Obituaries – 1830

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.

Name Obituary Date Death Date Age
Austin. Milton 9/27/1830
Burnet, Capt. George M. 9/27/1830
Lockelier, Major Jeffrey 9/27/1830 9/22/1830 aged about 42 years
Norvell, Martha 6/10/1830 5/25/1830 in the 19th year of her age

1830 Banner and Whig Masthead

FOR 1830

September 27, 1830
DIED- On the 22nd Instant, at the residence of Col. Armstrong, in this town, of a pulmonary complaint, Jeffrey Lockelier, a free man of colour, commonly called Major Jeffrey, aged about 42 years. The deceased resided in this town for upwards of twenty years; and though a very humble member of society, still it may be truly said, but few enjoyed the esteem and good will of the community to a greater extent than he did. His universal benevolence was a distinguished trait in his character; and it seemed to be the business and the pleasure of his life to serve others without even the expectation of reward. And none could boast of a heart more devoted to his country’s cause than the humble subject of this article. He was present at almost every southern battle which was fought during the last war. He was in the Creek country during the whole of that war, and participated in the battles of Enotechopco, Emuckfa, and the Horse Shoe; and he was distinguished for his valour in the bloody conflict between the artillery and the Indians at the former place. But his military career did not close with the Indian campaigns. He followed the standard of Gen. Jackson to the siege of Orleans, and participated in the action of the twenty third as well as that of the glorious Eighth. Nor did his services cease with the termination of hostilities against Great Britain. At the breaking out of the Seminole War he again took the field, and was at Sewanny– the surrender of Fort St. Mark, and the assaults on Pensacola and the Barrancas. His military services terminated only when his country ceased to have enemies.

He enjoyed, in a high degree, the good opinion and friendship of his old commander, Gen. Jackson; and the President on his recent visit to Nashville, hearing of the sickness of his fellow soldier, in company with Gen. Coffee, visited his sick couch and spent an hour in his company.

During his long confinement; conscious for some time that his end was near at hand, he turned his thoughts upon religion; and it is confidently believed that he died a servant of and believer in Christ. In his last moments his drooping head was supported by one who had stood by his aide in many a hard fought battle, and the last words of the deceased were, “Now, turn me over and my soul will soon be in heaven.”

Peace to his manes! The simple annals of the poor and humble are devoid of interest; but one should not be soon forgotten who bestowed his best days to the service of his country; who lived a life of active benevolence, and died praising the goodness and mercy of his God! – Rep. (see original)

September 27, 1830
In this town, Capt. George M. Burnet, a respectable citizen of Louisville, KY, who having been taken sick on his way to Alabama, was able only to get thus far.

The citizens of Nashville are respectfully invited to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of a worthy stranger by attending his funeral, from the Union Hall, Market street, at four o’clock this afternoon.

September 27, 1830
At Princeton, KY, where he had gone on a visit, Mr. Milton Austin, son of Mr. George Austin, of this town.

Lockalier Obit


Philadelphia Inquirer
June 10, 1830

Martha Norvell 1830 obit