Sandhouse Family – Tombstone Inscription

Sandhouse, Caroline E.
Sandhouse, Jno. B.
Sandhouse, Wm. E.
Sandhouse, Mary C.E.
Section 2
ID # 20023

Caroline E. Sandhouse
Jno. B. Sandhouse
Wm. E. Sandhouse
Mary C.E. Sandhouse

Tombstone Inscriptions worn away

1908 Plat: Sandhouse names
listed beside the family marker
in Section 2 Lot 16.

Lot Card. Lot bought by
by Arnold J. Sandhouse on
December 2, 1847. He was
father of these four children:

Smith (1908) & Garrett (1971):
Caroline E. Sandhouse
John B. Sandhouse
Wm. E. Sandhouse
Mary C.E. Sandhouse

Survey Visit: 8-4-2014

footstone for M. Lucia Sandhouse
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