Obituaries – 1861

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages.
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.



Obituary Date
Death Date
Aged 24 years
2/20/1861 & 2/26/1861
Monday Night
In the 30th year of his age
Old & respected citizen
Age of 81 years, 6 months, 17 days
Wednesday morning
Aged 12 years & 9 months
In the 30th year of his age
One of the oldest citizens of Nashville
In the 27th year of his age
In the 69th year of her age
Infant son
1/2/1861 & 1/3/1861 & 2/8/1861
Aged about 16 or 17 years
Age of 51 years & 2 months
Age 7 years & 9 months
Aged 13 years


Death Notices from the Nashville Union and American for 1861

January 2, 1861
Fatal Accident – We regret to learn that Walter Morris, aged about seventeen years, son of our fellow citizen, Mr. K. J. Morris, met with a fatal accident yesterday morning in Sumner county. He was loading his gun when it was accidentally discharged, the load taking effect in his head and producing death instantly.

January 2, 1861
Mr. Jo. G. Brown, Druggist of this city, died at his residence Monday night. He had been suffering for some time from an attack of typhoid fever, and a week or ten days ago had so far recovered as to be considered out of danger, but a relapse occurred with proved fatal.

January 3, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Kindred J. and Jane Morris are requested to attend the funeral of their son, Walter M. at their residence on Cherry Street this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. J. B. McFerrin.

January 8, 1861
Murder – Last night shortly after dark, a man by the name of Titcomb was shot and killed by some unknown person on the suspension bridge. Titcomb was seen a few minutes previous to the killing passing along the Public Square, in the direction of the bridge, very much intoxicated. The killing was witnessed by two negro men, but it was so dark they could not recognize the murderer who made his escape. The cause of the bloody deed is not known. (This may be H. S. Litcomb)

January 11, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of John and Mary Mathewson are requested to attend the funeral services of their daughter, Anne at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church on tomorrow at 10 o’clock. Sermons by Rev. J. R. Graves and A. G. Goodlett.

February 8, 1861
Died on the 1st of January, 1861, by the accidental discharge of his gun while on a hunting excursion in Sumner county, Walter Morris, aged about sixteen years. He was a member of the McKendree Sunday School where his amiability endeared him to teachers and pupils. His sudden death inexpressibly pained us all. We can scarcely realize that we will see his bright face and hear his cheerful voice no more. But it is the degree of the All-Wise Dispenser of events and we mournfully but meekly bow. He was taken away just as his feet were upon the threshold of life’s morning when all its beauties and promises were spread out before him. He had health, talents, social position and leaves parents, relatives and friends who loved him tenderly and mourn his death and yet he may be happier in that bright world where the redeemed are singing the song of the ransomed, than if he had been spared to enjoy all these. Hope wipes the tears from Savior’s eye, While Faith points upward to the sky. W. R. Smith, W. H. Morrow, George E. Pervis.

February 9, 1861
Died on yesterday morning after a long and painful illness, Mrs. H. Champion departed this life at the advance age of 81 years 6 months and 17 days. Her funeral will take place today from the residence of her son, Mr. R. H. Brockway at 10 o’clock a. m. Divine service by Rev. J. B. Ferguson.

February 13, 1861
Died in this city at 7 p. m., Mrs. S. M. Paul, wife of Isaac Paul, Esq. at the age of 51 years and 2 months. The funeral will take place this Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the residence of Isaac Paul, South College Street. Divine Service by Rev. Dr. John M. Watson.

February 19, 1861
Sudden Death – Mr. J. Burlington, an old and respected citizen, was found dead in his gunsmith shop on Church street, nearly opposite our office, yesterday afternoon about half-past two o’clock. When found life was entirely extinct, although he could not have been dead long. He appears to have been attacked with palpitation of the heart, a disease to which he was subject, while at work at his bench, and to have fallen immediately upon the floor. Conscious that the hand of death was upon him and that he was unable to give the alarm, the old man, with extraordinary presence of mind, wrote the word “Palpitation” on the floor where he lay, that his friends might be in no doubt as to the cause of his sudden demise while alone in his shop. His funeral will take place this afternoon from the residence of his son-in-law, Jesse Collins, Jr., South Nashville.

February 20, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Hardin P. Bostick are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence on the Charlotte Turnpike this morning at 10 o’clock. Service by Rev. Jno W. Hanner. The Masonic Fraternity are requested to attend punctually at their Hall in the Masonic Temple this morning at nine o’clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother, Hardin P. Bostick. By order of the Masters of Cumberland and Phoenix Lodgers. Sir Knights in the city are specially requested to be present.

February 26, 1861
Hardin P. Bostick – Tribute of Respect (See Copy)

February 28, 1861
Died Wednesday morning at 1 o’clock, Mrs. J. F. Cross, wife of R. G. Cross, of the house of Macy & Hamilton. Funeral at the residence of Mr. Cross in Watkins Grove at 3 p. m. today. Friends respectfully invited. Divine service by Rev. W. M. Reed.

February 28, 1861
Died at the residence of his father, near this city on Tuesday evening, 26th inst, William Gilbert, in the 27th year of his age. His funeral will take place this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence of Capt. Thomas Gilbert on the Mill Creek Road, 8 miles from the city. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend. His remains will arrive at the City Cemetery between the hours of 1 and 2 o’clock P. M.

March 10, 1861
Died in this city on Friday evening the 8th instant at 9 o’clock, p. m., Edmund Pendleton, third son of Dr. C. K. and Anna Winston, aged thirteen years. He was a most promising boy, greatly beloved by his family and all who knew him. His disease was violent and his death sudden. Young as he was, he died calmly sustained by the Christian’s hope, thus having for his parents and friends a consolation which mitigates more than any other could, the severity of the blow which removed him from earth.

April 3, 1861
Death of an Old Resident. Mrs. Sarah B. Glenn, wife of Simon Glenn, and mother of the present City Recorder and Water Tax Collector, died in this city yesterday morning in the sixty-ninth year of her age. Mrs. Glenn was one of the oldest residents of Nashville, having lived here nearly half a century. She was a Christian lady, remarkable for her piety and good works and was for many long years a consistent and devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. Her funeral will take place, we understand, this afternoon, at 3 o’clock from the Second Presbyterian Church where divine services will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hays.

April 3, 1861
Funeral Invitation: The friends and acquaintances of Simon Glenn are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his wife, Sarah B. Glenn this Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock from the Second Presbyterian Church. Divine service by the Rev. J. B. Hays.

April 3, 1861
Died at the residence of Mrs. Benton, on the Middle Franklin Turnpike Road, on Tuesday morning the 2nd inst. at 7 o’clock after a lingering illiness with consumption, Dr. Henry C. Douglas in the 30th year of his age. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased are invited to attend his funeral this afternoon, the 3rd inst. at 3 o’clock from the residence of Mrs. Benton. Funeral services by the Rev. Dr. Quintard.

April 6, 1861
Death of John H. Harris (See Copy)

April 18, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Elliott are requested to attend the funeral of their daughter, Annie, at their residence, No. 30 Spruce Street, this evening at 2 o’clock.

April 28, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mr. George Greig are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their daughter, Eliza Carnagie, from their residence, No. 59 Union Street at 3 o’clock p. m. this evening. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Quintard.

May 9, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Jacob and Elizabeth Jungerman are invited to attend the funeral of their infant son, Henry, at the German Methodist Church at 1 p. m. Services by Rev. S. Barth.

May 28, 1861
Death of an Old Citizen – James Irwin, Esq., hard ware merchant and one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Nashville, died at his residence, North College street, yesterday morning after a brief illness. Mr. Irwin has been very successful throughout a long life as a business man and we believe his name has stood for some time at the head of the city tax list. He was a good citizen – an exemplary Christian and kind and beloved husband and father. He leaves a large family. His funeral will be attended at ten o’clock this morning at the Second Presbyterian Church of which he has been one of the main supporters for many years.

May 28, 1861
Tribute of Respect – James Erwin (see copy)

August 29, 1861
Died on Wednesday morning, the 28th inst., Thomas Miller Bell, aged 24 years. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from their residence No. 140 South Summer street on Thursday at 10 o’clock, A. M. Divine service by the Rev. Joseph Bardwell.

October 2, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Rebecca Hume are requested to attend her funeral from the First Presbyterian Church at 2 1/2 o’clock today. Divine service by Rev. Mr. Bardwell.

October 6, 1861
Died on the 5th inst., Frederick Therass, son the the late John S. and Margaret Vanleer, age seven years and nine months. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend his funeral this Sunday morning at 9 1/2 o’clock from the residence of Mr. William Perfherd, No. 10 North Cherry Street.

October 25, 1861
Died on the 24th inst. of disease of the heart, Mr. David Buchanan in the 30th year of his age. The funeral will take place at the Andrew Charge at 3 o’clock this afternoon. Service by the Rev. Dr. Sawrie.

November 10, 1861
Died in this city yesterday morning of typhoid fever, Robert O. Culley, aged twelve years and nine months. The pupils of Mr. Haley’s class are requested to meet at the Hine’s Building at 2 o’clock to attend the funeral which takes place at the residence of his parents, No. 55 North Spruce street, at 3 o’clock today. Divine service by the Rev. Dr. McFerrin.

November 12, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. Hugh Kirkman are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this Tuesday evening at 3 o’clock from Christ Church. Service by Rev. Dr. Harris.

November 28, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of William G. Harris are invited to attend the funeral of his wife, Fanny A. Harris this morning at 11 o’clock from his residence on Vine Street. Divine service by Reverend Dr. Green.

December 22, 1861
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Louisa H. Hume, relict of the late Alfred Hume, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral this morning at 10 1/2 o’clock from the First Presbyterian Church. Divine service by Rev. Joseph Bardwell.

December 23, 1861
Died on Monday the 23rd inst., Mrs.Susan E. Allen, wife of George A. Allen and daughter of W. Greenfield. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her father on the Nolensville Pike on Thursday next at 10 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Howell.


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