February 10, 1837
Obituary for Dr. Edward Breathitt (See copy)
February 27, 1837
Died, Mr. John Boyd (See copy)
March 3, 1837
Died in Nashville, on the 1st of March, Capt. Joseph Smith, late of the Steam Boat Tennessean.
March 27, 1837
Died of consumption on Saturday morning, 18th inst., at the residence of his Brother, Joseph Norvell, Passed Midshipman, Hendrick Norvell, of the U. S. Navy, aged 28. The deceased was a brother of the Editor of the paper.
March 29, 1837 (Wednesday)
Died in this place on Monday evening, Ensign Oliver G. Hobbs, of a wound received in the late Seminole Campaign.
April 17, 1837
Obituary – Sergeant Oliver G. Hobbs (See copy)
April 21, 1837
Died in this county, on Tuesday last, Mr. Jacob Gray, formerly of Williamson County, Tennessee, aged 29 years, 1 month and 7 days.
May 3, 1837
Died on Wednesday evening last in this city, General Joseph A. Mabry of Tennessee. “Flag of The Union.”
May 8, 1837
Communicated: Died on Friday evening 5th inst., of fever, Mr. Asa Pittman; (of the house of Pittman & Wilkinson) Merchant of this city and late of Columbia, Ky., where he had resided for the last twenty years, in the esteem of a very large circle of friends and business acquaintances; in whose death our city has lost an active and intelligent business man and his wife and large family of small children, a most affectionate and tender husband and father; whose only consolation is, that he whom they so fondly and so justly loved, is now in a brighter and a better world.
May 10, 1837
Obituary – John Cockrill (See copy)
June 26, 1837
Died on Thursday, the 22nd inst., Gideon, infant son of G. W. Martin of this city.
July 28, 1837
Died at the City Hotel on Tuesday last, 25th inst., Mrs. Warfield, wife of Dr. George W. Warfield, of this city (late of Maryland).
July 28, 1837
Coroner’s Inquest – John Judge (See copy)
August 11, 1837
Died on Friday the 11th inst., William H., infant son of R. W. E. C. Shaffer.
August 18, 1837
Death of Mrs. Sarah B. Warfield (See copy)
August 25, 1837
Died yesterday morning at the residence of his son, Allen A. Hall, John H. Hall, age 75 years. The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock at the residence of A. A. Hall, four miles from town near Whitsett’s Meeting House.
August 26, 1837
Died, Mrs. Araminta Moore (See copy)
August 26, 1837
Died in this City, on the 23rd inst., of consumption, Mr. W. H. Lawrence, in the 23rd year of his age.
August 26, 1837
Died Also on the 23rd inst., of consumption, Mr. W. H. Leicester in the 23rd year of his age.
September 5, 1837
Died, Mr. James Condon (See copy)
September 20, 1837
Died in this vicinity on the 17th inst, after a fever, Mr. Zachariah Payor, a native of Virginia.
September 30, 1837
Died in this city on the 27th September, inst., Mrs. Catherine Bang, aged 51 years, formerly of Baltimore.
October 10, 1837
Died, Mrs. Elizabeth Blackman (See copy)
October 27, 1837
Died on the 24th inst., Mrs. Sally, wife of Francis Balthrop of Davidson Co., Tennessee. She needs no eulogy, her husband, children and friends lament her loss, love her virtues, honor her example and fondly cherish her memory. For her Christian faithfulness, her name, no doubt, is recorded in Heaven.
November 6, 1837
Died in this city on the 3rd inst., Mrs. Glascock, wife of Mr. Edwin R. Glascock.
November 13, 1837
Fatal Accident – Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn (See copy)
November 13, 1837
Death of Judge John McNairy (See copy)
December 7, 1837
Died in this city on Tuesday last, Valeris P. Winchester, Attorney-at-Law, late of Memphis, Tennessee and formerly of Nashville. We sincerely regret the untimely loss of the amiable and accomplished young gentlemen and sympathize with his family in their bereavement.
December 12, 1837
Died, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Johnson (See copy)