Corbitt, John C.
Corbitt, RachelSection 15.2ID # 150098
Our Father and Mother
John Corbitt
Oct. 24, 1790
Nov. 8, 1862
Rachel Corbitt
Wife of
John Corbitt
July 9, 1794
April 18, 1871
City Cemetery lot purchased by John Corbitt, April 28, 1847
Interment Book: 4-19-1871 Rachel Corbitt, widow of John Corbitt, deceased
1909 Alphabetical List or (Smith) Inscriptions: Not Listed
Garrett (1971 Inscriptions: Same as 2017
Research Report. Fletch Coke. 7-12-2017
CLICK HERE Obituary for Rachel Corbitt
Corbitt Family History
John Corbitt, 60 years, was listed with his wife Rachel as residents of South Nashville in the U.S. Census of 1850. His occupation was listed as Gardener. Nashville City Directory 1857 listed “John Corbitt, Gardener, Maple Street, South Nashville.” John Corbitt was listed as Justice of the Peace in the U.S. Census 1860. Each Census listed John’s place of birth as Tennessee and Rachel’s as North Carolina. John Corbitt died on November 8, 1862, as inscribed on his tombstone. Nashville was occupied by the Federal Army in February 1862. According to the account in the MTGS Magazine 2016 (see link below) John Corbitt was attacked by Federal soldiers who were attempting to steal his cow and calf and “was buried in the Cherry street Cemetery on Sunday” following the attack. His burial was not listed in the City Cemetery Interment Books indicating he may have been buried by the Undertaker employed by the Federal Army. No newspaper death notice has been found. City Cemetery is located on 4th Avenue South which was known as Cherry Street in 1862. The Corbitt tombstone was placed after 1908.
An excellent article by Chuck Sherrill, State Librarian, found in the Middle Tennessee Journal of Genealogy & History 2016, mentions John and Rachel Corbitt toward the end of the piece.
CLICK HERE to read about the family links to the Corbitts.