Doughty, George
I agree that the two George Doughtys are one and the same, shown by the original and restored tombstones. [ID #280357 and ID #280356] Helen Foley Doughty site location: I believe that Helen’s gravesite is located in Section 28 SE on the 1908 Map. According to this map, Lot 106a has three gravesites — Top: J.E. or J.F. Wilkinson —-/1840; Middle: J. Wilkinson 1916 – 1840, Bottom: H. Doughty, 1782 – 1832 and I suggest that this third site is that of Helen Foley Doughty, wife of George Doughty. A further explanation of the graves located in Lot 106a: Lydia Jane Wilkinson, 1916-1840, was a daughter of George and Helen Foley Doughty. She married James Wilkinson, 29 April, 1839, Davidson County, Tennessee. I suggest that Jane Wilkinson is the “J” Wilkinson 1916-1840, whose tombstone appears in the middle of Lot 106a. I do not believe the J.E. or J.F. Wilkinson, who also died 1840 and is located just above her, is her husband but is likely her infant. The H. Doughty just below is her mother, Helen Foley Doughty, wife of George. Lot 106b contains gravesites for [Jms.?] Allen, with one date seeming to be 1823?; R. A. or H. A. ? Allen with date 1834? – illegible date?; this is followed by the original stone for George Doughty. The last two names are those of George and Helen Foley Doughty as they appear on the restored stones. Explanation of names 106b: Samuel E. Allen married Catherine E. Doughty 3 August 1833, Davidson Co TN. Perhaps the two Allen stones in 106b are grandchildren of George and Helen Doughty. Best guess only, no documentation. Section 11, Lot 15 [owned by Townsend L. Doughty] contains stones for Bushrod L. or T. Doughty, 1814-1854; Jos M. Doughty, 1811-1850 — other info indicates this may be James A. Doughty, 1811-1850 and I suggest the James A. name is correct. This is a best guess only as a James A. Doughty was bondsman at marriage of his cousin Lorenzo D. Doughty [1811-1885] on 3 August 1831, Wilson Co., TN. Lorenzo Doughty was a son of Robert Doughty, elder brother of George Doughty; Wm. B.F. Doughty, 1823 – 1850; Townsend Doughty 1816- 1875. Section 11, Lot 16 is owned by S. M. Allen [no stones listed]. Lot 14 is owned by Jos Spain and Sam’l Allen. There are a couple of graves noted but I cannot read. Section 11, Lot 17 is owned by M.S. Allen and contains about 8 graves, most belonging to infants. A Mary G. Allen is listed as being born either 1816 or 1826? As you can see, there does seem to be a relationship between the Doughty, Allen, Wilkinson and Spain families. I cannot explain the Spain-Doughty connection except I did find a marriage between a Spain male and Doughty female but am unable to locate my note on this. I do recall the female Doughty was not familiar to me. I would like to add as an aside only that DNA has proven that this Doughty line has been proven as being members of the Moore family. I have been researching this family for more than 35 years and could not understand not finding parents, siblings nor relatives for Reuben Doughty c1740, father of William, Benjamin, Reuben, Jr., James, Robert and George Doughty. DNA answered this question although not as I would have wished, sigh. I am 78 years old and now doubt that I shall ever know the complete Doughty story.