Papers for January, February, March and part of April are missing.
April 11, 1866
Inquest – J. M. Pannell (See copy on page 110)
April 18, 1866
Died in this city on the 17th inst., of congestion of the brain, Mrs. Susan E. Barnard, wife of J. Barnard. Her funeral will take place at the family residence, No. 94 Church Street at 10 o’clock this morning.
April 24, 1866
Suicide of an Old Citizen, Mr. James H. Cousins (Coussens) (See copy on page 110)
April 27, 1866
Funeral Notice: The remains of James Thomas Callender will be conveyed from the residence of his
brother, Dr. J. H. Callender, No. 26, South Summer Street, to the Nashville Cemetery today at 3 1/2 o’clock. Service at the grave by Rev. Dr. Bunting.
May 3, 1866
Died in this city, on the 2nd inst, at 1 o’clock p. m., Mrs. Elizabeth Singleton, consort of (Moses?)
Singleton, aged 65 years, 7 months and 26 days. The funeral services will take place at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Warder, on High street this afternoon (the 3rd inst.) at 3 o’clock. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Divine service by the Rev. Mr. Bunting.
May 13, 1866
Among those who participated in the Confederate movement, as active and conspicious, was Gen. Washington Barrow. In 1861-62, he represented many of the largest interests of the State, and upon the fall of the city, exchanged the comforts of a noble homestead for the privations of a prison with the heroism of a gentleman and a brave man. Subsequently, on his release, he bore himself so modestly as to win the respect and regard of his worst enemies. He presents as striking an illustration of the good example by the Southern leaders in Tennessee as we can recall, and with Governor Neil S. Brown, Mr. Bell, Judge Carothers, Judge Cooper, Hon. A. S. Colyar and other citizens of Nashville, deserves to have the thanks instead of the execration of those who pretend to desire the restoration of the Union. His friends everywhere will be glad to learn that he has returned from Louisiana much improved in health and that he gives every indication of continued strength and long life. (He died on October 24, 1866 and is buried in the City Cemetery.)
June 5, 1866
The City: Suicide: A mania for committing suicide appears to have recently broken out in our midst. Since Saturday morning two persons have already, by their own hands, terminated their mortal existance and two other persons made a determined but happily unsuccessful effort in the same direction. On Saturday a Mrs. Lesure who lives near Buena Vista Ferry and who had been unwell for some time past, committed suicide by throwing herself into the river. Her husband was asleep at the time, having become wearied from constant watching at her bedside.
June 26, 1866
Inquest – Nancy Thompson (See copy on page 110)
July 22, 1866
Death of An Old Citizen. We are pained to announce the death of Mr. Alexander Fall who expired at his residence yesterday evening. Mr. Fall was one of our oldest and respectable citizens and throughly identified with the business interests of the city.
July 22, 1866
Funeral Notice: the friends and acquaintances of the late Alexander Fall are invited to attend his funeral from the Christian Church this afternoon at 5 o’clock. Lord’s Day morning, July 22, 1866.
July 27, 1866
Tribute of Respect to Green McIntosh (See copy on page 110)
July 27, 1866
Coroner’s Inquest – Sophia Conn (See copy on page 111)
August 2, 1866
Distressing Accident: James Porter (See copy on page 111)
August 2, 1866
Funeral Notice: The friends of Mr. Alex J. Porter are invited to attend the funeral of his son, James A. Porter this afternoon at 5 o’clock from the residence of Mrs. C. B. McNairy. Services at Christ Church by the Rev. Mr. Ellis.
August 10, 1866
Sudden Death: Coroner George W. Norvell on Thursday held an inquest on the body of Bella Parrish, (Rena) aged about 70 years, who according to medical testimony died from an attack of apoplexy. She was well known among the colored people of Nashville.
August 11, 1866
Sudden Death: We regret to anounce the death of Mr. James W. Nichol who died very suddenly at his father’s residence yesterday at half past two o’clock. He was employed in the house of Messrs. H. T. Yeatman & Co. and was well and favorably known throughout the city.
August 11, 1866
Died Col. E. A. Horne (see copy on page 111)
August 29, 1866
Died in Sumner Co. on Saturday evening, August 25, Mrs. Elizabeth Erwin, of this city, aged 54 years and 9 months.
September 5, 1866
Health Report – For the twenty-four hours ending this 7 p. m., there have been reported four new cases of cholera and four deaths as follows: George Matthews, (white boy), age 14; taken on Monday morning and died last night at 10 o’clock Hannah Barry (Berry) died at 11 o’clock last night.
September 6, 1866
Francis Robertson (white) aged 5. Taken at 9 o’clock last night. Died this morning at 5. A. M.
Residence on Ewing Avenue.
September 7, 1866
Sylvia Simmons (colored) was attacked last night about 9 o’clock. Case hopeless. Lives on corner of Cedar and Knowles Street.
September 8, 1866
Health Report – August Lamont, Rosetta Hytower, Sylvia Simmons (See copy on page 113)
September 9, 1866
Ben Grissum (colored) age 30. Was attacked yesterday about 10 o’clock. Died this morning at 2
o’clock. Lived on Broad Street back of “oil mill.”
September 11, 1866
Health Report – Mike Carrol (white) aged 45, was attacked about 6 this morning and died about 4 this evening. Lived on Church street, just beyond Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad.
September 14, 1866
Health Report – John Carothers, Tennessee Henderson, (may be Tennessee Dolonson) Arthur Fort, Mary Farrel, Dan Bowman, James Battle, S. L. Howell. (Lewis F. Howell, 42, buried September 24) (See copy on page 113)
September 14, 1866
Distressing Suicide – Ida Neiman (See copy on page 113)
September 15,1866
Finding of Ida Neiman’s Body (See copy on page 114)
September 15, 1866
Health Report – Sophian Hadly, John Simpson, Newton Estus, B. Barber, (Bosley Barber), Dan Bowman, (Dan Boman) Mary Farrel S. (See copy on page 115)
September 16, 1866
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Smith are requested to attend the funeral of their son, William I. Smith from their residence on Vine Street at 9 o’clock this morning. Divine service by the Reverend S. D. Baldwin.
September 18, 1866
The Cholera – Jno Spiers, Jno Hubel, J. E. Turner, Nancy J. Chilton, Reuben Reed, John McGarr, Wm. Miller, Jack Childress, Jerry Stothard, Pal Buchanan, Rose Armistead, (See copy page 115)
September 18, 1866
Death of Col. Cox (See copy on page 117)
September 19, 1866
Number of burials on Monday 17th: 51
Number of burials for the 24 hours ending this 7 p. m.: 56
Number of burials on Wednesday, 19th: 43
Number of burials on September 20th: 29
September 23, 1866
Died – Mrs. Morgiana Nelson (Mrs. M. Nelson (24) (See copy on page 117)
September 23,1866
Died – Elizabeth Burt (See copy on page 117)
September 23, 1866
Mrs. Mary Jane Richards (See copy on page 117)
September 23, 1866
Died Clara Truax, aged 11 months (See copy on page 117)
September 23, 1866
Died Florence Fee Roberts, aged 8 months (See copy on page 117)
September 25, 1866
Died – Charles Roberts (See copy on page 117)
September 27, 1866
Died Miss Cathaleen Cain – Catty Cane (22) (See copy on page 117)
September 27, 1866
Died – James Burns (See copy on page 117)
September 28, 1866
Died Samuella Jones Saffin, nine months and three days, daughter of William and Matilda Saffin. Short but severe illness of cholera infantum. Cincinnati Enquirer please copy.
October 3, 1866
Died – Sarah E. Brown (See copy)
October 3, 1866
Death by Morphine – Mrs. Fanny Wellings (Mrs. Joseph Willings in book) (See copy page 117)
October 4, 1866
Death of an Old Citizen. Mr. A. Millet, for many years a citizen of Nashville, died in this city yesterday after an illness of about a week. He was formerly engaged in the drug business, and subsequently became an auctioneer. Since the war he has been employed in the boot and shoe manufactory of Mr….. , next door to the Banner office. He was noted for his generosity and goodness of heart. We extend our sympathies to his bereaved relative. (A. K. Millot, age 38, died of cholera)
October 4, 1866
Trunk Stolen – Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell (See copy on page 119). They are buried in the City Cemetery; Mrs. E. B. Rockwell, 24, buried September 14, 1866. Mr. E. B. Rockwell, 28, buried September 18, 1866.
October 6, 1866
Death of Capt. Godshall – (See copy on page 119)
October 7, 1866
Funeral of Capt. Godshall. (Godshell) The funeral of Capt. Samuel C. Godshall was largely attended yesterday afternoon at the First Baptist Church, especially by the I. O. O. F. Of which order he was a faithful member.
October 10, 1866
Sexton Martin’s report for September. 442 persons interred in the City Cemetery; 168 whites, 274 blacks.
October 12, 1866
The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away. Born January 6, 1866 and died October 10, 1866, John Henry, son of Ira P. and Martha E. Jones of this city. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
October 13, 1866
Died yesterday at nine o’clock, Oscar Pannell, son of J. C. and Martha Pannell, aged 11 months. We tender sympathy to the parents in their bereavement.
October 21, 1866
Death of General Washington Barrow (See copy page 119) He is listed as Jen Washington Borrower, 58, in book. On microfilm; buried Dr. Shelby’s vault on Pine; cause unknown.
November 1, 1866
Suicide: Lucy Sandlin (See copy on page 120) Lucy Sands, 20, in cemetery book.
November 10, 1866
Died in this city, on the 9th instance, Mr. Joseph Kircher in the 30th year of his age. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence of his brother, Charles Kircher, corner of Summer and Jefferson Streets.
November 18, 1866, (Sunday)
Died in the city on Thursday morning November 15, William C. Clarke, aged 25 years. Funeral service will take place at the residence of Mr. R. Barclay, No. 17 Gay Street this Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Services by Rev. Dr. Youn
November 21, 1866
Died in this city at 2 1/2 p. m. of the 19th instance, Mrs. Ann Kaleer, wife of David Kaleer.
November 22, 1866
Funeral Invitation: The friends of Mrs. Sallie M.Claiborne are invited to attend her funeral this Thursday evening at 3 o’clock from the residence of her brother Col. H. B. Claiborne, on Lebanon Turnpike, near the reservoir. Prayer by the Rev. William L. Wharton.
November 24, 1866
Funeral Invitation: Thomas J. Allen (See copy on page 120)
December 4, 1866
Sudden Death of a Prominent Physician – Dr. S.T. Wharton (Whorton) (See copy page 120)
December 18, 1866
Death of Professor Nathaniel Cross (See copy on page 122)
December 19, 1866
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of the late Dr. A. A. Hatcher are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of Mr. Leroy Armstrong, South College Street this Wednesday afternoon at 9 o’clock. Ceremonies by the Independant Order of Odd Fellows.
December 20, 1866
Tribute of Respect to the late Dr. A. A. Hatcher
At a meeting of the City Medical Society, held on yesteday, Dr. Bumket, Callender and Duprez were appointed to submit resolutions in regard to the death of Dr. Hatcher. The following were offered and adopted: Whereas, it has pleased the Almighty Disperser of events to remove from among us our friend and professional brother, A. A. Hatcher: Therefore be it Resolved, that in this dispensation of Providence, we have lost a beloved brother and a valued friend, our fraternity, one of the most esteemed members and society a useful citizen. Resolved, That we do sincerely sympathize with the family of our deceased friend in their affliction and irreparable loss and that this society, as a body, attend his funeral this afternoon at two o’clock.
At a called meeting of Smiley Lodge, No. 90, I. O. O. F., held at their Hall, to attend the funeral of Past Grand A. A. Hatcher, on yesterday, December 19, brothers Ira P. Jones, Isaac Paul, M. C. Cotton, William Mallory and J. H. Collins, were appointed a committee to express the sense of affliction experienced by the lodge in the death of brother Hatcher, who reported the following, which was unanimously adopted: It having pleased God to remove from our midst; through the instrumentality of death, our cherished brother and asociate Past Grand A.A. Hatcher, and feeling profoundly the heaviness of the affliction but reverently acknowedging the supreme wisdom and justice of the Almighty:
Resolved, That Smiley Lodge has lost one of its brightest members, the brotherhood a faithful and
earnest co-worker, society a valued and useful citizen, the afflicted a generous and skillful physician, his parents a devoted child and his associates a most estimable friend and companion.
Resolved, That while expressing our own deep grief at the dispensation which has created a vacancy in our own “mystic circle,” we tender to the relatives of the deceased our heart-felt sympathy in a loss to them that must be as poignant as it is irreparable.
Resolved, That the hall of Smiley Lodge be draped in mourning and that the members wear the usual badge for thirty days. Resolved, That the Secretary engross and forward a copy of these resolutions, bearing the seal of the lodge to the family of the deceased.
December 28, 1866
Fatal Accident – A Man Killed by Falling from the Court House Balcony – William Steiffens (Stevans) (See copy on page 123)