January 3, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends of Mrs. Lemanski are invited to attend the funeral of her daughter, Miss Josephine Lemanski today at 2 ½ o’clock at the McKendree Church. Divine services by Dr. Young.
January 16, 1867
Died in this city yesterday morning at half past 8 o’clock, H. L. W. McDaniel (printer) aged 30 years. The friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence on North College Street near the Louisville depot. Services by Rev. Mr. Mayhew.
February 2, 1867
Died – Hough – On the night of January 31st, at the residence of her brother, Capt. R. S. Patterson, Mrs. Mary E. Hough, in the 34th year of her age. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral from the residence, No. 67 Line Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at two o’clock.
February 3, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Mary E. Hough are respectfully invited to attend her funeral this afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence of her brother, Capt. R. S. Patterson, No. 67 Line Street. Divine service by Rev. A. S. Baird.
February 6, 1867
Died in this city on the 5th inst., Mrs. Sarah G., wife of L. K. Spain. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence on Broad Street, West Nashville, this evening at 2 o’clock. Services by the Rev. A. L. P. Green.
February 12, 1867
Frozen to Death – Andrew Matlerer. (This is probably Andrew Martener) See copy. Transcription: FROZEN TO DEATH – A melancholy case of death from exposure to the weather occurred on Sunday night, probably the coldest we have had during the recent freezing spell. Yesterday morning early a young man named Andrew Matlerer was found on the commons, near Maple street, South Nashville. On learning of the matter, Cornor Norvell summoned a jury composed of the following persons: Ambrose Owen, foreman, Wm. White, Harry Hill, Samuel Hill, Joseph Clark, Thomas Briard, and John Stewart. An inquest was held, and after the necessary investigation, a verdict was rendered that deceased came to his death by being frozen while in an intoxicated condition. Matlerer was about twenty-six years of age, a jeweler by trade, and for some time previous to his death had been working at the Faller’s shop, in Deaderick street. He was, it is said, possessed of fine natural talents, and was not only an adept in his own particular business, but excelled as a portrait and landscape painter. Among the articles found on his person after death, were three silver watches and a breastpin. His remains were taken care of by his friends, and properly interred.
February 15, 1867 (Friday)
Died on the 14th inst., at 1 p. m., Elizabeth, wife of William Burns, aged 46 years. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from her residence in Edgefield at 2 p. m. Saturday.
March 7, 1867
Death of Bishop Soule.Joshua Soule, Senior Bishop of the Methodist Church in ——— died at his residence in this city on the morning of yesterday after a brief illness. He had more than half completed his eighty-sixth year, having been born August 1, 1781 in Bristol, Hancock county, Maine. He became a convert in the system of religion, in which he lived and died, in his sixteenth year; and at the Conference of the Methodist Church held in New York in 1799, he was qualified to preach in the itinerary of the denomination. He labored in this capacity with great success and growing influence in the States of Maine and Massachusetts until the meeting of the General Assembly in 1816 which he was elected to the responsible position, Senior Agent of the Book Concern. This was a most important office and the selection of Mr. Soule was a high tribute to his intellectual worth and standing in the Church. The sterling traits of his character had already made him one of the most prominent members of the ministry. Eight years previous, he had been at the head of the General Committee which framed the constitution, so to speak, of American Methodism. The framing of the delegated General Conference was the work of his hand, and that section in the code of discipline of the Church remains a monument to his fame.
At the time of him assuming charge of the Book Establishment, the Methodist Magazine was ordered by the Conference and this publication was under the editorial supervision of Mr. Soule. The first year of its issuance was crowned with a patronage of ten thousand subscribers – a result due to the energy and ability of the publisher and managing editor. Mr. Soule continued in this department of labor until 1820 when he was elected to the office of Bishop. The General Conference, however, at the same session, determined by vote a question which had long agitated its councils, regarding the mode of selecting Presiding Elders and according to Mr. Soule’s view, the decision was contrary to the organic law of the Church, and derogatory to the Episcopal functions. He, therefore, declined to be consecrated. In this position, he was supported by Bishop McKendree, then at the head of the church, who protested against it. By the combined influence of Soule and McKendree, the decision was suspended until the next quadrennial Conference, and finally reversed.
In 1824, he was again elected Bishop and consecrated on the 27th of May of that year. This exalted trust he fulfilled to the period of his death in the fear of God, and acceptably to the great body of Christians whose doctrines he expounded, and illustrated by an irreproachable walk and conversation. In 1840, Bishop Soule was selected from among his Episcopal colleagues to represent the church in this country, at the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in England, a mission which he discharged in a manner as satisfactory to the British connection as it was creditable to himself. At the General Conference in New York in 1844 which resulted in the division of the church on a sectional line, Bishop Soule exerted his great powers and influence to prevent the schism and labored to induce the dominant majority to adjust the question in dispute upon the principles of constitutional Methodism. His efforts failed and when the division came, he united with the Southern branch and removed his residence to this vicinity and has ever since been a citizen of Tennessee. It was in 1843 that Bishop Soule became the Senior Bishop of the connection.
In massive force of understanding, dignity and weight of character and in all the qualities which compose the character of a Bishop, Soule was like Tike Sahl “a head and shoulder” above his brethren and this was an eminence generally conceded. As the Itinerant General Superintendent, he has visited and preached in almost every section of the country from the Canadas to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the frontiers of civilization in the West and even in the regions beyond among the semi-civilized Indians and the rude squatters of the wilderness. And in every place his influence was felt as a man “mighty in the Scriptures” and wise in counsel and excellent in knowledge. Everywhere, under all circumstances and at all hazards, he has filled up the measure of his duties and maintained a character – personally above suspicion and impurity ministerially, replete with the power which is of God and officially mild without weakness, firm without severity and dignified without austerity of manners or presumption of authority.
In person, he was tall and erect, with a well knit frame; his face and head were indicative of the ability and force of character with which he impressed the sphere of duty in which he acted; his manners were grave and solemn; his port was dignified and majestic. His pulpit discourses wee elaborate and philosophical, never ornate but always pervaded with a sincerity and depth of feeling which made them powerful.
The feebleness incident to great age had, for some years, incapacitated him from active service but his intellect was clear and he was held as the father of the church. His zeal was as fervent as when in the “dew of his youth” nearly three score and ten years ago, he gave himself to the ministry and to the limit of his strength, he continued to labor. In his closing hours, he was conscious and approached this last scene with equanimity and perfect resignation, confident in the belief he had taught and reliant on the mercy of the Saviour in whose vineyard he had wrought so long and faithfully. By his death, his people have lost the eldest and ablest of their counselors and Christendom a truly great man.
March 12, 1867
Fatal Shooting Affair. Yesterday evening about five o’clock, a difficulty occurred in a disreputable locality on Crawford street, near the trestle work, which resulted in the fatal shooting of Sam Walker by a night policeman named Green Thomas. Walker was the keeper of a saloon in the basement of a disreputable house kept by Mrs. Burnett and, it is said, was partially intoxicated when the disturbance commenced. Exhibitions of disorderly conduct and boisterous language on his part, brought the policeman to the spot who endeavored to arrest him. Walker resisted and in the scuffle which ensured the officer fired his pistol, the ball taking effect in the side of the deceased and ranging upward passed through the heart, producing immediate death. An inquest was promptly held by Squires McCarthy and Mathews and verdict rendered that the deceased came to his death from a wound inflicted by a pistol in the hands of Green Thomas. Immediately after the shooting, Thomas gave himself up and on furnishing security to the extent of one thousand dollars, was released to appear before Squire Meacham tomorrow morning for a preliminary examination. The body of the deceased was taken into the house of Mrs. Wright. Walker was about thirty-five years of age, had lived about fifteen years in the city, but hailed originally from one of the Northern States.
March 19, 1867
In Memoriam: Died, Sunday morning March 10th, 1867, Sallie F. Tucker, aged seventeen years.
“Just when the Spring’s first gale, Came forth to whisper where the violets lie, Before the roses in our paths grew pale, In youth’s bright hour,’twas hers to die.”
Another home made desolate, another mother’s anguished wail is heard for the sweet, the bright, the beautiful Sallie, the victim of consumption’s fatal dart, who but a few months since moved in beauty’s bloom and healthful glee. How soon she passed away, yet fearlessly, she neared the brink of death, trusting in the hope of a bright and glorious future, wearing a smile of Heaven’s own beauty. A purer heart ne’er ceased its throbbings; a lovelier form ne’er mingled with its parent dust. Thought time passes swiftly on yet many signs from the heart’s holiest recollections will whisper in tones of love and sorrow for the departed. But mourn not; for in death her cherished spirit now revels in bliss with kindred spirits and enjoys eternal sunshine in the blissful hereafter.
“A light is from the household gone, the voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant at the hearth Which never can be filled. Yes, to the home where angels are, Her trusting soul has fled; And yet we bend above her tomb With tears, and call her dead.”
“We miss thee from thy home, dear one; We miss thee from thy place; Oh! Life will be so dark without The sunshine of thy face. We wait for thee at eve’s sweet hour, When stars begin to burn; We linger in the cottage porch, And look for thy return.”
“The bird so loved is singing yet Above the cottage door; We sigh to hear it singing now, Since heard by thee no more. The music of the passing winds That float in whispers by, Reminds me of the hours we passed, And draws forth many a sigh.”
March 27, 1867 (Wednesday)
Died on the 25th inst., Mary Ramage Claiborne, daughter of H. L. And Lucy Claiborne, aged 14 years. Funeral from their residence, No. 118 Lebanon Turnpike this Wednesday evening at 3 ½ o’clock. Services by Rev. James Moore.
March 30, 1867
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of our late esteemed fellow citizens, George and Margaret Crockett are invited to attend their funeral at the First Presbyterian Church today, Saturday at 3 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. R. F. Bunting.
April 11, 1867
Died in Edgefield yesterday morning at 6 o’clock, Willie, youngest son of John and Emma York. Funeral at 9 o’clock this morning, corner of Spring and Bell Streets.
April 16, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Thomas Washington are invited to attend her funeral this morning at 11 o’clock from Christ Church. Services by Rev. Mr. Ellis.
April 16, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Dews are invited to attend the funeral of their infant child, Mary V. W. Dews at their residence, 168 South Front Street on Tuesday, the 16th instant at 9 o’clock a. m. Services by Rev. Dr. Sawrie.
April 16, 1867
Died in this city last night at five minutes to eleven o’clock, Andrew Anderson, Esq., aged seventy two years.
April 19, 1867
Funeral of Andrew Anderson (See copy)
April 24, 1867
In Memoriam: Seldom has our community been more startled and grieved than it was on Sunday, the 14th instant, by the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. Mary Washington. Her death was preceded by that of Thomas Washington, Esq., her husband, a little more than three years since, who died esteemed, honored and regretted by our entire community. The memory of Mrs. Washington deserves a warm tribute of affection from her numerous friends. She had long been one of them, sharing in their joys and sorrows. Her strength of character, her cultivated mind, her Christian virtues, her warmth and kindness of heart and her winning graces of manner, made her the beloved centre of her own family circle and won for her the esteem and warm affection of all who knew her. May her memory ever be embalmed in the hearts of her friends and may her example win them to that bright world where her pure spirit is at rest.
April 28, 1867
Death from Apoplexy: Benjamin Reaves, a colored man, as he was returning from the Capitol yesterday afternoon, after the adjournment of the Radical convention, was struck with apoplexy at the corner of Cedar and Park streets, and died almost instantly. He fell suddenly and before any assistance could be rendered of any sort, he expired. T. D. Cassety, Esq., Justice of the Peace, summoned a jury and held an inquest over the body, and the verdict was in accordance with the above facts.
May 15, 1867
Died May 13th at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr. W. P. Jones, Mrs. Jane G. Currey in her 76th year. The friends and acquaintances of her family are invited to attend her funeral Wednesday the 15th at 1 p. m. at the Tennessee Asylum on the Murfreesboro Pike.
May 23, 1867
Funeral Notice: The funeral of Capt. J. T. Wheat, Jr. wiill take place 4 ½ o’clock p. m. this day. Services at Christ Church. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Wheat are respectfully invited to attend.
May 23, 1867
Dr. Wheat – The many friends of the venerable and distinguished divine will be glad to learn that he arrived in this city on yesterday evening and is stopping at the residence of E. D. Farnsworth, Esq. His mission to our city is a sad one, it being to enter the remains of his gallant son who fell on the bloody fields of Shiloh.
May 24, 1867
Death of Squire P. B. Coleman. We regret to have to announce the death of Squire Coleman. This event took place yesterday. He was an earnest, ardent man – generous, kind hearted, ever ready to succor the distressed or to extend sympathy where it was needed. He had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will cherish his memory.
May 30, 1867
Died, Mr. Polk Bonds, a well known and highly respected young man, brother of Policeman Bonds, died in South Nashville yesterday morning of consumption.
June 4, 1867
Funeral of Frank Parrish. The funeral of Frank Parrish on Sunday was very largely attended. All the barbershops in the city were closed and the Barber’s Society turned out to the number of 100. The body was interred in the City Cemetery.
June 13, 1867 (Thursday)
Died. Robert Mercer, brother of the political editor of the Press and Times, S. C. Mercer, died in this city at midnight of Tuesday.
June 21, 1867
Died. Manillia Davy, daughter of John and Isabella Davy, died yesterday at half past four o’clock a. m., aged five years and eleven months. She will be buried at 2 p. m. today at the City Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the family residence on Watkins avenue.
June 30, 1867
Tragedy on Gay Street.Tony Cato (See copy)
July 7, 1867
Died in this city on yesterday evening, Edwin, son of L. H. And Huldah J. Lanier, in the 14th year of his age. The friends of the family will attend the funeral service at the family residence, No. 55 South Summer Street this Sunday evening at 5 o’clock.
At the same time and place will be preached the funeral sermon of their son, Thomas B. Lanier who fell in the battle of Perryville. Divine service by Rev. Dr. A. J. Baird.
July 7, 1867
Drowned – Eddy, a fine little boy, son of our esteemed fellow citizen, Louis H. Lanier, was drowned in the river yesterday, between five and six o’clock, p. m. He was out on the stream in a canoe fishing opposite the upper landing, fell from it into the water and was drowned before assistance could be rendered him. His body was recovered. The bereaved family have the warmest sympathies of the public in their affliction.
August 1, 1867 (Thursday)
Funeral Notice: To the friends and acquaintances of M. Petre the sad notice that he departed this life at 7 p. m. July 31. The funeral will take place at 8 o’clock Friday morning from the residence, No. 12 North Market Street.
August 1, 1867
Sexton Marlin reports 49 people buried at the City Cemetery during July. Males, whites, 2, blacks, 4; under 18, whites 2; blacks, 3; infants, whites 8; blacks, 8; Total: 27: Female, whites, 8, blacks, 6; under 18, whites 6, blacks, 2., Total 22.
September 18, 1867 (Wednesday)
Buried: Peter Martin, the colored man who was fatally injured by falling from an excursion train on the Nashville and North western Railroad last Thursday, was buried yesterday by the Sons of Relief of which order he was a member.
October 6, 1867
Horrible Accident – Boy Crushed: George Mursch, aged 13 (See copy)
October 8, 1867
Died from Injuries: George Mursch, the little boy who was so badly crushed in the bucket factory in Edgefield on Saturday, has since died from his injuries.
October 18, 1867
Died on the 17th instant, Medora Fisher Frith, age two years, eight months and twenty-one days. Funeral service will take place at the residence of J. H. Frith, No. 307 West Broad street this evening at 2 o’clock. Service by Rev. W. R. Warren. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.
October 26, 1867
Died in this city on the 25th instant at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Joseph V. Smith, in the 42nd year of his age. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend his funeral this afternoon at 3 o’clock from the residence, No. 21, North High street. Divine service by Rev. J. G. Wilson.
November 6, 1867
Died on the night of November 4th, Miss Minta J. Wharton, daughter of Dr. William H. Wharton of this city. Funeral this morning at 10 o’clock at the Christian Church. Services by Elder P. S. Fall.
November 10, 1867
Death of an Old Citizen – Mr. John D. Goss (See copy)
November 10, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends and acquaintances of Mr. John Goss are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of General James Hickman, No. 29 South Summer street this morning at 10 o’clock. Baltimore paper copy.
November 15, 1867
Death of John D. Foster. We regret to learn that this gentleman, of whose illness we made mention a few days since, died in New Orleans on Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock. His remains are expected to arrive on tomorrow for interment in the family burying ground in this city.
November 20, 1867
The late John Dickinson Foster (See copy)
December 25, 1867
Died – Mrs. Mary E. Allen (See copy)
December 29, 1867 (Sunday)
Death of an old citizen. Mr. Charles Nichol, for many years a wholesale grocer in this city, died on Thursday at his residence, fifteen miles from the city on the Charlotte Pike. Mr. Nichol was the son of William N. Nichol, Sr. and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances in the city.
December 29, 1867
Funeral Invitation: The friends and acquaintances of Charles M. Nichol, deceased, are respectfully requested to attend his funeral this day, Sunday at l o’clock, p. m.