Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages. Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Obituaries 1849 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Death notices from The Nashville True Whig for 1849
January 20, 1849
Died on Thursday morning last, Mrs. Susan P. Ramsey, wife of Col. W. B. A. Ramsey, secretary of the state and daughter of the late Judge Trimble.
January 23, 1849
Col. Andrew Hynes (see copy of death notice)
March 13, 1849
Died yesterday morning, Mrs. Agnes G. Trabue. (see copy of death notice)
March 17, 1849
Nelson Raymond (see copy of death notice)
March 17, 1849
Died on yesterday afternoon in this city, Mr. John Robertson, aged about 39 years, only son of the late Duncan Robertson.
March 22, 1849
Tribute of respect for John H. Robertson (see copy of death notice)
March 22, 1849
Died on Sunday night the 18th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hillman, wife of Charles E. Hillman of the city. She had suffered many months from a painful and protracted disease which she sustained with patience and meekness and died full of the Christian’s hope and confidence in the future.
March 22, 1849
Died, a Mr. Ford (this is probably A. J. Ford, (see copy of death notice)
March 22, 1849
Died in the city on the 20th instant, Walker Yeatman.
March 24, 1849
Died on the 22nd inst. Walker Yeatman (see copy of death notice)
March 24, 1849
Cholera – Upon enquiring yesterday, we learned there were then several new cases of cholera. There have been no deaths, however, since that of Mr. N. D. Carson, late of the firm of McCombs and Carson, Cabinet Makers, on Wednesday morning. Mr. Carson was a most industrious, exemplary and respectable citizen and his death has been generally lamented. (see copy of death notice)
March 29, 1849
Deaths of Thomas Smith, 18th, Thomas Jost, 18th, Mrs. R. A. Green, 19th, A. J. Ford, 20th, John Bradley, 19th (Charles Hicks (28), died May 31, 1849) (see copy of death notice).
May 22, 1849
Died in the city on Saturday the 19th inst., Mrs. Mary Greer at the age of 83 years and 11 months.
May 26, 1849
Thomas W. Erskine – tribute of respect (see copy of death notice)
June 2, 1849 (Saturday)
Since four o’clock Thursday last, we have heard of but one death from cholera – Mr. Hicks. We heard of no new cases yesterday.
June 2, 1849
Interments – There was in this month ending four o’clock yesterday, 60 interments, 32 cholera, 3 off the river. Of the above 15 were infants – whites, 40; blacks, 20. (this was probably for the month of May)
June 5, 1849
Died in this city of consumption, on Saturday morning, Mrs. Frances McFarland.
June 12, 1849
Died; Mrs. Susan Watson, Charles White, Sarah Work (daughter of A. H. Sellick), Mrs. Huntingdon, Mrs. Susan Bass. (see copy of original notice)
June 12, 1849
Died Mr. J. G. Berry (see copy of death notice)
June 14, 1849
Died, Mrs. Susan H. Bass (see copy of death notice)
June 19, 1849
Died on Monday, 11th, Mrs. Elizabeth Stevens
Died on Friday, Mrs. E. M. Hawkins (see copy of death notice)
June 21, 1849
On the 15th instant, Thomas S. Fleming, 33 years. He was a native of Scotland, County of Galloway and migrated to this country in 1842.
June 21, 1849
Died on yesterday evening, Mrs. Mary Blake, consort of N. O. Blake. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from her late residence on summer street. Raleigh, N. C. papers please copy.
June 21, 1849
Died of cholera on the 13th instant, John McKnight, son of T. S. and Elizabeth Fleming, aged 7 years.
June 23, 1849
Died , Professor Hamilton (see copy of notice)
June 26, 1849
Died; Mrs. Matilda Freeman and Reuben Jones (see copy of notice)
June 26, 1849
Tribute of respect for James Hamilton (see copy)
July 3, 1849
Died in this city on Sunday the first instant, Mr. William Davis, aged 51 years, formerly of Williamson County.
July 10, 1849
N. B. Alderson – tribute of respect – Nashville Fire Co. (see copy)
July 12, 1849
Died in this vicinity on the 9th instant, Sarah E. Austin, oldest daughter of the late John Austin. (see copy)
July 12, 1849
Died in this city on the 7th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of J.B. Conley.
July 17, 1849
Dead – It will be seen by reference to the list of interments, in another column, that William Nemmerfel, stabbed by Richter (a barber working with C. A. Breast) with a cane sword in an affray on Saturday night, has died. Richter, we understand, is in jail – committed for want of bail.
July 19, 1849 (Thursday)
Died on Tuesday last, Mary, daughter of MRS. Ellis, age 2, inflammation of the brain.
July 19, 1849 (Thursday)
Died, infant daughter of F. Marshall – 1 year, teething.
July 19, 1849 (Thursday)
Died, Mary, slave of A. A. Adams, aged 16 – cholera.
July 31, 1849
Infants called home – Anna Gales (see copy)
August 11, 1849
Death of William Eakin – We regret to hear of the death of Mr. William Eakin, of the firm of W & T Eakin & co. In this city. He died at the Mammoth Cave, Ky on Wednesday, the 8th instant. He will be deeply regretted as an active and valuable member of the business community and a kind, courteous, amiable gentleman. (see copy)
AUGUST 11, 1849
Funeral sermon – the Rev. Dr. A. L. P. Green will preach the funeral sermon of the late Mr. Albert H. Wynne at the McKendree Church tomorrow at 10 o’clock.
August 18, 1849
The late William Eakin (see copy)
August 18, 1849
Obit for John Hanna (John Hannah (70) in book) (see copy of death notice)
August 23, 1849
Death of N. S. Anderson (see copy of death notice)
August 23, 1849
Nashville Fire Company, No. 1. you are hereby notified to hold yourself in readiness at the engine house this morning to attend the funeral of N. S. Anderson. Uniform to be red shirts and white pants. By order of the Captain. August 23. W. A. Glenn, secretary (see copy of death notice)
September 1, 1849
Dr. John S. Mcnairy – tribute of respect (see copy)
Mrs. Susan A. Shields (I believe this is Mrs. T. A. Shields in the book) – obituary (see copy of death notice)
December 29, 1849
Died at the hospital of Sisters of Charity, on the morning of the 26th instant of inflammation of the stomach, David Glass of Dickson County, Tennessee, aged about 25 years.
Death notices from the Nashville Republican Banner – 1849
March 5, 1849, Nashville Republican Banner
Died on yesterday morning, Mrs. Ann Mimmick, an aged and highly esteemed resident. Her funeral will take place from the Episcopal Church at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
March 9, 1849, Nashville Republican Banner
Died on yesterday morning, Martha Jane, daughter of James L. and Frances A. Leake. The funeral will take place from the Second Baptist Church today at 12 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. J. R. Graves.
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