Mary Elizabeth Neal – Tombstone Inscription


Neal, Mary Elizabeth
Section 28.0
ID # 280404 

To the Memory of
Mary Elizabeth daughter of
R. P. and C. R. Neal, who departed
This life the 21st of June 1833
Aged 1 year 9 months and 17 days 

Angels shall guard thy lovely clay
and �round thee mighty vigil keep
t�il Heaven and Earth shall pass away
and wake thee from thy gentle sleep
there from the dust thy infant born
shall rise renewed in beauty�s bloom
to hail with joy the glorious morn
then Christ shall burst the mould �ring tomb. 

1908 Plat: Mary E. Neal Died 1833
                Section 28 B
Recorded 2005 with Addition (Smith 1908 & Garrett)

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After 2009 Restoration

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