Jerry Porterfield – Tombstone Inscriptions

Porterfield, Jerry

Section 31

ID # 310015


Jerry Porterfield

Age 78 Years

Faithful Servant.

Honorable Man.

By His Master

C. D. Elliott


1908 Plat: Jerry Porterfield  By C. D. Elliott
                Section 31
Garrett (1971): Jerry Porterfield 78 Faithful
                servant. Erected by C. D. Elliott
Interment Book: July 12, 1859  Jerry 78 Years  A fall from Buggy
                Slave to Rev. C. D. Elliott

Tombstone was re-located to its original site in Section 31 during 2010.

Recorded & Photographed 11-22-2010


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After 2009 Restoration

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