The Whig – 1823 (Death Notices)
January 29, 1823
Died in this town on Saturday evening last, Mr. John Elliston.
May 7, 1823
OBITUARY – Communicated
Died – On Friday the 2nd inst, aged ___ , Mrs. Mary Adelaide, wife of Maj. William B. Lewis, to whom she left the solace and the care of an infant son and daughter five days old. In the death of this lady, we have to announce not merely an individual bereavement, but a great and sensible loss to society at large, and more especially the the immediate circle of her acquaintance. To whatever is naturally amiable in the female character, she added the graces and embellishment of a polite education. Her mind was the polish diamond or the pearl from the hand of the artist. Her vigorous intellect, highly cultivated by extensive reading and reflection, had attained a degree of excellence rarely achieved by the other sex. In the domestic circle, woman’s proper sphere, she shows with peculiar lustre. As a proof of the benevolence and amiable of her disposition, we may mention that she had the distinguished praise of being a most affectionate stepmother, which was manifested by an assiduous care and attention not often shown by parents for their own children. It must be extremely gratifying to the best feelings of the friends and relatives of the deceased, that she expressed a perfect conviction of the truths of the Christian religion and departed in full hope and confidence of a participation in the blessedness it promises.
June 16, 1823
Died on Tuesday evening last, [June 10] Mrs. Eleanor Foster, wife of Anthony Foster, Esq, of this place.
June 30, 1823
Died – On Friday night, last, after a short illness, Captain Robert Sample, aged 76. Capt. S. was a native of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, but for the last twenty-five years has been a resident of this county. At the commencement of the Revolution, he raised a company and joined the American army in which he continued until the close of the war. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Germantown and kept in confinement on board the British prison ships at New York for two years. He was a good Christian, a valuable citizen and an honest man – “the noblest work of God.” His remains were yesterday interred with Masonic and Military honors.
September 8, 1823
Died – On Sunday night, the 30th ult., Mr. Thomas Hill, merchant of this town.
September 8, 1823
Communited – A good man, and a pillar in the church has fallen. But the church is upheld by the power of God. Departed this life on Sunday morning about 6 o’clock, Robert Smiley, an elder of the Presbyterian Church of Nashville. He died in the transports of that faith in which he had exemplarily lived. A more useful citizen and a more ____ and zealous Christian, remains not to mourn his loss. It is felt and deeply _____ all who knew him. His walk and connection in life gave evidence to the world ____ he had been with Jesus: and no ______ he entertained that he is now in the full enjoyment of that bliss, the sweet foretastes of which he so often experienced. (This death notice had several ink blots in it)
October 6, 1823
George W. Sommerville, son of John Sommerville, died August 18, 1823 in the West Indies of yellow fever. |