Laura and Mamie Perry – Tombstone Inscription


Perry, Laura
Perry, Mamie
Section 9
ID # 90052


(Inscriptions worn away
 except for �Children of
 James and Sallie Perry�) 

Laura Perry
Sept. 26, 1879
June 6, 1883 

Mamie Perry
March 18, 1881
June 15, 1883 

Children of James and Sallie Perry


1908 Plat: Laura Perry
                Mamie Perry
                Section 9 Lot 3
1909 List: Lot owner James Perry
Interment Index: 6-8-1883 Lena Perry
                          6-17-1883 Mamie Perry
Recorded 2005 with Additions (Smith 1908)

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After 2009 Restoration

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