February 9, 1828 Died in this town on Friday night last, Mrs. Sophia Parrish, wife of Col. Joe Parrish.
Friday 9, 1828 Died on Sunday night, Mrs. Mary C. Hays, wife of Dr. R. P. Hays.
February 9, 1828 Died in this town, Mr. Edward Tully Condon.
March 1, 1828 Died in this county, on Sunday last, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, wife of William L. Brown, Esq.
March 8, 1828 Died in this town on Monday last, Mr. Alexander Carnes, a soldier of the Revolution. He was buried on Tuesday with Masonic and military honors.
March 22, 1828 Died in Nashville on Monday, 3rd inst. after a short illness, Mr. James Ball, lately from Virginia, where he had lived for several years past. The deceased was a native of the city of New York, a house-joiner by trade. He stated that his father was living in the city of New York and a brother or brothers. It may be gratifying to his surviving relatives and friends to know his fate; and also that every attention was paid to him which humanity could require and that he was decently interred. The deceased died poor, and therefore left nothing behind him but that which is of more importance than wealth, an honest and upright name, as the writer hereof well knows; for he had known him for several years in Virginia and with him he travelled to this State – thence to Alabama and finally returned again to Nashville, Tennessee in October last. Editors of newspapers in the city of New York will please insert the above and Editors of the Winchester papers in Virginia will please so do likewise.
March 29, 1828 Died in this town on Sunday last, Mr. David Irwin, a venerable and highly respectable citizen. No man has sustained a more unblemished reputation or been more justly esteemed for his amiable disposition and strict integrity. For several years past, in consequence of repeated apoplectic attacks, he has been quite inform and for a considerable time before his death, was incapable of enjoying the pleasures of social intercourse.
March 29, 1828 Communicated: Departed this life, on the 23rd instant, William J. Bass, a member of the Junior class in the University of Nashville in the 19th year of his age. He was a young man of promising talents an of studious and industrious habits. His deportment was uniformly moral, gentlemanly and decorous. He was beloved by his companions and respected by all who knew him. His memory will ever remain embalmed n the hearts of his fellow students and while they deplore the loss of a worthy and valuable friend, the public may regret its sudden deprivation of one who would have proved an ornament and blessing to his country. His sudden and premature death compels us to exclaim: �Not glowing health, nor youthful years; Not friendship�s sighs, nor parents� tears, Can shield us from thy venom sting, thou monster death – thou sateless king.� At a meeting of the students of the Nashville University, held in consequence of the death of William J. Bass, late, a member of the Junior class of that institution, Nicholas F. Edminston was called to the chair and John D. Phelan appointed Secretary, when the following resolutions were entered into: Resolved, That each student of the Nashville University, in token of their remembrance and respect, wear crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That at the time appointed, the whole body of the students assemble at the house of the deceased to attend his remains to the grave. N. P. Edmiston, President, J. D. Phelan, Secretary. It may be gratifying to his distant relations and friends to learn that the President, Professors, Trustees and Students of the University, together with a large concourse of citizens, attended his burial.
April 12, 1828 Died at Huntsville, Alabama, on the 4th inst, Mrs. Mary Read, wife of Col. John Read of this place. She died perfectly resigned to the will of Heaven and with a well founded hope of future bliss.
April 19, 1828 Melancholy Catastrophe: Nelson Patteson (See copy)
April 19, 1828 Died in this town, Miss Frances G. Lanier, daughter of the Rev. Edmund Lanier.
April 26, 1828 Communicated: Miss Frances G. Lanier (See copy)
April 26, 1828 Died in this town on Friday 18th inst., Mrs. Jane West, wife of John B. West.
May 17, 1828 Died in this town on the 2nd inst., Mr. William Gibson.
June 14, 1828 Death of Benjamin F. Lewis (See copy)
June 14, 1828 Death of son of Abraham T. Parrish (See copy)
June 20, 1828 Died in this town on Wednesday last, General John Wood, of Mississippi.
June 27, 1828 Died in this town, Richard, infant son of Mr. Hugh Roland.
July 11, 1828 Died in this county suddenly on Friday last, Mr. Lewis Earthman.
July 25, 1828 Died in this town on Monday last, the infant child of Mr. J. V. D. Stout.
July 25, 1828 Died in this town on Tuesday, Mr. James Boyd.
July 25, 1828 Died in this county, on the 16th inst., Martha Caroline Gleaves, infant daughter of Michael Gleaves.
July 25, 1828 Communicated: Departed this life on the 10th instant, at her residence in this county, Mrs. Diana Hoggatt, in the 62nd year of her age, the relict of the late Capt. John Hoggatt, an officer of the Revolution. In the death of this amiable lady, society has sustained a great loss. As a mother, she was affectionate, a mistress, indulgent and humane; and a neighbor, hospitable and kind to all. In all the situations of life, she filled up the ineasure of her duty, and left the world in peace, with an assurance of a happy immortality. She has left only one son, but many relations and friends to mourn her departure from this vale of tears.
August 2, 1828 Died in this county, Mrs. Mary Thompson, consort of Capt. William Thompson of Mill Creek, in the 49th year of her age. Many years ago she fled to take refuge in the hope set before her. Those principles of divine grace which were then implanted in the heart were unfolded in her life. After a lingering, painful illness which she bore with Christian patience, on the 27th instant she exchanged mortality for life. �Calm as the summer evening�s lake, when kissed by Southern winds, just ready to expire.�
August 9, 1828 Died in this county, Major Francis Hargroves, aged 85.
August 30, 1828 Died in this town on Friday the 22nd inst., Thomas J. Welch, infant son of Mr. Thomas Welch.
August 30, 1828 Died in this county on the 10th inst., Miss Mary Pipkins, daughter of Col. Phillip Pipkins, in the 22nd year of her age.
August 30, 1828 Died on the 23rd inst., Mrs. Nancy Thompson, consort of Mr. Thomas Thompson.
September 20, 1828 A remarkable inst. Of sudden death occurred last Tuesday at the market house in this town. Mr. Samuel Haw, from Sumner County who had come here with some articles of provisions for sale and who appeared in ordinary health, suddenly fell down and expired.
September 27, 1828 Died in this town, Mrs. Levina Neill, wife of Mr. John Neill.
September 27, 1828 Died on Wednesday, Mr. F. Shoeman.
October 4, 1828 Died in this town on Sunday last, Mr. David Crockett.
October 4, 1828 Died yesterday in this town suddenly, Mr. Patrick Clifford.
October 11, 1828 Died at the residence of Mr. E. Butler in this county, on the 4th inst., Dr. David Woods, late of Mississippi.
November 1, 1828 Died Mr. George T. Bowen (See copy)
November 29, 1828 Communicated: Died on Friday morning 21st inst., Mrs. Nancy Williamson. She had suffered much during a long a painful illness which she bore with firmness and Christian fortitude; and when the messenger came to bid her departure from this vale of tears, the light of joy and resignation developed itself on her countenance, and she seemed to have died in the glorious hope of soon resting in the arms of her Saviour. She had been a member of the Methodist Church about thirty years, during which time she walked in the fear of the Lord, and looked upon her Saviour as the only mediator of the new covenant. She has left this vale of tears – she has �fought the good fight� – she died in peace and is now resting on the bosom of her God. She winged her flight at the bidding of the great messenger of peace, to the realms above where sin, trial and tribulations dare not shew their deformed heads; but where they all shall unite in one eternal strain in singing the praises of God and the lamb forever. She has left the sins and troubles of this world and is gone to a better clime.
December 6, 1828 Died in this town on Tuesday, 25th ult., Mr. James Clopper, aged 22, a native of Philadelphia, and industrious, intelligent, honorable and worthy young man, greatly beloved and respected.
December 27, 1828 Died in this county on Thursday morning last in consequence of a fall from his horse, Mr. Thomas J. Moore, aged about 30.
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