January 5, 1855
Tribute to William E. Pearl (See copy on page 74)
January 5, 1855
Sudden Death – Benjamin Phillips died suddenly yesterday afternoon on Cedar Street, west of Capitol Hill. He was, when found, upon his feet, leaning back against a house, dead. He was in usual health early in the morning and, we understand, ate a hearty breakfast. He was a veteran inebriate.
January 16, 1855
Death of Mrs. B. R. McKennie – We learn with regret that the highly esteemed lady of our neighbor, the senior proprietor of the “True Whig” died yesterday morning of consumption. This event, though nor unexpected, must press heavily upon the family circle accustomed to the daily exhibition of those beautics and grace of character which render the mother and the wife an object around which all the best emotions of the heart entwine themselves for support; and most sincerely do we sympathize with them in their bereavement.
Died – On yesterday morning, the 15th inst., Mrs. Zabina H., wife of B. R. McKennie, at his residence two miles from Nashville, on the Gallatin Turnpike. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend her funeral this morning from the McKendree Church at 11 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. Dr. McFerrin.
January 17, 1855
The late Dr. J. Irwin. We are requested to state that there will be a meeting of the physicians of Nashville at the office of Dr. J. D. Winston on Cherry Street this morning preparatory to attend the funeral of the late Dr. Jo Irwin.
January 17, 1855
Died near this city on Wednesday evening last, John S. Payne in his 30th year. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock at the McKendree Church. Divine service by Rev. J. B. McFerrin.
January 20, 1855
Death of John Irwin (See copy)
January 23, 1855
Died – On Monday morning, Jan. 22nd, Anthony Will Minchin, aged 19 years. His friends and acquaintance and those of his brother, William H. Minchin, are invited to attend his funeral at Christ Church this (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. (I believe this is probably Charles Minchin (25) in the cemetery book.)
February 6, 1855
The late Peter B. Morris (See notice) (I believe this may be Peter B. Mims in the cemetery book. Peter B. Morris died on the 18th of January, 1855 at age 53.)
February 7, 1855
The friends and acquaintances of B. S. Weller are invited to attend the funeral of W. Z. Boardman from the hospital this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Service by Rev. J. B. Ferguson. Hacks will be at the McComb’s corner at 2 o’clock to convey those persons who wish to attend.
April 25, 1855
The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Weller are invited to attend the funeral of Miss Catherine Saffarrans from their residence, on Cherry Street, this morning at 9 o’clock a. m. (this is probably Miss Catharine Lafrens listed in the cemetery book.)
April 25, 1855
Maggie Castleman (See Obituary Notice)
May 11, 1855
Died – Suddenly, of apoplexy, at the residence of his father on High Street yesterday, James A. Diggons, aged 29 years. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased and of his father’s family are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of the latter, this evening at 4 o’clock.
May 24, 1855
Rev. Phillip Lindsley – We regret most sincerely to state that Rev. P. L. Lindsley was suffering very seriously yesterday from a dangerous attack of what was supposed to be apoplexy. He had the day previously, it is thought, overtaxed his physical and mental powers in the very able speeches he made before the General Assembly and, it is supposed, that this may have been a prime cause of his attack.
May 26, 1855
Death of Dr. Lindsley – In our issue of Friday morning it was our painful duty to announce that the Rev. Philip Lindsley, for many years the President of the University of Nashville, but, of late, a resident of Indiana, who was here in attendance on the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, had been the previous day stricken with apoplexy and was considered to be in a condition that hardly admitted of any hope of recovery. Yesterday evening, what had been foreseen from the commencement of his illness, took place, and this most learned and highly esteemed gentleman breathed his last – the object of affectionate solicitudes and unceasing attentions from children and friends by whom he was surrounded.
May 27, 1855
Rev. Dr. Phillip Lindsley (see Tribute of Respect)
May 31, 1855
Rev. Philip Lindsley (See Copy)
July 1, 1855
The friends and acquaintances of H. L. and Lucy Claiborne are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their little boy, John, from their residence on Vine Street this evening at 5 o’clock. Divine service by the Rev. J. B. Ferguson.
July 4, 1855
Died in this city on Tuesday morning, Albert W., youngest son of James and Ellen Diggons, in his 16th year. The friends of the family and classmates of the deceased in the Hume Fogg High School are invited to attend the funeral this morning at 8 o’clock from Christ Church.
July 24, 1855
J. D. Hamilton (see copy)
August 8, 1855
Died yesterday morning at the residence of Dr. Shelby, Mary Margaret, infant daughter of John S. Barrow. Funeral service by the Rev. J. T. Edgar this day, August 8 at 11 o’clock a. m. at the First Presbyterian Church.
August 16, 1855
Died on Friday the 10th inst., John Webster, infant son of Felix and Emily G. Compton, aged one year and four days. “Mourn not ye whose child has found, Purier skies and holier ground. Flowers of bright and pleasant hue, Free from thorns and fresh with dew.”
August 22, 1855
The friends and acquaintances of James W. and Mary E. Hamilton are requested to attend the funeral of their little son, James Watson, Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock from their residence.
August 25, 1855
Catherine Graham (See death notice)
September 4, 1855
Died in the city on Sunday evening, 2nd inst, Mrs. Catherine S. Kirkman, wife of John Kirkman, Esq. The friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral from their residence, No. 5, High Street, this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Edgar.
September 13, 1855
Olivia Ament (See death notice)
September 22, 1855
Death of E. P. McGinty (See death notices here and here)
September 22, 1855
Miss Catharine Louisa McGavock (see death notice)
September 28, 1855
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Bridges (may be Mrs. M. Bridges in the cemetery book. See copy of death notice on page 84)
October 14, 1855
Died on Saturday morning, October 13, at her father’s residence in this city, Annie, 5th daughter of James and Margaret Erwin, in the 10th year of her age.
October 28, 1855
Walter Scott (see death notice)
November 11, 1855
Died on the 10th inst., Sarah H., wife of James H. Kendrick. The friends and acquaintance are invited to attend her funeral from his residence on Vine Street this evening at 8 o’clock.
November 11, 1855
Mrs. Caroline M. Gunn (This may be Mrs. Sarah Gun (40) in the cemetery book) See copy of death notice on page 84)
November 14, 1855
Mrs. Sarah H. Kendrick (see copy of obituary)
November 15, 1855
Died on Tuesday, the 13th inst, at the residence of M. E. DeGrove, near Nashville, Mrs. Mary Jane Boyd, relict of John G. Boyd of Franklin, in the 32nd year of her age.
December 23, 1855
Archie Loomis, age 4 (see death notice)