Name |
Obituary Date |
Death Date |
Age |
Allen, Thomas |
7/3/1860 |
Baker, Annie Shelton |
7/10/1860 |
7/6/1860 |
aged one year and eleven months |
Burton, Octavia C. |
11/27/1860 |
11/25/1860 |
Cahal, Mr. James Sanders |
5/29/1860, 5/30/1860 & 6/7/1860 |
5/26/1860 |
Carow, Dr. Henry |
4/1/1860 & 4/3/1860 |
Carson, Mrs. L. Cynthia |
3/4/1860 |
3/3/1860 |
22 years and 7 months |
Edgar, Rev. John Todd, D. D.
see also |
11/14/1860, 11/15/1860 & 11/21/1860 |
Ewing, Margaret |
12/25/1860 |
aged 7 years |
Ferris, Gabriel P. |
8/7/1860 & 8/19/1860 |
7/11/1860 |
in the 31st year of his age |
Hensley, Harry Clay |
5/27/1860 |
infant son |
Jenkins, Mr. A. |
10/10/1860 |
10/9/1860 |
Ladell, J. H. |
9/9/1860 |
9/8/1860 |
He was 35 years old |
Maloney, Patrick |
7/24/1869 |
7/23/1860 |
Mann, David B. |
7/11/1860 |
7/9/1860 |
Maun, Captain |
7/10/1860 |
McGill, John Lancaster |
10/26/1860 |
10/25/1860 |
aged 3 years, 2 months and 26 days |
Miller, Elizabeth Sarah |
7/7/1860 |
in the 21st year of her age |
Minchin, Adeline Isabella |
6/12/1860 |
6/11/1860 |
aged 11 months |
Moore, C. C. |
9/21/1860 |
9/20/1860 |
Morgan, Harriette Cruse |
9/5/1860 |
Morgan, Mrs. Matilda G. R. |
7/22/1860 |
7/21/1860 |
in the 59th year of her age |
Price, Maria |
9/6/1860 |
Shields, Mrs Mary |
6/20/1860 |
Sloan, Mrs. Caroline |
9/25/1860 |
9/24/1860 |
Smith, Mattie Bess |
6/24/1860 |
infant daughter |
Snowdon, Samuel Breece |
4/21/1860 |
4/12/1860 |
Southgate, Mrs. Gertrude |
6/20/1860 |
Sunday night |
Stevenson, Mr. L. D. |
11/16/1860 |
11/15/1860 |
Sweney, Benjamin F. |
11/20/1860 |
Tenney, Edwin H.. Esq. |
10/30/1860 |
10/25/1860 |
Wallace, Mr. John W. |
9/14/1860 |
9/13/1860 |
in the 30th year of his age |
March 4, 1860
Died March 3, 1860 after a short and severe illness, Mrs. L. Cynthia Carson, aged 22 years and 7 months. The friends and relatives of Mrs. Joyner and of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral this evening at 1 o’clock from her late residence, No. 61 North Spruce Street.
April 1, 1860
Murder of Dr. Carow(See copy)
April 3, 1860
Tribute to Dr. Henry Carow (See copy)
April 21, 1860
Died in this city on Thursday evening, 12th instant of congestive chills, Samuel Breece Snowdon, a native of Princeton, New Jersey and for the last forty years, a resident of Nashville.
May 26, 1860
Mr. Cahal is still lingering but without any hopes of a recovery.
May 27, 1860
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Henry C. and R. A. Hensley are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Harry Clay, from their residence, No. 59, South Cherry Street this Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. P. S. Fall.
May 29, 1860 (Thursday)
Death of Mr. Cahal. We regret to learn that young Cahal, after lingering for two or three weeks, died at Lebanon on Saturday morning from the effects of a pistol shot wound at the hands of Mr. S. McClung, a fellow student. His remains were enterred in the cemetery at this place on Sunday.
May 30, 1860
Died in Lebanon on Saturday evening, the 26th inst., Mr. James Cahal, a student of the Law School and son of the late Hon. Terry H. Cahal.
May 30, 1860
Death of James Cahal. We are called upon this morning to make the painful announcement of the death of young James Cahal who died at Lebanon on the 26th after lingering for nearly three weeks.
June 7, 1860
James Sanders Cahal – Tribute of Respect (See Copy)
June 12, 1860
Died in this city on Monday, the 11th inst., Adeline Isabella, youngest daughter of William E. and Lizzie A. Minchin, aged 11 months. The funeral service will be preached this Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock at the Church of The Avent by the Rev. Dr. C. T. Quintard.
June 20, 1860
Died in this city Sunday night, Mrs. Gertrude Southgate, wife of G. M. Southgate, Esq.
June 20, 1860
Died, Mrs. Mary Shields (See copy)
June 24, 1860
Died Mattie Bess Smith (See copy)
July 3, 1860
Death of Thomas Allen (See copy)
July 7, 1860
Died Elizabeth Sarah Miller (See copy)
July 10, 1860
Found Dead – Captain Maun (See copy) May be D. B. Mann (80)
July 10, 1860
Died on the night of the 6th inst., Annie Shelton, daughter of L. D. and Lamira D. Baker, aged one year and eleven months.
July 22,1860
Died on yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Matilda G. R. Morgan, wife of Mr. Samuel D. Morgan, in the 59th year of her age. Funeral services at First Presbyterian Church at 4 o’clock p. m. by Rev. Dr. Edgar. The relatives and friends are invited to attend.
July 24, 1860
Found Dead – A man named Patrick Maloney, who has been working for some time past on the new hotel, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning at a boarding house on the corner of Church and Market street, kept by W. Cairns and known as the Mechanic’s House. An inquest was held by Coronor Alexander. The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death from excess of heat, together with a too free use of stimulants which produced congestion of the brain. “Patriot of yesterday.”
July 11, 1860
Died near this city, on the 9th inst, David B. Mann. The deceased was a soldier of the war of 1812 and was engaged under General Harrison at Fort Meigs and other engagements. He was formerly a citizen of Petersburg, Va., and was a member of the Petersburg Blues.
August 7, 1860
Died in this city on the 3rd inst., at the residence of his father, Gabriel P. Ferris, in the 31st year of his age.
August 19, 1860
Tribute of Respect – Gabriel P. Ferris (See copy)
September 5, 1860
Funeral Notice. The friends and acquaintance of the family are invited to attend the funeral of Harriette Cruse Morgan, from the residence of her father, Sam’l D. Morgan, No. 7 Summer street where divine service will be performed by the Rev. Dr. Edgar at 10 o’clock A. M. Burial at the City Cemetery. Nashville, Sept. 5, 1860
(Daily Nashville Patriot)
September 6, 1860
Funeral Invitation. The funeral of Mrs. Maria Price will take place this afternoon at half past 3 o’clock at the Baptist Church. Divine service by the Rev. Dr. Howell. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.
September 9, 1860
SUICIDE BY HANGING. A man by the name of J. H. Ladell, living on the Franklin Turnpike just beyond the corporate limits of the city, hung himself yesterday morning to a bed post. The only cause known for the act was that he had been on a spree. He leaves a wife and two children. Ladell was a native of New Jersey but has been a resident of this city ten or fifteen years. He was thirty-five years old.
September 14, 1860
Died last evening after a short illness, Mr. John W. Wallace, in the 30th year of his age. The deceased had been a resident of Des Arc during the past eighteen months, and was highly respected for his kindness and sociability. He was a native of Nashville, Tennessee. (Des Arc , Arkansas Citizen, Sept. 5)
September 21, 1860
Died on the 20th inst., C. C. Moore of Nashville. The friends and relatives of the family are respectfuly requested to attend the funeral services at Andrew Charge Church at 9 o’clock.
September 21, 1860
Funeral Notice. A. P. A. s. The members of the Order are requested to meet at the Hall at 9 o’clock this morning for the purpose of attending the funeral of brother C. C. Moore.
September 25, 1860
Died in this city on Monday evening the 24th inst. of typhoid fever, Mrs. Caroline, wife of Mr. George E. Sloan. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased are requested to attend her funeral this afternoon at four o’clock from the residence of her husband on North Market street.
October 10, 1860
MELANCHOLY DEATH OF A MERCHANT – Mr A. Jenkins, Produce Dealer, died at his residence in this city yesterday evening under peculiarly melancholy circumstances. He was unwell Monday afternoon, and procured a small bottle of laudanum with the view of taking a dose. He was discovered by his wife sometime afterwards to be in a stupor from which he could not be aroused. Medical aid was at once called and every assistance which skill could devise rendered. He lingered until yesterday evening when he died. It is supposed he accidentaly took too large a dose of the narcotic, which resulted as stated. Mr. Jenkins was an energetic business man and highly esteemed by all who knew him.
October 26, 1860
Died in this city yesterday of disease of the heart, John Lancaster, son of J. H. and Julia Smith McGill, aged 3 years, 2 months and 26 days. The friends and acquaintances of the bereaved parents are invited to attend the funeral this Friday evening from their residence on High Street.
October 30, 1860
DEATH OF EDWIN H. TENNY – We regret to hear of the death of Edwin H. Tenny, Esq., which event occurred in this vicinity on the 25th inst. It will be remembered that Mr. Tenny had his lower jaw broken in two places by the accident which occurred on the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad near Lavergne on the 29th ult. Before he had recovered from this accident, he was attacked by the typhoid fever which proved fatal. Mr. Tenny was a native of New Hampshire and had but recently located in tis city as a lawyer. (I believe this is Edwin H. Turney listed in the records.)
November 14, 1860
Death of the Rev. Dr. Edgar – (See copy and copy)
November 15, 1860
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of the late John Todd Edgar, D. D. are invited to attend his funeral at the First Presbyterian Church on Thursday, November 15 at 11 o’clock, A. M. Service by Rev. Joseph Bardwell.
November 15, 1860
Mayor’s Office, November 14, 1860 – At the suggestion of a large number of the citizens of Nashville, it is earnestly requested that all the business houses shall close their doors from 10 1/2 oclock A. M. till 2 o’clock P. M. on Thursday 15th inst., as a testimonial of respect to the memory of the late Rev. John T. Edgar, D. D., and old and esteemed citizen and the oldest resident Minister of the gospel in the city and whose funeral takes place at 11 o’clock, Thursday. R. B. Cheatham, Mayor.
We are requested to state that the residence of the late Dr. J. T. Edgar will open after 9 o’clock this morning to afford an opportunity to any desiring to visit there.
November 15, 1860
The Late Dr. Edgar (See copy)
November 21, 1860
Tribute of Respect – Rev. John Todd Edgar, D. D. (See copy)
November 16, 1860
SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. L. D. Stevenson, formerly a merchant of this city was found dead in his room yesterday morning, having died during the night previous. He was standing up near a window, leaning against the wall. He was in his usual health on Wednesday and the position in which he was found shows that his death must have been very sudden.
November 20, 1860
Died at his residence, 4 miles from this city on the north side of the river and near Gallatin Pike, Benjamin F. Sweney. His friends and the friends of Mr. R. M. Porter are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his residence this Thursday morning at 10 o’clock.
November 27, 1860
Died at the residence of her mother, Sunday night, November 25, Octavia C. Burton. The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Services by Rev. R. Ford assisted by Rev. C. D. Elliott.
December 25, 1860
Obituary: Margarett Ewing (See copy)
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