Name |
Obituary Date |
Death Date |
Age |
Anthony, Phillip |
5/18/1859 |
Monday last |
within one month of 85 years of age |
Bellsnyder, Samuel D. |
8/23/1859 & 8/24/1859 |
Bird, Mr. W. F |
8/25/1859 |
Tuesday morning |
DeGrove, Mrs. M. E. |
11/16/1859 |
Eastman, Major E. G. see also |
11/23/1859 & 11/24/1859 |
Ellis, Annie |
8/31/1859 |
Sunday evening last |
aged 19 months and 20 day |
Ferguson, John G. |
7/13/1859 |
Furman, Charles |
2/24/1859 |
infant son |
Johnson, Henry C. |
7/15/1859 |
7/14/1859 |
aged 17 months and 9 days |
McIntosh, John |
6/1/1859 |
Morris, Henry B., Esq. |
1/7/1859 |
Norris, Robert |
7/28/1859 |
Owen, Sarah Jane |
3/13/1859 & 3/20/1859 |
3/12/1859 |
Raglan, Robert |
9/26/1859 |
Shelby, Dr. John see also |
5/17/1859 & 5/18/1859 |
Snowden, Imogene |
9/27/1859 |
Wessells, John |
12/1/1859 |
Williams, Juliette |
7/14/1859 |
7/12/1859 |
aged 18 months and 25 days |
Woodward, Anna |
5/15/1859 |
5/14/1859 |
aged one year and seven months |
Woods, Joseph |
4/22/1859 |
4/20/1859 |
Word, Mrs. Sarah P. |
12/8/1859 |
12/3/1859 |
Nearly 80 years of age |
Yeatman, John, Esq. |
8/25/1859 |
January 7, 1859
Death of Henry B. Morris, Esq. (See copy)
February 24, 1859
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Furman are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Charles from their residence, North Cherry Street, this evening at 8 o’clock. Divine service by the Rev. A. L. P. Green, D. D.
March 13, 1859
Died on the 12th inst, Sarah Jane, wife of James W. Owen, and a daughter of the late Thomas
Callender of this city. Funeral service by Rev. Dr. Edgar at the residence of James C. Owen,
Williamson Co., on Monday the 14th at 10 a. m. Interment at the City Cemetery at 3 p. m.
March 20,1859
Obituary for Mrs. Sarah Jane Callender Owen (See copy)
May 15, 1859
Died in this city on the 14th inst, Anna, infant daughter of George and Elizabeth Woodward, aged one year and seven months.
May 17, 1859
Funeral Obsequies of the Late Doctor John Shelby (See copy)
May 18, 1859
Death of Dr. John Shelby (see copy)
May 18, 1859 (Wednesday)
Another old Citizen Gone. Phillip Anthony, an old citizen of Nashville, died on Monday last in this city. He was born in Hagertown, Maryland in the year 1774 and lived within one month of 85 years of age.
June 1, 1859
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of John McIntosh are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the First Baptist Church this morning at 10 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Howell.
July 13, 1859
Death of John G. Ferguson (See copy)
July 14, 1859
Died on the 12th inst. at Fatherland, the residence of the late Dr. Shelby, Juliette Sevier, only daughter of J. Shelby Williams and Mattie J. Sevier, aged 18 months and 25 days.
July 15, 1859
Died on yesterday morning the 14th inst., Henry C., infant son of Frank M. Johnson, aged 17 months and 9 days
July 28, 1859
Mysterious Death – Dead body of a Man Found on the Bank of the River – Robert Norris (See copy)
August 23, 1859 (Tuesday)
Shocking and Fatal Accident – Samuel D. Bellsnyder (See copy)
August 24, 1859
Funeral Obsequies of Young Bellsnyder. The remains of Mr. Samuel Bellsnyder were followed to their last resting place yesterday afternoon by the members of the “Nashville Infantry” and a large number of relatives and acquaintances.
August 25, 1859
A Good Man Gone – John Yeatman, Esq. (See copy)
August 25, 1859
Death From a Pistol Shot. We are informed that Mr. W. F. Bird, the man who shot himself at the
workhouse a few days ago, died on Tuesday morning from the wound received.
August 31, 1859
Died on Sunday evening last, Annie, youngest daughter of James and Joanna Ellis, aged 19 months and 20 days.
September 26, 1859
Drowned – A boy by the name of Robert Raglan was drowned late on Saturday evening. He fell into the river while playing with some other boys along the bank. There was no one near enough to render assistance. Mr. John Raglan of South Nashville, a respectable and worthy citizen, is the father of the unfortunate lad. At the hour of writing this, his body had not been recovered.
September 27, 1859
Died Imogene Snowden (See copy)
November 6, 1859
Sudden Death: Mrs. DeGrove (See copy)
November 23, 1859
Sudden Death of Major E. G. Eastman, Senior Editor of the Union and American (See copy)
November 24, 1859
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of the late E. G. Eastman are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this Thursday evening at 1 1/2 o’clock from his late residence. Divine service by Rev. Drs. Howell and Sehen at the First Baptist Church at 2 o’clock. His remains will be conveyed to the City Cemetery and there deposited with Masonic ceremonies.
November 24, 1859
Proceedings of the Masonic Fraternity – Major E. G. Eastman (See copy)
December 1, 1859
Tribute of Respect – John Wessells (See copy)
December 8, 1859
Died on the night of the 3rd ult. at her residence on Summer Street, Mrs. Sarah P. Word, after a long and painful illness which she endured with Christian fortitude. |