Obituaries – 1839

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.



Obituary Date
Death Date
11/15/1839 & 11/18/1839 & 11/22/1839
Aged 22 years
Aged 22 years
On Thursday last
Aged 28 years
On Monday last
Aged 72 years
11/18/1839 & 11/29/1839
In the 24th year of his age
Infant son
Aged 21
Holman, James T.
On Saturday last
Aged 2 years, 9 months
On Tuesday evening last
Aged 60
On Monday last
On Saturday last
About 20 years of age
On Monday evening
Aged 32
6/10/1839 & 6/12/1839
In the 17th year of her age
In the 73rd year of her age
Aged 21
Infant son
Death Notices from the Nashville Whig for 1839

January 13, 1839
Died in this city yesterday, after a lingering indisposition, William Lytle, Esq., aged 60, for many years a member of the Legislature from Davidson and one of the earliest settlers of Tennessee. His funeral will take place this evening at two o’clock at the Methodist Episcopal Church.

February 18, 1839 (Monday)
Died suddenly near this city on Saturday last, James T. Holman, Attorney-at-law.

February 27, 1839
Resolution: James T. Holman (See copy)

March 22, 1839
Died, in this city on the 19th, Septimus Foster (See copy)

April 10, 1839
Died in this city at Washington Hotel, this morning, Mrs. W. Hallum.

April 19, 1839 (Friday)
Died in this city on Monday last, Mrs. Pennington, wife of Graves Pennington, Esq.

April 19, 1839 (Friday)
Died in this city yesterday, J. Dick Hill, infant son of Henry Hagen.

May 3, 1839
Died at the Union Hall on yesterday, Mrs. Mary Edwards Brown, wife of George Brown, Esq., of Paradise Hill, Davidson county, and mother-in-law of Joseph P. Brown, Esq., of this city.

May 3, 1839
Died at his dwelling in High street on Tuesday evening last, Mr. Alexander King, a native of Ireland. Though but a short time a resident of this city and from the delicate state of his health, unable to mingle much in society, still had his amiable disposition and unobtrusive gentlemanly manners, obtained for him the esteem and affection of all who knew him and secured for him many warm friends who evinced their respect for his memory by accompanying yesterday, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, his remains to the grave. The Hibernian society of Nashville of which he was a zealous member, also attended his funeral with the appropriate mourning badge of the Society.

May 3, 1839
At a called meeting of the Hibernian Benevolent Society of Nashville, held at Mr. Gowdeys on the 1st of May, 1839: On motion, H. Kirkman, Esq, was called to the chair and Richard Connell, Esq. Appointed Secretary. In a few brief remarks from the Chair, the object of the meeting was made known, which was to shew their respect to the memory of two of its deceased members; when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: 1. Resolved, that his Society have heard with feelings of the deepest regret of the death of W. A. King. 2. That they deplore in his lamented death the loss of a worthy member, a sincere friend and one whose urbane and gentlemanly deportment, secured to him, the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. 3. That the members of the Society tender to his bereaved widow their heartfelt sympathy for her loss. 4. That the Society will attend his funeral and wear the usual badge of mourning. 5. That in the death of Mr. William Livingston, the members of this Society have to mourn not only the loss of a worthy member, but of an old and valuable member of society. 6. That the regrets arising from severed fellowship and old acquaintance, will best assure his family and friends of the sincerity of feeling which actuates its members. 7. That the Society be requested to publish these resolutions; and present a copy to the widow.

May 8, 1839 (Wednesday)
Died in this city on Monday last, John Decker, aged 72 years, a native of the city of Strasburg in Germany and for the last 24 years, citizen of Nashville.

May 20, 1839 (Monday)
“From the Banner this morning.” Died in this city yesterday, Mrs. Eliza Hollingsworth, wife of Henry Hollingsworth, Esq., Mayor of Nashville, aged 21. Mrs. Hollingsworth was a native of Georgetown, D. C.

May 24, 1839
Died this morning in this city, Mrs. Nancy Gilbert, wife of Captain Thomas Gilbert.

June 7, 1839
Died in this city this morning, Reginald Heber, infant son of Rev. John T. Wheat.

June 10, 1839 (Monday)
Died last evening in this vicinity, Sarah B., daughter of Moses Stevens, Esq., aged sixteen.

June 12, 1839
Died in the vicinity of this City, Miss Sarah B. Stevens (See copy)

June 26, 1839 (Wednesday)
Died in this city on Saturday last, of consumption, Mr. J. Black Robinson, merchant, formerly of Fayette Co., Kentucky.

July 5, 1839
Died in this city on the evening of the 3rd instant, deeply lamented by a numerous family and a large circle of acquaintances, Mrs. Juliet Cantrell, wife of Stephen Cantrell, Esq.

July 22, 1839
Died suddenly in this vicinity on Wednesday evening the 10th instant, of consumption, James F. Rogers, second son of John A. Rogers, Esq.

July 22, 1839
Died suddenly in this vicinity,James F. Rogers (See Copy)

July 24, 1839 (Wednesday)
Died on Monday night, Charles Trabue, infant son of Rev. R. B. C. Howell, aged two years, nine months.

August 5, 1839
Died at the residence of John W. Walker, Esq., in this city last evening, Cornelia W. Gray, daughter of Dr. James Gray of LaGrange, Tennessee.

August 12, 1839
Died in this county on Thursday the 8th instant, Mrs. Mary Eliza Craig, aged twenty-two years.

August 21, 1839 (Wednesday)
Murder: Our city, (for the first time in the last six years) was on Monday evening the scene of an outrageous murder committed in open day and without provocation or resistance on the part of the victim. On the evening in question, William Sandy, a respectable laboring man of family, residing North of the river, entered the grocery shop of William G. Harrison on Market Street, below the Union Hall, where he was deliberately felled with a bludgeon by the scoundrel keeper of the house, for simply expressing his inability to pay, on the moment, a trifling debt which it seems he had previously contracted The blows were leveled at the neck and we understand, caused instant death. Harrison immediately procured a horse and made for the country. He has since been pursued and as there is a large reward offered by the city authorities for his arrest, we indulge that hope that he will be brought to speedy justice. Harrison has sustained a wretched character for some time past. He was convicted of an infamous crime, in the Circuit Court of Davidson, a year or two ago and would have been safely lodged in the Penitentiary but for the loss of the indictment before the case was finally determined by the Supreme Court. The murderer is thus described in the Mayor’s advertisement: William G. Harrison is about 25 years of age, pretty stout built, weighing from 155 to 165 pounds; light complexion, full round face, blue eyes, a full head of hair, dark and generally worn long and curley in front and close cut behind, very quick in his manner of speaking and frowns when spoken to; he is very fond of drinking and can hardly refrain from stopping at groceries and houses of ill-fame, and is much disposed to talk of horse, racing and cock-fighting.

August 26, 1839
Died at the residence of Col. John J. Hinton, in this vicinity, on Thursday last, Miss Harriett A. Cummins, daughter of John Cummins, Esq. of Jackson county, aged 28. This lady was much esteemed in the neighborhood in which she died, as the principal of the Female Academy at the Cumberland Presbyterian Camp Ground, White’s Creek. She was an exemplary member of the Reformed Baptist Church of this city.

September 6, 1839
Died at Sycamore Mills in this county on Wednesday morning, 4th instant of congestive fever,S. Augustus Shepard, of the firm of Watson & Shepard, manufacturers, aged 32. The deceased was a native of Massachusetts and though a resident of Davidson but a few years before his death, he had won the esteem of all who knew him. The enterprise of the concern which he was connected with, had done much for the neighborhood in which their mills were located, and as the chief manager, it was Mr. Shepard’s good fortune to enjoy the confidence of all with whom he dealt. His sudden and early death is to be lamented as a public loss.

September 9, 1839
Died in this city at the residence of Mr. Mark H. Moore, on Saturday, August 17, Mr. Francis B. Treppard, printer, aged 21. He was a native of Nashville, Tennessee and was one of the unfortunate volunteers who were taken at Copano by the Mexicans in the spring of 1836 and after suffered a severe imprisonment. Houston Texas Star.

September 21, 1839
Died in the city yesterday at the residence of W. Lowe, Mr. John Stark, a highly
esteemed gentleman. Communicated.

October 2, 1839
Died in this city on the 30th September at the residence of Mr. Sledge, Mr. Patrick Sonna, machinist, recently from the vicinity of Boston, Massachusetts.

November 15, 1839
Died this morning at the country seat of the Hon. E. H. Foster, Alexander C. Brown, aged 22, Chief Clerk in the office of Messrs. Foster and Fogg, Attornies, and a native of the city of Philadelphia. We record the death of this young gentleman, cut off as he has been in the open bloom of manhood and far distant from the home of his father, with more than ordinary regret. He was generally respected for his courteous bearing and his talents for and assiduous attention to business.

November 18, 1839
At a special meeting of the Nashville Fire Companies, held on Friday Evening the 15th instant at the City Hall, on motion of R. C. Foster 3d, the following Preamble and Resolutions were unanimously adopted: The Nashville Companies have learned with sensations of deep regret the untimely departure of their comrade, Alexander C. Brown, a member of Company No. 1. The deceased had endeared himself to their feelings by his kind and affectionate deportment, his condescending and obliging manners and by the best virtues of a generous heart. Resolved, That we will, in memory of his departed worth, wear crape on the left arm for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That the Secretary be requested to forward a copy of the foregoing to Mr. William Brown, father of the deceased.

November 18, 1839
On motion of Mr. John Claiborne, the following Preamble and Resolutions were also unanimously adopted: Whereas, we have heard with deep regret of the untimely death of our friend and fellow member,Albert W. Goodrichof Fire Co., No. 1, who had won our regard and esteem by his deportment as a citizen and fireman. Resolved, That we sincerely condole with his family in the severs affliction which they have sustained. Resolved, That a committee of three from each company be appointed to attend the funeral of the deceased from the residence of his father near Haysborough. Resolved, That we wear crepe upon the left arm for thirty days as a mark of our regard for the deceased. Resolved, That a copy of the resolution be furnished the family of the deceased. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the city papers. Benj. Sharp, Secretary of Nashville Fire Company, No. 1.

November 22, 1839
Obituary. Departed this life on the 15th, Alexander C. Brown (See copy)

November 29, 1839
Obituary. Died at the residence of his father in this vicinity, in the 24th year of his age, A. W. Goodrich, Esq. By this mournful dispensation of Providence a large circle of friends and relatives have been called upon to grieve over the premature end of one bound to them by the most tender and endearing ties. He was a firm and unwavering friend, a dutiful son, a kind and affectionate brother. Above deceit, he was frank, open-hearted, generous. “Could tears retard the tyrant in his course, Could sighs avert his dart’s relentless force; Could youth and virtue claim a short delay. He still had lived.” Having but recently engaged in the discharge of the arduous duties of his profession; possessed of no ordinary powers of mind, in the cultivation of which no pains had been spared, indefatigable in his exertions, actuated by a laudable spirit of emulation, his prospects of becoming eminent were indeed flattering. But as the bud of spring bidding fair soon to become the full blown rose is nipped by the untimely frost, so he, in the spring time of life, full of promise, is forced to yield to the chilly embrace of the ruthless destroyer. This just article to his memory is penned by one long since deeply impressed with a lively sense of his many virtues and amiable qualities.

December 16, 1839 (Monday)
Died this morning, Mrs. Sophia W. Gibson, wife of Joseph F. Gibson and daughter of Eliha S. Hall. The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend her funeral tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.

December 25, 1839
Died in this city on the 21st instant at the residence of her son, Wilkins Tannehill, Mrs. Margaret Tannerhill, in the seventy-third year of her age. Mrs.Tannerhill was the relict of the late Capt. Josiah Tannehill, formerly of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and eldest daughter of the late John Wilkins, Sen., of Pittsburgh. Lou. Journal. (She may have died in Louisville.)

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