Obituaries – 1857

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.

Name Obituary Date Death Date Age
Berryhill, Mrs. Mary 4/4/1857
Burton, Joseph G 10/31/1857
Claiborne, Duncan R. 8/2/1857 Friday evening
Crooker, Mrs. A. 9/20/1857
Davis child 12/12/1857 sprightly boy of three years
Embree, Mrs. Augusta Yeatman 10/17/1857
Erwin, John P. 8/28/1857
Faulkner, Willie Watson 7/11/1857 Tuesday afternoon in the 5th year of his age
Greener, Mr. 7/10/1857
Hall, Edward 2/24/1857 2/22/1857 in the 18th year of his age
Ham, Wallace 8/18/1857 age 7
Henning, James S. 12/15/1857 aged 15 years
Hill, Emma 12/1/1857
Lankford, Nancy 12/5/1857 12/4/1857 in the 65th year of her age
Marshall, Dr. John Luther 11/25/1857
Matthews, Eudora Adelina 4/22/1857
McDaniel, Fannie Dunnington 4/15/1857 4/13/1857 age 1 year and 6 months
Peach, Bettie Ford 12/12/1857 11/11/1857 lovely child
Robertson, Henry Goldston 4/8/1857 4/5/1857 age 8 months and 24 days
Scott, Mrs. Catharine 10/2/1857
Soule, Mrs. Sarah 5/28/1857
Spears, James 2/28/1857
Tardiff, Mrs. Martha 2/3/1857 2/1/1857 in the 75th year of her age
West, William Edward 11/3/1857 & 11/5/1857 & 11/18/1857
Willis, Thomas Crutcher 8/4/1857 8/2/1857 aged 24 years and 5 months
Wingate, Robert 2/28/1857 10/4/1856
Woods, Joseph, Jr. see also 3/22/1857 & 3/29/1857
Zollicoffer, Mrs. Gen. 7/14/1857

February 3, 1857
Died in this city on Sunday morning, the 1st inst, Mrs. Martha Tardiff in the 75th year of her age.

February 24, 1857
Died in this county yesterday morning, the 22nd inst., Edward, son of James H. M. and Ann Rebecca Hall, in the 18th year of his age.

February 28, 1857
Frightful Accident on the Chattanooga Road – Killed were James Spears and Robert Wingate (See account of wreck on page 94)

March 22, 1857
Died Joseph Woods, Jr. (See death notice on page 94)

March 29, 1857
Joseph Woods, Jr. ( See Obituary on page 95)

April 4, 1857
Died Mrs. Mary Berryhill (See Obituary on page 96)

April 8, 1857
Died on the 5th inst, Henry Goldston Robertson, of consumption, age 8 months and 24 days, son of A. B. and H. A. Robertson.

April 15, 1857
Died on April 13, Fannie Dunnington McDaniel, age 1 year and 6 months, daughter of J. J. McDaniel.

April 22, 1857
Died Eudora Adelina Matthews (See death notice on page 96)

May 28, 1857
Died Mrs. Sarah Soule (See death notice 96)

July 10, 1857
We regret to learn that Mr. Greener, a German, who was wounded in a difficulty with Sanford Petty several days since, died on Tuesday from the effects. Greener was struck in the temple with a rock, fracturing his skull. Petty, it will be remembered, was examined and discharged upon proof that he was acting in self defense and retreating when the missile was thrown.

July 11, 1857
Died in this city on Tuesday afternoon, Willie Watson, son of James T. and Margaret M. Faulkner, in the 5th year of his age.

July 14, 1857
Death of Mrs. Gen. Zolllicoffer (See death notice on page 96)

August 2, 1857
Died at the residence of his mother, South Nashville, on Friday evening at 8 o’clock, Duncan R. Claiborne. His funeral will take place this Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. His friends and those of the family are invited to attend. Service by Rev. J. B. Ferguson.

August 2, 1857
The late D. R. Claiborne, Esq. (See death notice on page 96)

August 4, 1857
Died in this city on Sunday, August 2, Thomas Crutcher Willis, aged 24 years and 5 months.

August 18, 1857
Sad and Fatal Accident, Wallace Ham, age 7. (See death notice on page 98)

August 28, 1857
Death of John P. Erwin (See death notice on page 98)

September 20, 1857
The family and acquaintances of Mrs. A. Crooker are invited to attend her funeral this afternoon (Sunday) at 4 o’clock from the McKendree Church.

October 2, 1857
The friends and acquaintances of the late Mrs. Catharine Scott are invited to attend her funeral this evening (October 2) from the First Presbyterian Church at 3 o’clock. Services by the Rev. Dr. Edgar.

October 17, 1857
Death of Mrs. Augusta Yeatman Embree (Embrye) (See death notice on page 98)

October 31, 1857
Died yesterday of hemorrhage, Joseph G., youngest son of the late George H. Burton. His funeral will take place at 10 o’clock this morning from the residence of Mr. Sigler. Divine service by Dr. Howell.

November 3, 1857
Death of a Celebrated Artist – William Edward West (See death notice on page 98)

November 5, 1857
William Edward West – Tribute of Respect (See copy on page 98)

November 18, 1857
The late William Edward West (See copy on page 98)

November 25, 1857
Death of Dr. John Luther Marshall (See death notice on page 100)

December 1, 1857
Death of Emma Hill (See death notice on page 100)

December 5, 1857
Died on the 4th December at her late residence, South Cherry Street, Nancy Lankford in the 65th year of her age.

December 12, 1857
Burnt to Death – Child of W. J. Davis ( See copy of death on page 100)

December 12, 1857
Sudden Death of a Lovely Child – Bettie Ford Peach (See copy of death on page 100) (She is listed as having died on November 11, 1857 on the microfilm. Cause: brain fever. Buried on Oak.

December 15, 1857
Death of James S. Henning (See death notice on page 100)

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