa H. |
28.2 |
280958 |
Hume, Mary E. |
28.2 |
280956 |
Hume, Rachel Jackson |
28.51 |
280851 |
Hume, Rebecca Mrs. |
28.2 |
280959 |
Hume, William, Rev. |
28.2 |
280949 |
Hummer, Ann Brown |
16.2 |
160001 |
Hummer, Charles Breckinridge |
16.2 |
160001 |
Hummer, C. W. |
16.2 |
160001 |
Hundley, George R. |
20 |
200041 |
Hundley, Laura Jane |
20 |
200151 |
Hundley, Robert M. |
20 |
200042 |
Hundley, Robert Martin |
20 |
200043 same as # 200042 |
Hunt, Addie |
12 |
120014 |
Hunt, Sarah W. |
12 |
120015 |
Hunt, William G. |
28.51 |
280271 |
Hunter, Mary |
27 |
270041 |
Hunter, Matilda |
27 |
270040 |
Hurry, Eliza J. |
28.1 |
280591 |
Hurst, James |
28.4 |
280040 |
Hurt, Harriet E. |
15.2 |
150082 |
Hurt, Lucy Ann W. |
15.2 |
150088 |
Huss, Georgia McGarr |
16.2 |
160003 |
Huss, Julius Otto |
16.2 |
160003 |
Hutchison, Anna M. |
14 |
140019 |
Hynes, Andrew |
25.2 |
250092 |
Hynes, Ann |
25.2 |
250092 |
Hynes, Andrew |
25.2 |
250093 |
Hynes, Ann |
25.2 |
250093 |
Hynes, Laura |
25.2 |
250093 |
Return to top |
I |
I.B. |
15.2 |
150114 Footstone for #150119 Idia Batemen |
I.C.B. |
2 |
20050 Footstone for #20051 |
I.S. |
28.51 |
280125 Footstone for #280126 Ira Stout |
I.W.C. |
25.1 |
250006 Footstone for #250007 |
Ignatz, Annie |
16.2 |
160023 |
Ignatz, Clara |
16.2 |
160023 |
Ignatz, Frank |
16.2 |
160023 |
Ignatz, Julius |
16.2 |
160023 |
Ignatz |
16.2 |
160024 Footstone for #160023 |
Imes, Mable (Mabel) Lewis |
30 |
300009 |
Irwin, A. R. |
28.51 |
280814 Footstone for #280813 |
Irwin, Alexander Ramsey |
28.51 |
280813 |
Irwin, David |
28.51 |
280854 |
Irwin, Mary |
28.51 |
280854 |
Irwin, Henry Barclay |
28.51 |
280810 |
Irwin, James |
28.51 |
280331 |
Irwin, Robert |
15.2 |
150128 |
Return to top |
J |
J. |
28.0 |
280416 Footstone for #280415 Jobe, Infant son of John and Jane Jobe |
J. |
28.2 |
280734 Footstone for #280731 Jackson, Infant son of B.H. and J. Ann Jackson |
J.A. |
26 |
260050 Footstone for #260051 Jennie Adcock |
J.A.B. |
6 |
60008 Footstone for #60007 Biggs, John A. |
J.A.B. |
9 |
90008 Footstone for #90056 |
J.A.C. |
3 |
30009 Footstone for #30034 John Allen Couch |
J.A.D. |
11.2 |
110202 Footstone. James A. Doughty. Research |
J.A.D. |
28.1 |
280580 Footstone for #280578 James Arthur Diggons |
J.A.H. or S.H. |
28.52 |
280190 Footstone for #280187 Jane Ann Hill or S. Hill |
J.A.L. |
16.1 |
160137 Footstone for #160138 |
J.A.S. |
2 |
20033 Footstone for J. Arnold Sandhouse |
J.A.S. |
10 |
100022 Footstone for #100026 James A. Smith |
J.A.S. |
28.52 |
280318 Footstone for #280316 James A. Shirley |
J.B. |
19 |
190154 Footstone for #190151 |
J.B. |
27 |
270013 Footstone for #270015 |
J.B. |
15.2 |
150054 Footstone for Julia Bolton #150051 |
J.B.C. |
27 |
270026 |
J.B.H. |
28.51 |
280179 Footstone for #280181 |
J.B.J. |
12 |
120007 No documentation |
J.B.P., W.E.M. |
25.2 |
250127 Footstone for #250091 James B. Pettit and W.E. McAllister |
J.B.S. |
28.1 |
280983 Foot of box tomb for #280623 John B. Stevens |
J.C. |
9 |
90035 Footstone for John Cotton |
J.C.R. |
28.52 |
280081 Footstone for #280076 J.C. Robinson |
J.D. |
4 |
40041 Footstone for #40035 John Duncan |
J.D. |
20 |
200140 Footstone for #200139 Joseph Dorris |
J.D.L.H./Unknown |
25.1 |
250057 Possibly a footstone for #250053 Jno. De La Hay |
J.D.N. |
28.52 |
280144 Footstone. J. D. Newell. Research |
J.D.T. |
28.2 |
280794 Footstone for #280793 J.D. Trimble |
J.E. |
11.2 |
110084 Footstone for #110082 |
J.E. |
1 |
10016 Footstone for #10014 James Edmondson |
J.E.G. |
4 |
40040 Footstone for #40034 Thomas & Jane Gilliam |
J.E.N. |
28.51 |
280920 Footstone. Julia Elizabeth Napier. Research |
J.E.T. |
14 |
140028 Footstone for Julia E. Turner |
J.F. |
16.1 |
160095 Footstone for #150158 John Frasch |
J.F.H. |
28.0 |
280443 Footstone for #280442 J.F. Hard |
J.F.W. |
3 |
30005 Footstone for #30006 James F. Warren |
J.G.D. |
28.52 |
280302 Footstone for #280301 |
J.G.G. |
18 |
180055 |
J.G.M. |
24 |
240005 Footstone for #240083 John G. Merriman |
J.G.N. |
10 |
100011 Footstone for #100010 John G. Napier |
J.H. |
28.51 |
280129 Footstone #280128 |
J.H.C. |
9 |
90047 Footstone for #90048 |
J.H.C. |
28.52 |
280325 Footstone for #280324 J.H. Corbitt |
J.H.G. |
10 |
100019 Footstone for #100002 Jos. H. Gould |
J.H.G. |
15.2 |
150152 |
J.H.H. |
28.1 |
280552 Footstone for #280553 |
J.H.M. |
8 |
80152 Footstone for #80045 |
J.H.R. |
28.52 |
280300 |
J.H.S. |
9 |
90057 Footstone for #90006 |
J.H.W. |
28.52 |
280214 Footstone for #280213 Julia H. Willis |
J.I.D. |
28.0 |
280428 Footstone for #280417 |
J.J. |
28.2 |
280691 Footstone for #280690 J. Johnson (Section 28.1) |
J.J. |
28.52 |
280298 Footstone for #280297 John Jackson |
J.J.C. |
9 |
90022 Footstone for #90021 |
J.L. |
28.52 |
280070 Footstone for #280069 Joseph Litton, Jr. |
J.L.M. |
28.51 |
280871 Footstone for #280863 James Law McLaughlin |
J.L.R. |
28.52 |
280082 Footstone for #280075 J.L. Robinson |
J.K.B. |
28.9 |
280012 Footstone for #280019 |
J.K.E. and M.E. |
11.2 |
110179 Footstone for #110175 |
J.K.P. |
25.2 |
Replacement marker for James K. Polk |
J.L.D. W.N.D. |
20 |
200138 Footstones for #200129 |
J.L.E. |
28.51 |
280264 Footstone for #280263 |
J.L.G. |
28.52 |
280282 Footstone. J. L. Green. Research |
J.L.McC. |
28.4 |
280347 |
J.M. |
8 |
80037 Footstone for #80036 |
J.M. |
8 |
80031 Footstone for #80048 |
J.M. |
19 |
190129 Footstone for #190130 John McIntire |
J.M., A.M. |
28.0 |
280398 Footstone for #280399 Abraham McIntire and James McIntire |
J.M.A. |
18 |
180039 Footstone for James M. Anderson #180036 |
J.M.B. J.B. |
29.2 |
290093 Footstone. Jas. M. & Jas. Bledsoe. Research |
J.M.C. |
28.2 |
280930 Footstone for #280926 James McDaniel Collier |
J.M.S. |
19 |
190060 Footstone. Jane M. Seay. Research |
J.McN.F. |
14 |
140014 Footstone for #140012 |
J.N. |
28.51 |
280180 Footstone for #280173 Josiah Nichol, Jr. |
J.N.M. |
16.1 |
160088 Footstone for #160085 |
J.N.S. |
13 |
130016 Footstone. John Nicholas Slade. Research |
J.O.C. |
28.1 |
280551 Footstone. Jas. O. Cantrell. Research |
J.O.H. |
16.2 |
160160 Footstone for #160003 |
J.P. |
15.1 |
150006 Footstone ofr #150005 Joseph Parker |
J.P. |
28.0 |
280432 Footstone. J. Parrish. Research |
J.P. |
28.0 |
280486 Footstone for #280485 |
J.P.M. |
8 |
No ID# Near #80138 |
J.R.B. |
28.1 |
280674 Footstone for #280675 |
J.R.B. |
25.1 |
250056 Footstone for #250051 Janey R. Brown |
J.R.C. |
9 |
90029 Footstone for 90031 |
J.R.C. |
28.2 |
280763 Footstone for #280762 |
J.R. & C.R. |
13 |
130030 Footstone for #130029 John & Catherine Roser |
J.S. |
3 |
30010 Footstone for #30011 Joshua Smith |
J.S. |
28.2 |
280842 Footstone for #280841 |
J.S.G. |
10 |
100017 Footstone for #100004 James S. Gould |
J.S.H. |
3 |
30004 Footstone for #30006 J.S. Hollowell |
J.T. |
24 |
240014 Footstone for #240015 |
J.T. |
25.1 |
250034 Footstone for #250033 Jonathan Thomas |
J.T. |
28.2 |
280924 Footstone for #280892 |
J.T.C.W |
19 |
190081 Footstone for #190082 |
J.T.K. |
28.9 |
280025 Footstone for #280023 |
J.W. |
2 |
20020 Footstone for #20022 |
J.W. |
3 |
30032 On ID Map located in Section 2 near #20011 |
J.W. |
16.2 |
160038 Footstone for #160039 |
J.W. |
25.1 |
250037 Footstone for #250035 Mrs. J. Wright |
J.W. |
28.1 |
280584 Footstone for #280582 |
J.W. |
28.3 |
280382 Footstone for #280381 Julia Work |
J.W. |
28.51 |
280363 Footstone for #280361 Jane Wilkinson |
J.W.A. |
8 |
80148 Footstone for #80146 |
J.W.C. |
19 |
190156 Footstone. Jacob W. Colladay. Research |
J.W.C. |
28.0 |
280498 Footstone. John W. Couch. Research |
J.W.E. |
28.2 |
280972 Footstone for #280971 |
J.W.F. |
4 |
40058 Footstone for #40059 Captain J. W. Felts |
J.W.G. |
29.2 |
290053 Footstone for #290050 |
J.W.C. |
28.2 |
280700 Footstone |
J.W.M. |
28.2 |
280941 “J.W.M.” on 1908 City Cemetery Plat |
J.W.P. |
11.1 |
110017 Footstone for #110015 Jessee W. Price |
J.W.S. |
28.1 |
280668 |
J.W.W. |
26 |
260057 Footstone for #260055 |
J.Y. |
11.1 |
110065 Footstone of Bed Tomb for #110062 John Yeatman |
Jack |
27 |
270048 |
Jackson |
4 |
40050 |
Jackson, Alice M. |
20 |
200078 |
Jackson, Alicia Frances |
28.52 |
280292 |
Jackson, Andrew Bell |
28.52 |
280291 |
Jackson, Daniel B. |
28.1 |
280685 |
Jackson, Howard H. |
4 |
40054 |
Jackson, Hugh |
28.52 |
280293 |
Jackson, James |
31 |
310007 |
Jackson, John |
28.52 |
280297 |
Jackson, John A. |
4 |
40053 |
Jackson, John D. |
4 |
40038 |
Jackson, Margr (broken) |
29.2 |
290020 |
Jackson, Mary W. |
28.1 |
280689 |
Jackson, Sarah Duncan |
4 |
40052 |
Jackson. Infant son of B. H. & J. Ann Jackson |
28.2 |
280731 |
James, Elizabeth |
24 |
240024 |
James, Orville N. |
1 |
10029 |
Jefferson, John R. |
18 |
180031 |
Jenkins, Alexander |
2 |
20053 |
Jenkins, David |
28.7 |
280032 |
Jennings, J. Wm. H. |
29.1 |
290111 |
Jennings, J. K. P. |
29.1 |
290114 |
Jennings, William H. |
29.1 |
290114 |
Jennings, Maria F. |
29.1 |
290116 |
Jennings, Obadiah, Rev. |
28.51 |
280740 |
Jennings, Wm. H. |
29.1 |
290115 |
Jernigan, Alice Hoffman |
28.0 |
280438 |
Jernigan, George William |
28.0 |
280436 |
Jernigan, Joseph Oscar |
28.0 |
280437 |
Jewett, Lydia C. |
19 |
190075 |
Jobe. Infant son of John & Jane Jobe |
28.0 |
280415 |
Jobe, Wm. J. and Infant |
28.0 |
280400 |
Johnson, Albert |
28.9 |
280022 |
Johnson, Andrew |
2 |
20015 |
Johnson, Anthony W., Jr. |
18 |
180011 |
Johnson, Bailey, Captain |
28.2 |
281090 |
Johnson, Bushrod R., General |
12 |
120017 |
Johnson, Bushrod R., General |
12 |
120020 Historical Marker |
Johnson, Charles |
16.1 |
160142 |
Johnson, Elizabeth |
16.2 |
160051 |
Johnson, Elizabeth S. |
18 |
180011 |
Johnson, J. |
28.1 |
280690 |
Johnson, Mary A.C. |
24 |
240078 |
Johnson, Mary E. |
12 |
120004 |
Johnson, Nicholas H. |
18 |
180011 |
Johnson, Parnel, Miss |
28.2 |
280710 |
Johnson, Sarah C. |
9 |
90002 |
Johnson, Sarah C. A. |
16.1 |
160143 |
Johnson, W. A. (Mausoleum) |
4 |
40022 |
Jones, Cabber |
13 |
130017 |
Jones, Catharine |
25.1 |
250083 |
Jones, Celia Page |
23 |
230014 |
Jones, Annie L. |
3 |
30001 |
Jones, Eliza McDonald |
23 |
230014 |
Jones, Green Lee |
3 |
30001 |
Jones, James Henry |
23 |
230012 |
Jones, Joysey |
16.2 |
160041 |
Jones, Lela, |
23 |
230015 |
Jones, Lillie Harrison |
27 |
270052 |
Jones, Lula |
23 |
230015 |
Jones, Louiza C. |
23 |
230011 |
Jones, Allen |
20 |
200055 |
Jones, Andrew J. |
20 |
200054 |
Jones, Preston B. |
20 |
200053 |
Jones, Sophia |
25.1 |
250084 |
Jones, Thompson |
28.8 |
281099 |
Jones, Mary A. Burton |
11.2 |
110217 |
Jones, W. F. |
11.2 |
110217 |
Jones, William H. |
19 |
190071 |
Jones, William L. |
23 |
230013 |
Jones, Young B. |
23 |
230014 |
Jonte, Frederick |
10 |
100033 |
Jonte, Peter |
28.51 |
280876 |
Julus, Oscar |
24 |
240040 |
Return to top |
K |
K.M. |
15.1 |
150003 Footstone for #150002 Kate Manning |
K.O. |
16.1 |
160115 Footstone for #160114 Kyrn O’Bryan |
K.W.A. |
8 |
80147 Footstone for #80146 |
Kaiser, Marcus |
16.2 |
160055 |
Kane, John |
5 |
50030 |
Kelley, Margaret G. |
8 |
80121 |
Kelly, Elizabeth |
16.2 |
160030 |
Kelly, Mary Jane Blankenship |
15.2 |
150169 |
Kelly, Patrick Benjamin |
15.2 |
150169 |
Kendrick, James H. |
3 |
30028 |
Kendrick, Fluker |
3 |
30029 |
Kendrick, Sarah Fluker |
3 |
30029 |
Kendrick, Sarah H. |
3 |
30027 |
Kerr, Samuel |
28.8 |
281100 |
Kesterson/Hesterson, Hazard |
28.8 |
281101 |
Kezer, Timothy |
8 |
80021 |
Kimbrough, Araminta C. |
28.9 |
280023 |
Kimbrough, Joseph T. |
28.9 |
280023 |
King, Alexander |
28.51 |
280713 |
King, Robert |
15.2 |
150058 |
King, Sarah K. |
29.1 |
290180 |
Kingsley, Alpha, Captain |
28.51 |
280240 |
Kingsley, A.H. |
28.51 |
280227 |
Kingsley, William Bissell |
28.51 |
280242 |
Kinnard, Marvin Cecil |
23 |
230022 |
Kinnard, Ruth Marlin |
23 |
230022 |
Kirby, Irwin Gillis |
28.2 |
280830 |
Kirby, John M. |
28.2 |
280833 |
Kirby, L. Powell |
28.2 |
280830 |
Kirby, Mr. |
28.2 |
280832 |
Kirby, Susanna C. |
28.2 |
280834 |
Kirby, William Bell |
28.2 |
280830 |
Kirk, Pamilla Ann |
18 |
180056 |
Kirkman, Elizabeth |
11.1 |
110045 |
Kirkman, Ellen |
11.1 |
110045 |
Kirkpatrick, Malvina |
28.0 |
280391 |
Kleiser,.George S. |
27 |
270045 |
Kleiser, James Ely |
27 |
270045 |
Kleiser, Joseph Henry |
27 |
270046 |
Klooz, Henry and Louisa |
13 |
130011 |
Knapp, James M. |
10 |
100030 |
Knapp, Julia T. |
10 |
100029 |
Knowles, Celest |
28.8 |
280028 |
Knowles, R. L. |
28.8 |
280028 |
Knowles, Mary T. |
19 |
190055 |
Knox, James Adams |
9 |
90039 |
Kuhn, Mary A. |
24 |
240020 |
Kyle, James |
28.1 |
280595 See also #280607 |
Kyle, James |
28.1 |
280607 |
Kyle, Josephine Smith |
28.1 |
280594 See also#280607 |
Kyle, Josephine Smith |
28.1 |
280607 |
Return to top |
L |
L.A.H., M.L.L. |
30 |
300018 Footstone. Lucy A. Harvey. Emily Harvey |
L.B. |
20 |
200104 Footstone for #200108 Luvenia Birchett |
L.B. |
28.2 |
280894 Footstone for #280884 Luther Bigelow, M.D. |
L.C.C.M. |
9 |
90013 Footstone for Leroy C. C. Merritt #90015 |
L.D. |
16.1 |
160117 |
L.D.B. |
19 |
190016 Footstone for #190015 |
L.E.B. |
11.1 |
110018 Footstone for #110019 |
L.E.D. |
20 |
200143 Footstone for #200016 |
L.F.L .& L.L.L. |
16.2 |
160016 |
L.F.S. |
29.2 |
290082 Footstone for #290086 |
L.J.H. |
20 |
200040 Footstone for #200151 Laura Jane Hundley |
L.H. |
1 |
10010 Footstone for #10023 Lizzie Hull |
L.H. |
28.2 |
280867 Footstone for #280843 Lawrence Hull |
L.H.D. |
28.51 |
280338 Footstone for #280339 |
L.J.S. |
16.1 |
160148 Footstone for #160149 Leander J. Sweeney |
L.L.C. |
28.2 |
280979 Footstone for #280969 |
L.M. |
4 |
40006 Footstone for #40005 Sallie and Laura Martin |
L.M. |
28.51 |
280230 Footstone for #280226 |
L.M. |
3 |
30007 Footstone for #30036 Lee Malone |
L.M.H.S. |
8 |
80105 Footstone for #80107 |
L.M.L./Unknown |
25.1 |
250058 Possibly a footstone for #250054 Luke M. Lyon |
L.M.S. |
19 |
190115 |
L.P.E. |
19 |
190100 Footstone for #190094 Lillie P. East |
L.S.A. |
28.51 |
280329 Footstone for #280328 Lemuel S. Ament |
L.W. |
28.52 |
280109 Footstone for #280110 |
L.W. |
28.52 |
281011 Footstone for #280195 Lewis Wetzel |
L.Y. |
11.1 |
110063 Footstone for #110060 Louisa Yeatman |
La Zear, Emma Moulton |
2 |
20046 |
Ladie |
10 |
100043 Footstone for #100042 |
Laird, James A. |
25.2 |
250107 |
Lamb, Douglas |
13 |
130027 |
Lamb, Annie |
13 |
130020 |
Langford, Henry |
29.1 |
290164 |
Langley, Edna Farish |
8 |
80040 |
Langley, James |
8 |
80039 |
Langley, James Henry |
8 |
80040 |
Langley, Joan |
8 |
80157 |
Lanier, Edmund, Rev. |
28.52 |
280221 |
Lanier, Emma |
28.51 |
280154 |
Lanier, Frances G. |
28.52 |
280222 |
Lanier, Isaac H. |
27 |
270001 |
Lanier, William H. |
11.2 |
110086 |
Lapsley, Catherine Rutherford |
19 |
190010 |
Lapsley, Joseph W. |
19 |
190011 |
Lassiter, Dora Hughes |
28.0 |
280422 |
Latimer, Jane A. |
16.1 |
160138 |
Laurent, A., Dr. |
28.1 |
280679 |
Laurent, Theresa B. |
28.1 |
280679 |
Law, Sophia |
28.1 |
280648 |
Lawrence, Benj. Rush |
28.2 |
280882 |
Lawrence, Risley P. |
28.2 |
280882 |
Lawrence, C. A. |
16.2 |
160018 |
Lawrence, Charles C. P. |
28.2 |
280885 |
Lawrence, Emma |
16.2 |
160017 |
Lawrence, Emmer Lavinia |
23 |
230042 |
Lawrence, Mary |
28.2 |
280887 |
Lawrence, Nancy Pomeroy |
28.2 |
280881 |
Lawrence, P. F. |
16.2 |
160015 |
Lawrence, Robert B. |
16.2 |
160020 |
Lawrence, Wm. Pitt, Dr. |
28.2 |
280881 |
Leake, Sarah |
28.52 |
280089 |
Lehmann, Anna |
16.2 |
160062 |
Lehmann, Anna H. |
16.2 |
160062 |
Lehmann, J. Albert |
16.2 |
160062 |
Lehmann, Louise |
16.2 |
160063 |
Lehmann, Mary |
16.2 |
160063 |
Lester, Andrew J. |
19 |
190155 |
Lesueur, Mary Mariah |
29.1 |
290129 |
Levin, Ann C. Hays |
28.1 |
280573 |
Levy, Henry |
8 |
80032 |
Levy, Jennie |
9 |
90050 |
Levy, John |
9 |
90050 |
Levy, Julia Ann |
8 |
80033 |
Lewis, Augustus |
30 |
300004 |
Lewis, Col. Joel |
7 |
70001 |
Lewis, Emily |
30 |
300019 |
Lewis, Mary Halbert |
28.2 |
281023 |
Lincoln, Elizabeth |
11.2 |
110226 |
Lincoln, Georgianna |
11.2 |
110225 |
Lincoln, William |
11.2 |
110224 |
Lindville, Mrs. |
29.1 |
290122 |
Lindsley, Hannah |
31 |
310014 |
Linert, Mary |
17 |
170023 |
Little Grace |
16.1 |
160084 |
Little Harry |
16.1 |
160082 |
Little Lula |
23 |
230021 |
Littlefield, Edward B. |
28.51 |
280137 |
Littlefield, Sampson |
32 |
320011 |
Litton, A. H. |
28.52 |
280068 |
Litton, Catherine Warren |
28.52 |
280072 |
Litton, Catherine Warren |
28.52 |
281034 (replacement tombstone) |
Litton, Jacob A. |
28.52 |
280067 |
Litton, Joseph, Jr. |
28.52 |
280069 Died 1841 |
Litton, Joseph |
28.52 |
280073 Died 1846 |
Litton, Joseph |
28.52 |
281035 (Died 1846 – replacement tombstone) |
Litton, Rebecca |
28.52 |
280071 |
Livingston, John |
11.2 |
110200 |
Livingston, Rachel |
28.51 |
280165 |
Lockalier, Major Jeffrey |
28.4 |
281027 |
Lockett, John Bell |
27 |
270014 |
Lockhart, Mary |
25.1 |
250081 |
Loman, Jonathan |
28.2 |
280728 |
Loman, M. |
28.2 |
280729 |
Loman, William |
28.2 |
280728 |
Lomas, Georgianna |
20 |
200079 |
Lomas, Mary Amelia and Charlie |
20 |
200082 |
London |
No ID# |
Long, Philip W. |
27 |
270038 |
Long, Robert |
20 |
200011 |
Longinotti, Albert |
2 |
20031 |
Longinotti, Augustine |
2 |
20031 |
Longinotti, Charles |
2 |
20085 |
Longinotti, James Polk |
2 |
20085 |
Loomis, Archer H. (Archie) |
3 |
30015 |
Loomis, Solomon H. |
3 |
30015 |
Louisa |
28.2 |
280868 Footstone for #280866 |
Love, Charles I. |
29.1 |
290184 |
Love, Frances Peyton |
29.1 |
290185 |
Love, Henry I. |
29.1 |
290186 |
Loving, Ruth Fletcher |
11.2 |
110098 |
Lovisson, Francis |
24 |
240052 |
Lowrey, Ruthey |
30 |
300025 |
Lucas, Garland G. |
28.8 |
281102 |
Luck, Flora M. |
4 |
40033 |
Luck, Gaytha Allen |
4 |
40091 |
Luck, Robert W. |
4 |
40033 |
Luster, T. J., Dr. |
28.1 |
280647 |
Lynch, John Bowman |
19 |
190077 |
Lyon, Luke K. |
25.1 |
250054 |
Lyon/Lyons, James R./P. |
26 |
260044 |
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