Cowan, John R. Obituaries. John R. Cowan Republican Banner We are pained to announce the decease of this well-known citizen of Edgefield, who died at his residence in that place, of consumption. The disease which terminated his existence, was contracted during the Mexican war, through which he served with gallantry as a volunteer. No man was more respected or beloved by the community in which he lived. As a merchant and Justice of the Peace he was honest and impartial, while in his private relations he was kind and liberal in the extreme. By his death Edgefield sustains a loss of one of her best citizens. A meeting of officers of the Camp of Pale Faces to which the deceased belonged will be held at Dr. Brigg’s office to-night, with a view to making arrangements to attend the funeral.
Republican Banner The remains of the late John R. Cowan, Esq., of Edgefield, escorted by the Orders of Free and Accepted Masons and Red Men, were committed to a vault in the City Cemetery last Friday. The funeral procession was headed by the Odd Fellows’ silver cornet band, which discoursed music mournfully appropriate to the occasion. |
After 2009 Restoration
Cowan Plot |