Obituaries – 1845

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.



Obituary Date
Death Date
On Wednesday night last
Aged eight months
On Sunday morning last
In the 27th year of his age
On Monday afternoon
Yesterday morning
Of Two years and seven months
Is supposed to be about sixty years of age
On Tuesday the 30th September
In the 77th year of his age
On Thursday, the 27th ult.
In the sixty-sixth year of her age
On Monday evening, 3rd February
Aged about 17
On Sunday
An old citizen
On the morning of the 17th instant
In the 41st year of her age
On Wednesday morning
Infant daughter
On Tuesday morning, 16th instant
Aged eighteen months
On Saturday night
Aged 23
On the 4th instant
On Sunday, 9th instant
Aged 28 years
On Sunday, 9th instant
Yesterday morning
In the 8th year of her age
On Friday morning, December 5
On Monday evening, 3rd February
Yesterday morning
Infant son
On Sunday last
On the morning of the 15th instant
In his 35th year
On Tuesday, 29th instant
In the 22nd year of his age
On Tuesday night
Yesterday morning
On Monday morning, 17th instant
On Saturday last
On Tuesday afternoon
The advanced age of 86 years and ten months
8/7/1845 & 8/12/1845
On Monday, the 4th instant
In the 20th year of his age
On Sunday morning, 16th instant
Aged 28
On Sunday night last
In the 79th year of his age

Death Notices from The Whig for 1845

January 4, 1845
Died in this city on Wednesday morning, Mary Frances, infant daughter of Dr. Lyman T. Gunn.

January 7, 1845
Died on Saturday night of pulmonary consumption, Mrs. Isabella H., wife of Mr. William Harmon, aged 23. “Remarkable (says a correspond of the Banner) for amiability of character and for all that is lovely in a wife, a mother, a friend.” The deceased was a native of Philadelphia and a niece of Miss H. Correy, Cherry street.

January 9, 1845
Died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Amelia Terrass on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Ann Taylor, at the advanced aged of 86 years and ten months. She was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, resided many years in the city of Philadelphia and for the last thirty years in this city where she enjoyed the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends.

January 11, 1845
Tribute of Respect – Agatheridan Hall, January 6, 1845. At a called meeting of the Agatheridan Society, to adopt suitable measures concerning the death of Nicholas Hardeman, David D. Jackson was called to the Chair and C. Robert Wheat was appointed Secretary. The following preamble and resolutions were then offered by Randal W. McGavock: Whereas, having heard of the death of Nicholas Hardeman, formerly a member of this society; whereas, he, by the firmness of his character and mental abilities, was endeared to his associates and all who knew him; whereas, we have met together to render this melancholy tribute of respect and esteem to the memory of our late friend and fellow member – therefore, be it Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the parents and relatives of the deceased. 2. That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. 3. That a copy of these resolutions, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, be transmitted to the parents of the deceased. 4. That the several newspapers in this city and the Franklin Review be requested to publish the above. D. D. Jackson, Chairman. C. R. Wheat, Secretary

January 14, 1845
Sudden Death of a Valued Citizen. We do not remember ever to have seen our community more shocked by the loss of a private citizen than on the announcement on Sunday afternoon that Thomas H. Fletcher, Esq., an eminent member of the Nashville Bar, had died suddenly of apoplexy alone in his office on the Public Square. He was discovered by his little son about 4 o’clock, on the floor, quite lifeless, having doubtless fallen from a settee upon which he was reading in a recumbent posture at the moment of the attack. He had complained of fullness in the head for several days previous and on Saturday exerted himself to an unusual degree, his illness considered, in a speech of two hours and a half before the Criminal Court of Davidson, in the case of the State vs. Merchant. And although he ate his dinner as usual on Sunday and was walking about within the hour of his death, the apoplexy is supposed to have been brought on by the physical and mental effort of the day before.

Mr. Fletcher was an old citizen of Nashville. His residence may be dated as far back as 1809. He served his country in the Indian campaigns of 1813. He then engaged largely in mercantile pursuits and being unfortunate, like hundreds of his fellow citizens, in the pecuniary disasters of 1818-19, subsequently directed his talents to the law in which he was eminently, we might almost say, pre-eminently successful. As a practical businesss lawyer, he had few superiors; as a criminal advocate – bold, shrewd and eloquent – he had scarcely an equal. His acquaintance with the politics of the country was very general and few men could trace their progress from the early days of the Constitution to the present time with more accuracy. And yet he had little or no taste for political pursuits though his ready talents would have adorned any station to which he might have aspired. At one period, he represented, for a session or two, the county of Franklin in the State Legislature, and at another, served as Secretary of State under a pro tem appointment from the late value and intimate friend, Gov. Carroll. But by these exceptions, he contented himself with the expression of his political sentiments in the private circles. His intimate knowledge of standards English and bellas lettre literature, imparted a charm to his fine conversational powers that made him at all times the agreeable social companion, while it enabled him, during his leisure hours, to amuse himself with occasional —— ——- for the newspaper press. Our own columns have frequently been favored by his terse and attractive notices of the local interests of the city or the current amusements and incidents of the day. Nothing of this sort escaped his observation. If he found not “Tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in everything.” his pen, at least, made smooth the rough passages of life by imparting interest and amusement to what others of less universal benevolence, might have deemed unworthy their philosophy. We record his death with heartfelt sorrow. He was a personal friend of long standing. He was the friend of other friends; in short a golden link in the chain of society, the sudden loss of which, at this early hour can scarcely be realized, much less told in its full extent.

The proceedings published below attest the estimation in which he was held by the Bar. At a meeting of the members of the Nashville Bar, and the members present of the Bar of the Supreme Court of the State, now in session, James Campbell, Esq., was called to the Chair and John Hugh Smith appointed Secretary. The following preamble and resolution were then offered by Andrew Ewing, Esq. and unanimously adopted: It having been announced to the members of the Bar that their respected associate, Thomas H. Fletcher departed this life on yesterday evening and feeling ——- ——- ——– respect for the many virtues of the deceased and the regret they feel for the sudden and afflicting calamity which has drawn the veil of separation between them and their brother. Therefore, Resolved, That we deeply regret the fatal dispensation of Providence which has suddenly deprived us of the companionship of our distinguished fellow member, that we sympathize with the disconsolate family of the decedent in their deep and heart-rending affliction. Resolved, That we attend the funeral in procession on tomorrow morning and wear the accustomed badges of mourning. Resolved, That these proceedings be published in the different newspapers of the city. Resolved, That James Campbell, Esq. be requested to offer the preamble and resolutions in the Supreme Court and ask for them a place on their minutes. That John Trimble, Esq., and R. J. Meigs, Esq., be requested to make similar motions in the Circuit and Criminal Courts. On motion, the meeting adjourned. James Campbell, Chairman. John Hugh Smith, Secretary.

The Funeral of Thomas H. Fletcher, Esq. will take place this morning at 10 o’clock from the Presbyterian Church. Service by the Rev. ——–.

January 28, 1845
Died yesterday morning at the residence of William Nichol, Esq., in the county (Davidson) Mrs. Adelaide Nichol, consort of elder James Nichol, Merchant of this city and eldest daughter of Major Benjamin McCulloch, residing near Murfreesborough. The decease of a wife or mother is always, more or less, an event of mournful reflection to all survivors; but especially to such as have been called to feel all the bitterness of a mortal separation from relatives so endearing and endeared. In the removal of Mrs. Nichol, both these relations have at once been sundered and that too, under circumstances of more than ordinary affliction. She was both as a “help-mate” to her husband and as the mother of seven small children, most happily qualified to bless the former and to instruct and conduct the latter in all the ways of that wisdom whose ways are pleasantness and all whose paths are peace. Her mind, naturally clear, was early improved both by parental and academical instructions and above all was early deeply imbued with the spirit of wisdom and knowledge from above. She was a decided Christian. These early advantages, combined with a disposition, at once the most affectionate and obliging, gave her not only universal interest with all her numerous relations and friends, but rendered her preeminently lovely in her own hallowed domestic sanctuary. In that sanctuary her departed worth can never be replaced. But while this must always be felt, as to her loss, to her endeared parents and husband and children and brothers and sisters, we are warranted to say, that a purer spirit never left a long afflicted and emaciated frame or entered the mansions of glory, better prepared to enjoy their rest or engage in their rapturous anthems of praise to God and the Lamb. Her loss to the Presbyterian Church of this city, of which she was one of the most cherished members, will long be remembered and truly lamented. The morning of the resurrection shall fully unfold her whole worth. T.

February 4, 1845
Died on Sunday night last in the 79th year of his age, Mr. James Wand. He was a native of England and has resided in this city since 1824, exercising the honorable and responsible profession of Teacher. Mr. Wand was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and was remarkable for unaffected piety and the faithful discharge of his Christian duties. The funeral of the late Mr. Wand will take place this morning at 10 o’clock at the Methodist E. Church to which his friends and acquaintances are invited. Divine service by th Rev. Mr. Pitt.

February 4, 1845
On Monday evening, 3rd February, after a severe illness which she bore with Christian serenity, Hester, daughter of the late Joseph Jefferson, comedian of Philadelphia and wife of Alexander MacKenzie, former manager of the theatres in Baltimore, Washington and the State of Illinois and now of Nashville. Y.

February 22, 1845 (Saturday)
Died in this city on Wednesday night last, Laura, infant daughter of W. W. and Jane E. Berry, aged eight months.

March 8, 1845
Obituary From the Banner. Died, of consumption, Jane Crutcher, wife of Edmund Crutcher on Thursday, the 27th ult. at 1/4 past 10 o’clock, a. m. in the sixty-sixth year of her age. The subject of this obituary offering was born in Botetourt County, Virginia from whence, with her father’s family, she emigrated at an early age to Kentucky, from thence to Sumner county in this State. Hers was an active life in all its usual walks, one of cheerfulness, industry and utility. As a wife and mother, she inculcated every ennobling virtues and the adornment of her sex; not alone by precept but by her imposing example, kind to her domestics and ever solicitous for the welfare and happiness of those whom God had pleased to place under her care. As a neighbor, she was charitable and benevolent; but her heart and hand, which always sympathised for the sufferings and misfortunes of the poor and was prompt in giving aid, are now hushed and cold in death. If she had faults, earth has been to her, as she was to her kind; it has thrown its broad and dark mantle of charity over them. She was an earthly gem of a heavenly stamp. She was a pure and single minded woman; an emanation of the deity, the link which binds us to a purer and holier state and when the monster death approached, she feared no danger, for she knew no sin.

As the soft and gentle dews fertilize and expand the flower, did she draw all in the pale of her influence from error to virtue’s side. The Western sky is tinged with a halo and light long after the sun is set, so her lovely bearing in life and on her bed of death, will be felt beyond the grave. The tears and lamentations of husband, children, relatives, mourning friends and servants bespeak her epitaph. Virguous, beloved and revered in life – cheerful and resigned in death, her task on earth fulfilled, like the dove driven back into the ark, by troubled winds and waves, she had resumed her place in the bosom of her God. She lived as she died, with a full reliance upon the rectitude of her actions and an abiding faith in the dispensations and providences of an all-wise Creator. “Her’s was a hope sweeter than life, Stronger than death.”

March 11, 1845
Died on Sunday, 9th instant in this vicinity, Mr. Timothy Kezer, merchant, a native of Maine and for many years past engaged and favorably known in the Hat and Fur business in Nashville.

March 11, 1845
Died on Sunday, 9th instant, Mr. John R. Jefferson, aged 28 years.

March 13, 1845
Captain William Nichols, Civil Engineer, late Superintendent of the Naval Hospital at New Orleans, died in this city at the Nashville Inn on Tuesday night. He was taken ill on his way to Washington City and lingered here five or six weeks. We learn that he had skilful medical attendance to the hour of his death and that his remains were interred with with all respect in the city burying ground last evening. His disease was consumption. New Orleans and Washington papers will please notice the above.

March 18, 1845
Died on Sunday morning, 15th instant, Mrs. Sarah N. Walker, wife of John W. Walker and daughter of the late Dr. Young A. Gray of Florence, Alabama, aged 28. The suddenness of this event caused a painful ——- in the circle of the friends of the deceased and of her bereaved husband. Our acquaintance with her, though limited, was such as ——– by its remembrance, the sympathy of the living ——–by her loss. The afflicted husband has he sincere condolence of his friends and neighbors in a misfortune which has deprived him of one who was to him as only earthy joy. The funeral of the deceased will take place this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence of Mr. Walker on High street. Divine service by Rev. Mr. Lapsley.

April 19, 1845
Died on the morning of the 15th instant near this city at the residence of his father, N. A. McNairy, Esq., Mr. John A. McNairy in his 35th year. The sudden decease of one so endeared to his parents and numerous relatives has produced emotions of no ordinary depth or strength. No parents could lose a son of more devoted affection; and no brothers or sisters, a brother of more universal sympathy or fondness. His friendship for all was apparent but for his more immediate relatives and acquaintances, it was must tender and intense. As a Christian, he was alike removed from all cant and from all mere affected or ostentatious display. In short, his life was distingusihed by a course of uniform regularity, both of walk and conversation. His pathway in life had been marked by trials of peculiar disquietude and sorrow but in the midst of them all, his heart was fixed, trusting to God. Twice he was called to feel the the desolation of a bereaved husband, and as often, the early removal of his infant offspring. Yet he could still say in sincerely “the Lord gave and he hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” From the period of his connexion with the Presbyterian church, 1833, to the day of his death, the affections of his heart most prominent were, in the language of scripture, love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness. His last mortal attack of disease was severe but it found him prepared to endure with patience its wasting ravages and its final triumph over all of him that was mortal. It could only dissolve the earthly house of his tabernacle and thus hasten the passage of his redeemed spirit into a world of never ending blessedness and glory. Not one cloud was permitted to intercept his spiritual vision or one fear to disturb his hopes of a blessed immortality, during the whole of his progress through the valley and the shadow of death. In the clear exercise of his reason and in the full assurance of faith, he could say with almost his last breath, my home is to be forever in heaven and my anthem there, throughout eternity, shall be to Him who loved me and washed me from my sins in his own blood. Amicus

April 19, 1845
Died yesterday morning, Preston, infant of John P. W. Brown, Esq. – a sweet, interesting child of two years and seven months, the only son of its doating parents.

April 19, 1845
Died at the residence of Stokely Donelson, Esq., near the Hermitage on Monday morning, 17th instant, at 4 o’clock, Mrs. Minerva C. Stephens, relict of the late Rev. Abednego Stephens and daughter of Dr. William P. Lawrence of this city. “The veil has dropped, Her spirit now. Intense with life, hath soared above, And dwelleth where the Seraphs bow, And sing their holy hymns of love. The seed hath sprung into a tree, The flower hath burst its bud, the immortal soul is free. Be mine thy mantle and impart, Thy spirit, patient and serene, Thine own pure singleness of heart, And make me all that thou hast been, Teach me to know and feel and see thy worth – the path which thou last trod, My beacon on life’s ocean be To lead my trembling steps to God.” I.

May 1, 1845
Died on Tuesday, 29th instant at half past 10 o’clock p. m., David R. Nelson, son of Matthew Nelson, Esq. In the 22nd year of his age. His friends and the friends and acquaintances of his father are invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock at the Second Presbyterian Church. Service by Rev. Mr. Lapsley.

May 3, 1845
Died yesterday morning, Coleman P., infant son of Thomas W. and Mary Ann Marshall of this city.

June 5, 1845
Died in this city on the 4th instant, Mrs. Lucy Anne, wife of Mr. F. O. Hurt.

June 24, 1845
Died in this city on Sunday last, Mary Catherine, daughter of William H. McNairy.

July 15, 1845
Died yesterday morning, Mary Owen, daughter of Mr. William Ledbetter, in the 8th year of her age.

July 24, 1845
Sucide. A Coroner’s inquest was held over the dead body of a man by the name of John Carroll who was found early on the morning of the 22nd, hanging by the neck under the salt shed in the Sixth Ward, Nashville. It appears he had been about that place for several days, complaining somewhat of diarrhea and was seen there late on the evening before his death and appeared in distress. It is said he was from Bedford county and on his way to Kentucky. He is supposed to be about sixty years of age. We are indebted for the foregoing statement to one of the jurors who sat on the inquest.

July 26, 1845 (Tuesday)
Four penitentiary convicts whose names are William Ferguson, William Swaney, James Gaddy and Abraham Briley, made their escape on Saturday last and on the same night one of them, Swaney, was drowned in attempting to cross the river at the Hydes Ferry. His body was found the next day.

August 7, 1845
Died on Monday, the 4th instant at Mt. Airry, Davidson County of billious fever, Mr. Milton Tully in the 20th year of his age.

August 12, 1845
Tribute of Respect – At a meeting of the Medical Students of this city of Nashville held on the 7th instant, Mr. G. M.Wharton was called to the Chair and Mr. William A. East appointed Secretary. Whereupon the following preamble and resolutions, submitted by Mr. John W. McIntosh were unanimously adopted. Whereas it has pleased the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst Milton Tully, our lamented friend and fellow student in medicine, who, by his goodness of heart and generous disposition and all those amiable and noble qualities which constituted his character and endeared himself to us; and who by the talents he possessed and perseverance and application he manifested, might, we doubt not, have attained to high honors in the profession. And whereas, we desire to give some testimontial of the his estimation in which he was held by us, as well as an expression of our unfeigned sorrow for his removal from us.

Resolved, That we feel deeply sensible of the bereavement we have sustained in the departure of our lamented friend; and that, for the many virtues which he displayed in his intercourse with us, we will fondly cherish his memory. Resolved, That while we heartly condole with his parents and relatives, we are gratified to know that they mourn not as those who have no hope; he confessed the glorious name of our blessed Redeemer, under whose guidance and protection he shrunk not from entering the dark valley of death; seeming in his last moments, while he placed his trust and confidence in the atoning merits of that Reemer, only solicitius that those who were dearest to him and were not yet professors of our holy religion, should be warned by his premature death of the uncertainly of life and the necessity of gaining that which alone is needful – the approbation of God. Resolve, that the preceedings of this meeting be published in the “Nashville Whig” and “Southern Western Christian Advocate” and copies forwarded to his parents and relatives. G. M. Wharton, Chairman, W. A. East, Secretary.

August 19, 1845
Died in this city on Sunday morning last, Captain J. B. Boyd, in the 27th year of his age. He graduated at West Point a few years since with distinguished honors and afterwards served the American Army in the Florida campaign. Resigning his commission in the Army, he came to this city to teach a Classical and Military School, the duties of which he prosecuted with success until his death. He was raised in Marshall county, Tennessee.

August 28, 1845
Died in this city on Monday afternoon, Mrs. Sarah Brotherton, wife of Thomas Brotherton.

October 2, 1845
Died after a long and severe illness on Tuesday the 30th September at his residence six miles south of Nashville, William Compton, Sr., in the 77th year of his age.

December 6, 1845
Died on Friday morning, December 5, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. Dr. Lindsley. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral at the First Presbyterian Church on Sunday next (tomorrow) at eleven o’clock, a. m.

December 11, 1845
Died on Monday evening of consumption, George W. East, aged about 17, youngest son of the late Addison East of this city.

December 18, 1845
Obituary. Died in this vicinity on the morning of the 17th instant in the 41st year of her age, Mrs. Narcissa H. Foster, consort of James H. Foster, Esq. In noticing the demise of one so universally esteemed (could not read next two lines) in the relations of a useful and well-spent life without seeming to indulge in the too common practice of the day, that of lavishing encomiums on he dead. But may it not be truly said of this deceased lady that in her were combined all the delicate and endearing qualities that make up the female character. With a sweetness of temper and amiability of disposition unsurpassed, she secured to herself the lasting attachment of her relations and friends. At an early age she threw aside the imaginary pleasures of this life in exchange for the blessed realities of a religious life as better suited to one so pure and spotless. She was an exemplary Christian and her intercourse in society breathed the spirit of piety with which her mind was so deeply imbued. Her loss to her family is irreparable – as a wife, she was devoted – as a mother, kind and indulgent. An all-wise Creator has summoned her from our midst and she is now at rest with the sainted in heaven. “Peace to her ashes.”

December 18, 1845
Died in this city on Tuesday morning, 16th instant, Anna, aged eighteen months, daughter of P. F. and Mineriva Hardcastle.

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