Obituaries – 1858

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.

Name Obituary Date Death Date Age
Barry, Mr. John 2/23/1858 & 2/24/1858
Bateman, Mrs. Mary 7/17/1858 aged 76 years
Brown 8/22/1858 infant child
Brown, William D. 4/6/1858
Bruce, Frank Lawton 9/12/1858 9/11/1858 infant son
Coleman, Mary 10/21/1858 aged 11 years and 8 months
Collman, Andrew Jackson 6/10/1858
Denning, Clement (?) 7/3/1858
Ellis, Miss Charlotte 8/17/1858
Embree, Gusse Yeatman 1/17/1858 Friday night last infant daughter
Fife, Sebastie 8/6/1858 8/5/1858
Fite, Mrs. Virginia G. L. 7/7/1858
Gross, Mrs. Eveline 8/3/1858 8/2/1858 in the 48th year of her age
Haslam, Samuel 2/16/1858 1/19/1858 age 50 years
Hume, Mary E. 3/5/1858
Jones, Mrs. Catharine 12/5/1858 12/4/1858
Lanier, Albert 3/9/1858 infant son
Lowery, Nimrod 6/3/1858
M’Caslin, John Erwin 8/28/1858 8/27/1858 aged 29 days
McCombs, James R. 9/15/1858 in the 34th year of his age
Meffert, W. H 7/27/1858 & 7/18/1858
Moss, Rufus 11/25/1858 11/23/1858 in the 15th year of his age
Plummer, James R. 2/26/1858
Putnam, Mrs. Mary W. 10/29/1858
Seabury (boy) 2/16/1858 little boy of three years
Sherwood, Mr. Edwin Eans 3/6/1858 & 3/17/1858 3/5/1858 in the 28th year of his age
Smith, James Armstrong 4/27/1858 infant son
Tannehill, Wilkins 6/3/1858 aged 71 years
Trimble, Mrs. Anna W. 12/3/1858 in the 36th year of her age
Willis, Mrs. Catharine H. 11/2/1858

January 17, 1858
Died on Friday night last in this place, Gusse Yeatman Embree, infant daughter of Col. J. N. Embree, of Arkansas. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of Mrs. Terrass on Summer Street today at 1 o’clock.

February 16, 1858
Died in this vicinity on the 19th inst., Samuel Haslam, age 50 years. His funeral will take place
from Spruce Street Church this afternoon at 2 o’clock.

February 16, 1858
Funeral Notice. The friends of Mr. T. J. Seabury will hear with deep regret of the sudden death of his eldest child, a bright and lovely little boy of three years. The funeral will take place from his residence this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Divine services by the Rev. Dr. L. D. Huston.

February 23, 1858
An Unfortunate Accident: Mr. John Barry (See copy)

February 24, 1858
Death of Mr. John Barry (see copy)

February 26, 1858
Obituary of James R. Plummer (see copy)

March 5, 1858
The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Alfred Hume are invited to attend the funeral of her daughter, Mary E., today at 10 o’clock from the residence of Mrs. John Nichol on Summer Street. Service by Rev. Dr. Edgar.

March 6, 1858
Died yesterday the 5th inst, after a protracted and painful illness which he bore with much patient
resignation, Mr. Edwin E. Sherwood, brother of Mrs. James R. Bruce of this city, in the 28th year of his age.

March 9, 1858
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Lanier are requested to attend the funeral of their infant son, Albert, this Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock at their residence, No. 35, South Summer Street. Divine Service by Rev. W. Reed.

March 17, 1858
Funeral Invitation: Edwin Eans Sherwood (see copy)

Monday, April 5, 1858 (Nashville Daily Patriot)
William D. Brown
Interment April 5, 1858 Wm. D. Brown
Yesterday morning, April 4th, at the residence of Mr. James Johnson, in this city, Wm. D. Brown, in the 23rd year of his age. About 2 o’clock Tuesday morning last, Mr. Brown was aroused from his sleep by swallowing a piece of gold plate to which was attached three artificial teeth, having forgotten to remove it from his mouth before retiring to bed. He immediately sought the assistance of Dr. Paul F. Eve, who failing to remove it with his instrument, gave him an emetic which he took upon his return to his room. Fortunately the result of the emetic was the ejection from his throat of the plate.

Up to Thursday night, the chances of his recovery were promising, his throat, though lacerated and inflamed, appeared to improve gradually. Friday the symptoms became more unfavorable, and continued to become worse, until yesterday morning death ensued.

Mr. Brown was a native of Canada, whence his parents (themselves Americans) emigrated to New Hampshire, whilst he was yet a child. In 1853, Mr. P. Weaver became acquainted with him at Concord, and was so much pleased with his noble attributes of mind and heart, he prevailed upon him to come here with him, giving him employment in the house of Johnson, Weaver & Co. In his position of clerk in this house, he developed the most sterling traits of character, and so won upon the confidence of his employers, that they regared [sic.] with the sincerest esteem and affection. There have been few men, in our midst, of his years, who have exhibited as much business capacity, connected with those high moral qualities, without which the greatest genius is almost worthless.

Cut down in the dawn of manhood,…it cannot be that with his exit from the stage of being his usefulness will cease. The influence of his example must continue for many years to come to operate upon the large circle of his friends. So far as the ties of consanguinity are concerned, he stood nearly alone in the world – both father and mother preceded him to that “undiscovered country whence no traveler returns,” but though no kindred hands closed his eyes, he does not descend to the tomb unmourned. Many a friendly heart grieves over his untimely end, and will long mourn his loss.

April 6, 1858
Death of William D. Brown (See copy)
[quotes from above Patriot Obituary]

April 27, 1858
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of J. M. and Eliza J. Smith are invited to attend the
funeral of their infant son, James Armstrong, this morning at 10 o’clock from their residence, 3 miles from Nashville on the Nolensville Turnpike. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Schon.

April 28, 1858
Attempt at Highway Robbery and Murder – Nimrod Lowery. (see copy)

June 3, 1858
Death of Wilkins Tannehill (see copy)

June 10, 1858
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. L. C. Collman are requested to attend the funeral of his son, Andrew Jackson, from his residence, Front Street, this evening at 4 o’clock. Divine Service by Rev. Dr. Summers.

July 3, 1858
Fatalities – Denning – probably Clement Denning (see copy)

July 7, 1858
Died – Mrs. Virginia G. L. Fite (see obituary) [I believe she is listed as Mrs. Virginia Frite (98) B in the cemetery book but there is a Mrs. Virginia G. S. Fite (31 W, buried July 7, 1858 on the City Cemetery microfilm.]

July 27, 1858
The members of the Young Men’s Christian Association are requested to assemble at their room this morning for the purpose of attending the funeral of their deceased brother, W. H. Meffert. John K. Hume, Secretary

July 27, 1858
Obituary – Mrs. Mary Bateman (see copy)

July 28, 1858
Tribute of Respect – Mr. William H. Meffert (see copy)

August 3, 1858
Died in the city on the 2nd inst., Mrs. Eveline Gross, relict of the late George Gross, in the 48th year of her age. Her friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral from her residence on Line Street this morning at 10 o’clock.

August 6, 1858
Drowned. We learn that a young man by the name of Sebastie Fife was drowned yesterday morning while bathing at the upper warf at about 6 o’clock in the morning. It is supposed that he inadvertently ventured our too far and was drowned, no one being able to render him assistance. The body was recovered and a coroner’s inquest held and the verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts.

August 17, 1858
Distressing Accident – Miss Charlotte Ellis (see copy)

August 22, 1858
The friends and acquaintances of Mat Brown and wife are invited to attend the funeral of their infant child this evening at 4 o’clock from their residence on North Market. Divine Service by Rev. Mr. Hays.

August 28, 1858
Died on the morning of the 27th inst, of whooping cough, John Erwin, infant son of Henry and Harriett M’Caslin, aged 29 days.

September 12, 1858
Died at 4 o’clock on the morning of the 11th inst, Frank Lawton, infant son of James R. and Catharine J. Bruce. The friends and acquaintances of the parents are requested to attend the funeral at 1 and 1/2 o’clock this afternoon at their residence, No. 71 South Summer Street. Divine service by Rev. Mr. Reed.

September 15, 1858
Died at the residence of his father, four miles on the Dickerson Pike, after a painful illness, James R. McCombs in the 34th year of his age. His funeral will take place this evening at 8 o’clock from his father’s residence. Divine Service at the grave by Rev. C. D. Elliott.

October 21, 1858
Died – Mary Coleman (see copy)

October 29, 1858
Died – Mrs. Mary W. Putnam (see copy)

November 2, 1858
Funeral Invitation. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Catharine H. Willis are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from her residence on South High Street this evening at 2 o’clock. Divine Service by Rev. J. B. McFerrin.

November 25, 1858 (Thursday)
Died in this city on Tuesday the 23rd instant, Rufus Moss, in the 15th year of his age, only son of D. W. Moss, Esq. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from the First Baptist Church. Service by Rev. Dr. Howell.

December 3, 1858
Died – Mrs. Anna W. Trimble (see copy)

December 5, 1858
Died on yesterday evening of consumption, Mrs. Catharine Jones, wife of J. G. Jones. Her funeral will take place this evening from her residence on Spruce Street.

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