Death Notices From the Nashville Daily Gazette for 1868
February 7, 1868
Died in this city yesterday morning at 4 o’clock, James Nelson, infant son of Captain L. M. and Mrs. Kate Freeman, aged sixteen months. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral this morning at half past 10 o’clock from the residence, No. 105 Gay Street.
March 6, 1868
Died in this city, after a lingering disease, Isaac Hughes, son of Captain James Hughes, aged 21 years. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral from his residence, No. 269 South College Street on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock.
March 10, 1868
In Memoriam. Isaac Hughes was born April 18, 1847 and died March 5, 1868. Death has invaded this family circle and taken one of its brightest jewels but hope points to a re-union above with our loved and lost one. “That once lov’d form now cold and dead, Each mournful thought employs, We weep our earthly comfort fled And wither’s all our joys.”
April 7, 1868
Murderer Escaped. We see it stated in the Press and Times of yesterday that a murder was committed at Steifle’s Brewery, South Nashville. Upon enquiry, we find this correct with the exception of the locality. The difficulty occurred at Leitenberger’s Brewery some distance in the country. A man named Frank Lambertine, a convict who has been released from the Penitentiary about eighteen months and, since that, has a portion of his time, been employed by Mr. Leitenberger at his brewery. On Sunday morning he had some misunderstanding with another of the employees named Gotfried Schickler and, both becoming excited, Lambertine drew a knife and inflicted a mortal wound upon the body of Schickler. Lambertine made his escape and up to a late hour last night was not arrested.
April 15, 1868
Died on Tuesday morning, April 14th, at a quarter of 10 o’clock of inflamation of the brain, Henry Baldwin, son of Pricilla Jane and John W. Barry, aged eleven months and three weeks. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral this morning at 10 o’clock from the residence, No. 141 Cedar Street. We deeply sympathize with our friend in this his sad bereavement. This is the fourth loved one that has been cut down by the great Reaper in infancy. “Voice after voice had died away, Once in my dwelling heard; Sweet household by name hath change’d to grief’s forbidden word!”
May 15, 1868
Boy Drowned. A colored boy named Robert Claibourne, was fishing in company with a white boy near McClay’s saw mill in Edgefield (was fishing in the river) and the white boy fell in and the black boy jumped in after him and lost his life in trying to rescue the lad. Gus, the white boy, was fortunate enough to get ashore unharmed but Robert was lost after making every exertion possible to save himself. Coroner Norvell was notified of this fact about five o’clock yesterday afternoon and immediately went over and held an inquest over the body, the jury rendering a verdict in accordance with the foregoing facts. The boy, Robert, was formerly a servant of Mrs. Claibourne and his remains were taken in charge by her family. This should be a caution to the bad boys who congregate along the banks of the river and expose themselves to the public gaze while in a state of nudity.
June 9, 1868
Large and Imposing Funeral. The funeral of the late Charles A. Fuller which took place on Sunday evening last, was one of the largest we have seen in this city for years. The Masonic Fraternity were out in large numbers. Nashville Commandery No. 1 Knight Templars, on horseback, proceeded to Edgefield where they were joined by Edgefield Lodge No. 254 and going to the residence of Mr. Plummer on Woodland street, escorted the remains of the deceased to the bridge where Germania Lodge No. 355, Claiborne Lodge No., 293, Phoenix Lodge No. 131, Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Tennessee, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters and M. W. Lodge of the State of Tennessee, joined in the procession and the remains were then conveyed to the 1st Presbyterian where the funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. Skinner of the First Baptist Church.
After the services at the church, the procession was reformed, the remains being in charge of the M. W. Grand Lodge, the Nashville Commandery, acting as escort and proceeded to the City Cemetery where the burial services were performed, P.G. M. John Frizzell reading the ritual. In addition to the large and imposing display made by the Masons, the funeral was attended by a number of our prominent citizens, the church being crowded to its utmost capacity. The hall of Edgefield Lodge No. 254 was draped in mourning, festoons of black cambric, with white rosettes being suspended from the different windows. In he centre of the front wall appeared a black banner on which was the letter “G” encircled with the compass and square in bronze. That Lodge was out in full strength, being nearly one hundreds members in line. The large turnout, on the part of the brethren of the mystic tie, was highly creditable to the Order and indicated the high esteem in which one of the most distinguished in the Fraternity was held.
June 23, 1868
Died in this city on Sunday morning, the 21st of June, 1868, Willie, infant son of W. H. And Jennie Fleming Chickering, aged eight months and five days. The household, which, but a few days since, was filled with joy and pride are now gloomy and desolate; the light of the household is now dim and the little lips that so sweetly smiled are now closed in the seal of death. No more will the fond parents imprint the kiss of parental love upon the cheek of their little Willie upon this earth for he has left the scenes of this life and soared aloft to the mansions of the blessed, to join the angelic host of Heaven; and bask in the smiles of his Heavenly Father; and patiently bide the time when he shall meet that fond and devoted father and mother and welcome them to that land of Bliss and Purity, to which he now belongs. “Dear friends your tears are vain, His eyes are closed, nor will they open, To earth’s vain things again. But though on earth he lives no more, In Heaven he liveth ever; And ye, if faithful, soon shall meet, Where naught thee and thy boy can sever.” C. S.
June 24, 1868
Funeral Invitation. The friends and acquaintances of Nat F. and Sallie A. Dortch are invited to attend the funeral of their little daughter, Lula McCrory this morning at 10 o’clock from their residence 1 miles on the Nolensville Pike. Divine service by Rev. W. R. Warren.
July 20, 1868
Death of John York – (see copy)
August 14, 1868
Sad Accident – Jacob Bentley – (see copy)
August 17, 1868
Sudden Death – Raney (see copy)
September 2, 1868
Self Murder – Andrew Pfadenhauer (see copy)
September 11, 1868
A Sad Accident – William Ferguson (see copy)
September 22,1868
Death of well-known Citizen – Claiborne Bolton (see copy)
October 1, 1868
Impressive Funeral – Elizabeth Rapp (see copy)
October 18, 1868
Died on Friday 16th, Nellie B., youngest daughter of Captain George H. and Barbara S. Clark. The funeral will take place from the residence, Fatherland street, Edgefield this evening at 2 o’clock. Service by Elder P. S. Fall.
November 22, 1868
Died in this city on last evening, the 21st instant, Mrs. Mary Thomas McQuiden, a native of Glasgow, Scotland, aged 75 years. The friend and acquaintance of the deceased and those of her son, Neill Hutchison, are invited to attend her funeral this evening at 3 o’clock from the residence, No. 113 Granny White pike.
November 28, 1868
Death of a Former Citizen. Information reached this city yesterday of the death at his home in Jefferson county, Arkansas a few days since of Josiah Nichol, eldest son of William Nichol, Esq. and formerly a well know citizen of this place. His death, we learn, was occasioned by congestive fever. The remains of the deceased arrived last evening by the train on the Nashville and Decatur railroad and were conveyed to the residence of Mrs. J. P. W. Brown, Summer street from which place the funeral will take place today.
November 28, 1868
Funeral Notice: the friends and acquaintances of Josiah Nichol are invited to attend his funeral at 11 o’clock Sunday morning, November 29 at the First Presbyterian Church.
December 3, 1868
Sudden Death. A German named Frank Meyer died suddenly about half past 5 o’clock last evening. He was just recovering from an attack of flux and still so feeble that he was hardly able to walk. During the evening, he went to the tailor shop of John Warren in the basement of the Erwin House on North College street and while there seated in a chair, he suddenly expired. Mr. Meyer was well known among our German citizens. He belonged to the 1st Tennessee Confederate Regiment and served during the war. About eight o’clock last night John M. Tardiff, Esq. was called upon to hold an inquest over the body of the deceased. The jury consisting of Dr. J. R. Harwell, J. W. Morton, George J. Sieferle, H. Lefering, Fred Karsch, J. F. Haury and Isaac Wassman, returned a verdict that his death was produced by disease of the heart.
December 5, 1868
Death of An Old Citizen: W. H. Denning, a citizen of this city for the past thirty years, died at his residence in Edgefield yesterday. He was a quiet, unobtrusive gentleman, highly esteemed by all who knew him.
December 19, 1868
Another Suicide. Suicides just now are becoming more and more popular. There is hardly a day passes but what we have to chronicle some case of self-murder. Yesterday a man named Louis Phillips Goe, living on the Buena Vista Pike, near the residence of Judge Turner, fell a victim to the mania which now prevails to an alarming extent. From all we can learn about the matter, it appears that Goe and wife did not get along well together and were constantly quarreling. Be that, however, as it many, Goe determined to put an end to his life and carried out his design most successfully. He took his life by shooting himself with a pistol, the ball penetrating the brain. Coroner Norvell, hearing of the death, summoned a jury and proceeded to the place where an inquest was held over the body, the jury from the evidence in the case, returning a verdict that he came to his death by his own hand and without any cause known to them.
The deceased was a native of Switzerland and represented to be a fine looking and very intelligent man. On Thursday last he had entered into an agreement with General J. T. Dunlap to take charge of his farm and carry on an extensive dairy business. The papers were already drawn up and were to have been signed yesterday by Mr. Goe but he chose to forfeit the contract by suddenly closing up his affairs with this world. |