Wm. Harris – Tombstone Inscription

Harris, Wm.
Section 19
ID # 190045 

Wm. Harris
June 10, 1808
April 6, 1846

Though death ___ may still
That pure warm heart
With which our own
Hand is united
Yet love ___ must
Memory embalms
The form which death
Has blighted

“A. Heiman, Arch.”
(Worn away. Possible inscription)

1908 Plat: William Harris 1808-1846
         Section 19 EP Lot 7
Smith (1908) Name & Dates only

Interment Book: 4-8-1846 William Harris
        Age 38. Ex Alderman

Recorded 2005
Resurveyed 2-6-2013

Monument designed by Adolphus Heiman

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After 2009 Restoration

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