Ewing, Orville National Banner & Nashville Whig TO THE PUBLIC. The partnership heretofore existing between ORVILLE EWING & DANIEL B. HILL, under the firm and style of EWING & HILL, was by mutual consent dissolved on the first day of January instant. All persons indebted to said Ewing & Hill, are requested to call at the late stand and make settlement. Those having claims against said establishment are also invited to call and have them adjusted.
jan13 COPARTNERSHIP. ORVILLE EWING & JOHN H. EWING having associated themselves together in the sale of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Dyestuffs, Groceries, &c. under the firm and style of O. EWING & Co., will carry on business at the old stand of Ewing and Hill, Market street, Nashville; where they will keep constantly on hand a large and complete assortment of all articles in their line. Persons wishing to buy, Physicians and Merchants in particular, would do well to call and examine for themselves. |
After 2009 Restoration
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