Obituaries – 1843

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages. Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.



Obituary Date
Death Date
On Sunday last
Aged 33 years and nine months
On Sunday
In the 38th year of her age
On Sunday morning
On Thursday last, Of the 11th instant
On Thursday, 15th instant
7/20/1843 & 7/22/1843 & 7/27/1843
Last night
On Sunday evening, 6th instant
Aged 31
Infant daughter
On Tuesday last, 7th instant
Infant son
On Saturday evening last
Aged about sixteen
On Saturday last
Aged about nine years
On the 18th instant
On Saturday, the 13 of May
In the 19th year of her age
Yesterday morning
In the 6th year
On July 19
Infant son
On the 3rd Inst.
In the 26th year of his age
On Monday evening
6/3/1843 & 6/10/1843
Last evening
In the 10th year of his age
On the 14 instant
Infant daughter
On the 21st ult.
In the 26th year of her age
On the 17th instant
In the 40th year of her age
On Friday the 8th instant
On Saturday night, 17 instant
On the morning of the 18th of March
On Monday night, 10th inst.
67 years
10/17/1843 & 10/17/1843
On Saturday last
Near thirty-two years of age
The 11th inst.
Aged about 72 years
On Tuesday last
On Saturday the 7th instant
In the ninth year of her age
15th instant
Aged eight years
Thursday night, 2nd inst.
Aged 87 years
The 22nd instant
Aged five years
Last evening
Infant son
On the 25th instant
On Sunday, 11th instant
On the 13th instant
On Thursday morning, 26th inst.
In the 54th year of her age
On Saturday the 22nd instant
Aged 23 months
On Tuesday 17th instant
8th of September, 1843
In the 83rd year of his age

Death Notices From The Whig for 1843

January 28, 1843
Died Mrs. Eliza Tannehill (see copy)

February 4, 1843
Died last evening, Merritt S., infant son of Captain Merritt S. Pilcher. The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the residence of Captain Pilcher on Summer Street near the Presbyterian Church.

February 28, 1843
Died in this city on the 25th instant, after a painful illness of four weeks of a violent affection of the lungs, Rufus King Polk, son of the late William Polk of Raleigh, North Carolina. He bore his sufferings with great fortitude. His mind was perfectly clear and unclouded throughout. His strong social affections were in constant and most active exercise, embracing his absent friends as well as those present. And all were consecrated by gospel ordinances, the sacraments of the church, frequent offices of devotion, and pathetic warnings and exhortations to his friends to “seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.” “Death is swallowed up in victory.” W.
Nashville Banner

February 28, 1843
Died on Saturday last, Alfred Hennen, son of Professor Nathaniel Cross, aged about nine years.

February 28, 1843
Died on Sunday morning at the Nashville Inn, Mr. Samuel Bowman of this county.

March 4, 1843
Died Lipscomb Norvell (see copy)

March 11, 1843
Died in this city on Tuesday last, 7th instant, James, infant son of Washington B. Cooper.

March 25, 1843
Died in Nashville on the morning of the 18th of March, Mr. H. A. Keuehtman, a native of Germany. German papers in the United States are requested to notice the above.

April 18, 1843
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.” Died in this city on Sunday night, 3 o’clock in the 38th year of her age, Mrs. Catharine Ann Anderson, wife of Nehemiah S. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson has been a beloved and consistent member of the Methodist E. Church for many years. The loss of the Church is her eternal gain. Divine service by Rev. J. B. McFerrin at 2 o’clock this evening at the residence of N. S. Anderson, Cherry street. Papers published in Lexington, Kentucky and Madison, Indiana will please copy.

April 25, 1843
Died in this city on Saturday the 22nd instant, Helen Frances, infant daughter of Riegart and Sarah R. Wagner and granddaughter of Mr. M. M. Maslin of Philadelphia, aged 23 months.

May 20, 1843
Died at Hunter’s Hill, Davidson county, Tennessee on Saturday morning at two o’clock the 13th of May, 1843, in the 19th year of her age, Miss Mary I. Donelson, only daughter of the late Captain John Donelson of Alabama and Mrs. Eliza E. Donelson. The untimely death of this interesting young lady, though deeply afflictive to a devoted mother and her other relatives and friends, is nevertheless connected with consolatory reflections. We fondly hope and believe that she was prepared to go. Although death approached under the insidious guise of consumption and urged his way with rapid footsteps, yet she was not dismayed at his coming. She had been faithfully instructed by the beloved Mr. Sloss, her Pastor in Florence, Alabama and had thought on the subject of religion and cherished a hope of salvation when very young. This sustained her in the trying hour. When informed some two weeks before her death that she could not recover, she meekly yielded to the will of Heaven and instantly called to her bedside her mother and others who were in the house and spoke to them individually, exhorting them earnestly to prepare to meet her in Heaven. The sweet serenity of her mind and her words of pathetic exhortation will not soon be forgotten. She had many indearments to life – born to a princely fortune, in the bosom of a large and influential connection, possessing sweetness of disposition, condescending manners, personal attractions, high intellectual and moral cultivation and being in the bloom of youth, she appeared to have a long bright day before her. But suddenly her sky is overcast. A dark and impenetrable cloud hangs over her prospects. She must leave all and enter on a new and untried scene! Alas, says the child of pleasure, what a pity that one so interesting and so necessary to the happiness of the domestic circle should be so suddenly torn from a mother’s arms and from the enjoyment of the ten thousand delights that presented themselves to her! How sad the change! How mournful the result! Not so. Look again and you shall see on that dark and impenetrable cloud the rainbow of promise and of hope, painted in bright and glowing colors. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from henceforth. In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you to myself.” Confiding in this promise, Mary could, amid the sufferings of the death struggle, pray in hope, “come, oh come Lord and receive me to thyself.” And at her time, she could say to one who stood by her dying pillow. I think of Jesus and I am happy. She sleeps in Jesus. “Jesus can make a dying bed Feel soft as downy pillows are, While on his breast I lean my head, And breath my life out sweetly there. K

May 25, 1843
Died on the night of the 22nd instant, James Hensley, infant son of Captain and Mrs. Merritt S. Pilcher, aged five years.

May 30, 1843
We knew this aged and most excellent lady whose sudden death on Thursday last is the subject of the following notice and if anticipated by the very just and appropriate terms in which her many amiable qualities are referred to in adding our humble tribute to the departed worth, we are not the less prepared to mingle our sympathies with the grief of the value friend who has been thus suddenly called to deplore the lost of a fond and beloved parent.

Died on the morning of the 11th instant at the residence of her son, J. P. W. Brown, Esq. of this city, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, relict of the late Dr. Preston Brown of Frankfort, Kentucky. The departure of this estimable lady is but another sad memorial of the uncertainly of life. Though for many years past, her constitution has been fragile, yet, until within a few days past, her measure of health appeared equal, if not superior, to its ordinary allotment. Thus has her removal been sudden, but owing to her long indisposition, not altogether unexpected. Advancing years betokened a removal not distant, but accumulated griefs for the loss of dear ones that sleep in death have doubtless hastened the event. The ties of conjugal and parental love had both been broken and beneath the rending of each desolating stroke she “had groaned, being burdened” but she had uttered no complaining murmurs against the will of her heavenly Father. For a number of years she had been in the commission of the Presbyterian church and had adorned her Christian profession by a life of humble and consistent piety. And though called at length, to depart away from her beloved home and church in Frankfort, Kentucky, yet, has she departed from a dear transient home in Nashville, endeared to her also as the affectionate abode of an only son. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” E.

June 6, 1843
Fatal Accident. We regret to hear that a little son of General William G. Harding, named Nathaniel, aged about ten years, was thrown from a horse and instantly killed on Church Street last evening.

June 10, 1843
Died suddenly in this city on Monday the 5th instant, in the 10th year of his age from the fracture of the skull, occasioned by a kick from a horse, Nathaniel McNairy, youngest son of General William G. Harding of this county. Seldom has any event occurred amidst the frequent and distressing casualties that meet us at every step, calculated to admonish us more painfully, how frail a thing is human life and how suddenly its purest associations may be sundered, never again to know a renewal upon earth than the untimely death of this interesting boy. Brief and afflicted, beyond his share, was his stay upon earth but there was that in the truthfulness and beauty of his daily life, in the bright and quiet, cheerful spirit, unsubdued by the hand of affliction that rested long and heavily upon him and in the generous and noble nature that yearned with affection toward all that was beautiful and good, that rendered him the object of fervent attachment with all who knew him.

Impotent are the teachings of human reason – unavailing the suggestion of human sympathy, to give balm to the hearts whose homes have been made desolate and whose hopes have withered under this severe and startling dispensation of a mysterious providence. But there is some mitigation of their anguish in the belief that he is now at rest. Early escaped from a scene of suffering and care – where our days are few at the longest and chequered at the best – and that his spirit, released from its feeble tenement and ere too it had felt the blight of misfortune, but bright, beautiful and unsullied, has regained the society of loved and lost ones, that have gone before him to the pure region of the “better land.” “Where no passing cloud Obscures the scene. No blight on this young tree No thought of what may be Or what hath been. But all in Hope, all Hope. For all things are possessed. No – Peace without alley, And innocence and joy Fills the young breast. W

June 13, 1843
Died on Sunday, 11th instant, Mrs. Charlotte Robertson, mother of Dr. Felix Robertson of this city and relict of General James Robertson, an early and distinguished pioneer of Tennessee.

June 20, 1843
Died on Saturday night, 17th instant of intermittent fever after a short illness, Amzi Jones, Dry Goods merchant of this city, late of Rutherford county. The deceased, during his short residence in this city, won the respect of all who made his acquaintance as a good neighbor and an exemplary Christian.

June 20, 1843
Died at the residence of her brother, Rev. J. T. Wheat, of this city on Thursday, 15th instant, Mrs. Julia May, wife of J. S. Brown of Wheeling, Virginia.

June 22, 1843 (Thursday)
Fatal and Disgraceful Fight. We understand that a woman by the name of Polly McCoy was beat to death on Tuesday last in the suburbs of this city by two other women of bad character, named Mrs. Young and Amanda Satterfield who immediately fled and have not yet been arrested.

July 13, 1843
Died Mrs. Catharine Latham (see copy)

July 15, 1843
Died Mrs. Frances McAlister (see copy)

July 15, 1843
Died yesterday, Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth, wife of Joseph H. McEwen, Esq. Her funeral will take place this morning (July 15) at 9 o’clock at the Methodist Church. Divine service by Rev. A. L. P. Green. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.

July 18, 1843
Died in this vicinity on the morning of the 15th instant, James Washington, son of Moses Norvell, Esq., aged eight years.

July 20, 1843
Died in this city on July 19, Thomas Crutcher, infant son of William A. and Catharine M. Eichbaum. The funeral will take place from their residence, corner of Vine and Cedar streets this morning at 9 o’clock

July 20 1843
Fatal Affray. Last night about 8 o’clock, an affray with pistols transpired at the Nashville Inn between Mr. Gideon C. Matlock of Carthage and Mr. Jesse J. Bryan of Montgomery county in which the latter was killed by a pistol shot near the region of the heart. The affray grew out of a political dispute of the merits of which we are not advised.

July 22, 1843
Melancholy Tragedy.Jesse A. Bryan, Esq., of Montgomery county, Tennessee was shot on Wednesday evening last in the public room of the Nashville Inn by Gideon C. Matlock and died in a few minutes. On the circumstances attending the perpetration of this bloody deed, we forbear comment as they will doubtless be the subject of judicial investigation as soon as Matlock, who has fled, is apprehended. This dreadful event has plunged in grief a large circle of highly respectable connexions. The funeral of Mr. Bryan took place yesterday at 4 p. m. Banner of yesterday.

July 22, 1843
Died in this county on the 17th instant in the 40th year of her age and after a long and distressing illness, Mrs. Martha A., consort of Col. John J. Hinton. The departure of this amiable and pious lady has left an irreparable void in her own family and in that circle where her goodness, her benevolence and the constant practice of every female virtue, have shed, for many years, a bright and shining light. Her husband mourns an affectionate, exemplary and devoted wife, children weep for a mother whose love and watchfulness had no measure – her friends and neighbors grieve over the loss of one of the fairest ornaments of society and the church, where she worshiped, laments a —— “in whom there was no guile.”

The fatal tendency of the disease under which she suffered, warned her by its slow but certain approach that the hand of the “last enemy” was upon her. For herself she did not tremble or repine, for she knew in whom she had put her faith and the “Comforter” watched constantly at her pillow. But the heart of a wife and mother sighed for the dear objects of all its worldly affections and love taught her lingering spirit to cling to life on their account. Even these she surrendered when the last summons came with Christian fortitude and resignation; and calmly bowing her head to the will of Heaven, she freely surrendered her gentle soul to immortality, and to all the joys that await the faithful “beyond the dark valley of the shadow of death.”

July 27, 1843
The Late J. A. Bryan – (see copy)

August 1, 1843
Died in this city on Saturday evening last after a very short illness, Mr. William Cotton, aged about sixteen.

August 3, 1843
Died in this city, Elizabeth Cancilla, infant daughter of Charles J. Chaney, Esq. Of Louisiana.

August 3, 1843
Died in this city on the 21st ult., Mrs. Jane Ann Hill, wife of Samuel Hill, Esq., Merchant in the 26th year of her age.

August 3, 1843
Died on Monday evening of bilious fever, Mr. Samuel Gregg, a native of Baltimore, Maryland.

August 8, 1843
DiedMrs. Emeline S. Casseday– (see copy)

September 9, 1843
Died John P. Erwin (see copy)

September 12, 1843
Died in this city on Friday the 8th instant of consumption, Mrs. Mary Hunter, consort of Captain Jacob Hunter of the steamboat, Talleyrand.

September 16, 1843
Died in this city on the 14th instant Ann Matilda, infant daughter of Charles and Mary E. Hedenburgh.

September 21, 1843
Died Mr. William Wray (see copy)

October 10, 1843
Died Mary Caroline McGavock (see copy)

October 17, 1843 (Tuesday)
Dreadful Accident – Mr. James F. May, a much respected citizen of this county, residing in the Franklin Turnpike, was killed near the second gate, seven miles from town on Saturday last, in attempting to escape from a barouche with which his horse was running off. His head was so shockingly injured in his fall that he expired in a few minutes. The sudden and violent death of this young gentleman in the full vigor of health, excited universal sympathy among his friends and neighbors who attended in large numbers on Sunday to pay the last sad tribute of respect to his earthly remains.

October 17, 1843
Obituary – Mr. James F. May – (see copy)

October 26, 1843
Died at his residence in this City on the 18th instant after a lingering illness which he bore with meekness and patience, Captain Joseph G. Dally, an old and worthy citizen. It is not in the language of eulogy to do full justice to the many excellent traits of character that endeared the deceased to all who knew him. Honest and punctual in all his dealings, kind and affectionate in his social intercourse; he won the confidence and esteem of a large acquaintance, and established a friendship in the hearts of those around him which “dies not with his death.” But will kindle at his memory so long as those hearts continue to beat and feel. He was not only industrious and enterprising in his business pursuits but vigilent and active in all of his domestic concerns and showed by the works of his hands that his heart was bounduous and knew how to enjoy the charms that cluster around the fireside of a well furnished and well regulated home where the smiles of virtue welcome and the hand of affection comforts and it is there he will be most missed by her who was best acquainted with the goodness of his heart and whose sweetest province it was to pay tribute to that goodness, still he will be missed elsewhere, and his death deeply deplored by the community of which he was a useful and exemplary member. D. The Connecticut papers will please copy.

October 19, 1843
Died in this city on Tuesday 17th instant, Hugh Lawson White, son of Governor James C. Jones.

October 21, 1843
Died yesterday morning in the 6th year, Thomas Wharton Edgar, infant son of Rev. Dr. Edgar, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this city. His funeral will take place this morning from the Presbyterian Church at 11 o’clock.

November 16, 1843
Died on the 13th instant, Laetita H., consort of W. Shearon of this county.

November 21, 1843
Died on Sunday night last, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Adams, wife of Alfred A. Adams, Esq., aged 33 years and nine months. Although in the prime of life, Mrs. Adams had been a professor of religion about eighteen years, having embraced the Saviour at the age of 16 at which time she connected herself with the Baptist Church at McCrory’s Creek in this county. Subsequently, however, she removed to this city where she finished her earthly labors. She was, from the time of her conversion, a straight forward, firm, consistent and zealous supporter of the religion of Christ – always ready for every “good word and work.” She ever maintained the highest Christian character but it was in the domestic circle that her meekness and piety shone the brightest. She was a constant and faithful attendant at the weekly prayer meeting which is held by the female portion of the Baptist Church in this place. Her doors were always open for religious exerciser – her voice always ready to call upon the Almighty for guidance and protection. No wonder, then, she lived near a throne of grace – no wonder that she was always “in the spirit,: no wonder that she was so universally admired for her Christian integrity and firmness.

Mrs. Adams was an intelligent and useful member of society and one of the brightest lights in the Church with which she was connected. Her funeral was attended on Tuesday morning last by a large number of relatives and friends. The scene was unusually affecting – those present were well acquainted with the deceased – they deeply sympathized with the bereaved husband and children – they realized that a sister of more than ordinary virtues had been called to a better world – they felt that her loss was indeed irreparable. But they have the consolation of knowing that she is enjoying that eternal kingdom prepared for those that love and serve the Son of God. She “rests from her labors and her works do follow her.” Z.

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