Mary A. Temple – Tombstone Inscription

Temple, Mary A.
Section 28.0
ID # 281029

Mary A. Temple
  (Top of tombstone broken off)
…  Paradise

1909 List: Mary A. Temple Section 28 B Lot 2
                Lot owner W.L. Parker
1908 Plat: Mary A. Temple 1866-1884
1908 (Smith): Mary A. Temple 1866-1884
1971 (Garrett): Mary A. Temple 1866-1884
Interment Book:  4-2-1884  Mary Ann Temple 
                18 Years
                Grave on W.L. Parker lot

Base of Tombstone re-set in 2009
Additions to inscription from records inbold.

Recorded & Photographed 11-22-2010

After 2008 Restoration

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