Death Notice From the Nashville Republican Banner for 1870
January 5, 1870
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of John Deaderick are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his brother, Thomas Deaderick, No. 132 North Spruce Street at 2 o’clock p. m. Divine service by Rev. Dr. Baird.
January 11, 1870
Tragical Affair. A Former Citizen of Nashville Shot Down in Cold Blood.
We are shocked to hear of the killing of Andrew Hynes Ewing, formerly of this city and the eldest son of the Hon. Andrew Ewing of this city. He was shot three times yesterday at Guthrie by Thomas Yancey and from the account brought to us the deed seems to have been a cold blooded murder.
But a few days since, we met the deceased on the streets of Nashville in life and health. He was a native of Nashville and a schoolmate of the writer. We can say of him personally, that a more amiable and even tempered gentleman we have never known. The announcement of his death will shock this whole community where he was well known. He was a grandson of the late Colonel Hynes of this vicinity. He was also a brother-in-law of Mr. Henry Waterson, editor of the Louisville Courier Journal. We deeply deplore the tragic and untimely death and tender our heartfelt sympathies to his friends and relatives.
A gentleman who came down from Guthrie informs us that Mr. Ewing had a farm near Guthrie, through which ran a road used by Yancey. The deceased closed up the road and this caused the lawsuit. While the case was being heard a few days ago, Yancey grossly insulted and abused Mr. Ewing in court and struck him in the face when the two happened to meet in a store in Guthrie. Yesterday they met on the railroad track abut half way between Guthrie and Bibb’s. Yancey at once fired upon Mr. Ewing and shot him in the breast. The wounded man turned to escape when Yancey placed his pistol close to his head and fired, with immediate fatal effect. Yancey went off toward Allensville, saying that he intended to give himself up.
January 12, 1870
The Guthrie Tragedy. From persons who arrived here yesterday from Guthrie, Kentucky, we have received additional particulars with regard to the killing of Andrew Hynes Ewing by Thomas Yancey last Monday. They say that after the suit about the road which Mr. Ewing had closed against Yancey, had been decided, the former met Yancey, slapped him on the shoulder and accused him of using abusive language toward him in his speech before the court. Yancey, believing that, by the blow, Mr. Ewing intended to fight him, drew his knife but was prevented from using it by Mr. Ewing who grasped Yancey’s wrists so tightly that the latter was compelled to let the knife fall to the ground; and that, while in this position, Mr. Ewing spat in Yancey’s face. Yancey, stung to madness, warned Ewing that they would meet again. When they met Monday, Yancey shot Ewing through or near the heart. The latter ran some little distance and fell to the ground, after which Yancey followed him, placed his pistol to the head of deceased and fired. When taken up, the unfortunate man’s face was found to have been badly powder-burned. Yancey surrendered himself to the authorities.
January 12, 1870
Tribute of Respect: William Francis Elliott (see copy)
January 16, 1870 (Sunday)
Death of Conductor Snyder. Conductor W. D. Snyder, who was thrown into the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad cut at Broad street last Tuesday night by four robbers, died of his injuries at 9 o’clock last night. He leaves a wife and children. He had been connected with the various roads centering in Nashville for a great many years and more recently with the Nashville and Northwestern Railroads. He was a member of a good standing in Orphan Camp, Nor. 3, Order of Pale Faces. His Camp is requested to assemble at its lodge at l o’clock this afternoon to take action in regard to his funeral.
January 20, 1870
Died Shepard. On Wednesday morning January 19, 1870 at his residence, No. 16, North High Street, of pneumonia, William B. Shepard in the 73rd year of his age. The friends of his family are invited to attend his funeral from the First Presbyterian Church this Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D.
January 28, 1870
Died, McDaniel. Died in the city on the 27th instant, Alexander McDaniel in the 81st year of his age. Friends of the family are requested to attend his funeral this afternoon at 2 o’clock from the residence of C. H. Byram, South Summer street, between Broad and Demonbruen streets. Service by Rev. Dr. Young.
January 29, 1870
The Suicidal Mania. Another Wearied Wayfarer Ends His Life With Laudanum.
The mania for a suicidal death appears to be on the increase in this community. During the past two or three years, a suicide has hardly been announced before another has followed almost as a natural consequence of the rash example. The self-destruction of Peter Burchartz occurred only last Monday. Then came an attempt at suicide by a cooper residing on North Front street, the details of which were published in the Banner of Thursday. This morning we are pained to chronicle another death from self-ministered laudanum. Thomas Gardom, well known to most of our citizens, was the unhappy man. The deed was premeditated and had been suggested by himself fully two years ago. On settling some accounts last Tuesday, he remarked, in a jovial manner, to the person with whom he was at the time engaged, “these are the last accounts you will probably have to settle with me. In a few day, I will have gone to settle my accounts in another world and to begin a new life. You will have to transact no more business with me.”
About half-past nine o’clock Thursday night, while in the company with Mr. David Everett, one of his most constant companions, he expressed a desire to confide a secret to him. “Dave,” he said “Burchartz took laudanum and went off easily, didn’t he?” Mr. Everett replied in the affirmative. “Well, I’m going off in the same way.” Mr. Gardom made use of this language in so light a manner that Mr. Everett never dreamed that he would carry into effect his dark threat and, therefore, remarked to him in a jesting manner. “Tom, you are not going to do any such thing; you are foolish. Let’s take a square meal at Hemphill’s before you go.” “No,” said Mr. Gardom, “I don’t want anything to eat.” He then repeated his threat upon his own life and said that he was not going to take laudanum on the street but that he was going to take it at home and die there. The two friends then separated, Mr. Everett still not believing that Mr. Gardom would destroy himself.
The unhappy man reached home shortly after ten o’clock. He had with him a three ounce vial of laudanum. When his wife discovered him in the act of swallowing it, she snatched the vial away from him and poured on the floor what was left. “Never mind, wife,” said Mr. Gardom, rather
carelessly, “I reckon I have taken enough of it any how. You will be without a husband tomorrow morning.” Just before committing the fatal act, Mr. Gardom wrote two notes, the first of which, not suiting him, he tore up. They are as follows: Nashville, Tenn. Brother L. M. Temple, G. S.D. 379. I regret this act but at the same time the treatment that I have received from ———. Nashville, Tenn, January 27, 1870. Bro. L. M. Temple: You will, as a friend, respect my memory. I have never wronged any one. Take care of my remains and see that my wife and children, Willie and Mamie, get home. I remain yours, Thomas Gardom.
No one is aware as to what the “treatment” of which he complains in the first note means. Deceased was always treated kindly by all who knew him and he had no enemies. He never had any domestic troubles whatever. His wife was kind, affectionate and faithful and did everything which could tend to enhance his happiness and prosperity.
As soon as his wife realized the terrible nature of the situation, physicians were sent for. Two soon after arrived and administered lobelia to make him vomit. He did so to some extent and perspired freely. A stomach pump was sent for but did not arrive in time to save him.
After he had vomited, he was asked if he would not go to bed when he answered, “No, I believe I’d rather sit in my chair,” and in his chair he died at 5 o’clock yesterday morning. It seems that he had eaten nothing during Wednesday and that the laudanum was immediately absorbed into his system. Although he had indulged in a few social glasses the evening before, he was at the time he took the laudanum perfectly sober and in his right mind. Coroner P. W. Brien held an inquest over the remains early yesterday morning and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
Mr. Gardom was born in Philadelphia where he now has a sister who since the death of her husband, has been editing the “Philadelphia Sunday Times.” He removed to Nashville many years ago and has always been regarded as a good and a worthy citizen. He was a plasterer by trade and was for a long period, foreman for Capt. William Stockel. He was considered a thoroughly skilled mechanic and has left many artistic pieces of his handiwork in numbers of our finest residences. He was jovial and contented in disposition, lived within his means and provided a good living for his family. He was a Past Sachem in the Improved Order of the Red Men and had inspired in others the highest regard for himself and his personal character. By “home” in the note left behind, he meant Philadelphia.
A Reminiscence. Now that poor Tom is no more, we recall with melancholy pleasure an incident that forcibly illustrates a noble trait in his character. During the winter of 1865-6, Captain George Diggons, who had left a leg in Dixie, was standing in the Steadman Bros. (Now Kinney & Wand’s) Saloon, when he was grossly insulted by a muscular, big-fisted officer of a negro regiment. Captain Diggons, maimed as he was, stepped forward to resent the indignity when Tom Gardom interposed with “I’ve been for the Union all the time but he’ll have to whip me before he strikes a crippled Confederate! This startled the Federal officer a little but he squared of at Tom and a desperate set-to ensued. Both were powerful men, apparently well matched but by the eleventh round Tom had completely demolished his antagonist who confessed himself whipped and cried “enough” after which Tom went off with his rebel prot”g” in triumph.
January 30, 1870
Funeral of Thomas Gordam. The funeral of Thomas Gordam will take place from his late residence on Demonbreun street at 9:30 o’clock this morning and will be attended by the various Tribes of I. O. R. M. and Camps of Pale Faces. Funeral services by Rev. Dr. Baird. The remains will be deposited in the City Cemetery. Members of the I. O. R. M. Are requested to meet at their Hall at 8:30 a. m. when it is hoped that all will be present.
February 2, 1870
The Tunnel Casualty. The young man who was run over at the Chattanooga Depot last Monday was named William Finney instead of McTigue as was generally believed at the time of the accident. The mistake occurred from his mother having married McTigue as her second husband. Finney’s remains were buried yesterday.
February 8, 1870
The Fatal Pills. Sudden and Mysterious Death of a Well-Known Citizen.
Edward H. Wise, a young man well and favorably known in this city, died suddenly about daybreak last Sunday morning. He had for a long time been afflicted with dyspepsia which finally compelled him to resign his position as bookkeeper in the hardware house of Craighead, Breast & Gibson which position he had held for several years. While in conversation with one of his most intimate friends last Saturday afternoon, he complained bitterly of the acute suffering which the disease occasioned and said that during the past two or three weeks his sufferings had become almost intolerable. He had tried every remedy but had found no relief.
The deceased made an appointment to meet the friend above mentioned the following Sunday morning at the Maxwell House. He also engaged to eat dinner with his parents in West Nashville but shortly after 10 o’clock Saturday night, his disease grew worse. He was visited by Dr. Manlove just previous to his death. Dr. Manlove states that although Mr. Wise was speechless, he understood every word that was spoken to him. On being questioned, he signified with his hand that the seat of the pain was in the back of his head and in his breast. He had taken two pills for relief but had found none.
Coroner P. W. Brien held an inquest over the remains between the hours of two and three o’clock Sunday afternoon and the jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death from causes unknown. A small box and a paper containing pills out of which he had used the two mentioned were found upon his person. They were turned over to Ben Lillard, pharmacist, for analysis. From the very careless manner in which they were put up, it is believed that the pills were made by some inexperienced person. The prescription given by a prominent physician called for tincture of iron, quinine and one-sixth grain of arsenic. Had the pills been put up according to the prescription, they could not possibly have had a fatal effect. It is feared, however, that the inexperienced prescriptionist did not, in compounding the pills, put in the proper proportions, thereby making some of them too strong with arsenic. The prescription was given last Friday and Mr. Wise commenced using the medicine on Saturday. The physician endeavored yesterday to ascertain from what druggist Mr. Wise purchased it but without success. Mr. Wise had promised to commence yesterday in connection with a new position which had been offered him and has made preparations to that end. The parents of the deceased were not aware of his death until their little children, informed of the fact at Sunday school, returned home and repeated it. Mrs. Wise fainted several times in succession and had to have the services of a physician.
Many years ago when the volunteer fire department was the pride of our city, when Dashiell, Stockell and Finn were the leaders of noble, self-sacrificing young men connected with our fire companies, none was more efficient and beloved by is comrades than Ed Wise. He was the Captain of a number of boys who ran with the small hose-carriage “Water Witch,” a branch of Deluge Fire Company, No. 3, then commanded by the veteran “Captain Jack.” It was then that we learned to admire the noble traits of his character. Generous and warm hearted, he ever espoused the cause of the unfortunate and would cheerfully lend money to his comrades, waited with them when sick and when dead, followed them to their grave. What he was then he has ever been since. If he had his faults and weakness, who had not?
February 8, 1870
Funeral Notice. The friends and acquaintances of E. and J. F. Wise are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their son, Edward H. Wise, from Hynes street opposite Dr. Quintard’s residence between Church and Cedar streets this morning at 11 o’clock.
February 20, 1870
Sudden Death of a Well-known Citizen.
Thomas C. Coleman, a young man well and favorably known in this city, died very suddenly at his residence about four o’clock yesterday morning of congestion of the brain, in the thirty-third year of his age. He was taken ill at six o’clock the evening previous but was not at first supposed to be in danger. While at the office of Captain William Boyd late Thursday afternoon, the deceased was temporarily prostrated by an attack similar to that which terminated his existence. Through the kind aid and attention of Captain Boyd, he became better and soon afterward proceeded up town. During Friday he was upon the streets apparently in good health.
Mr. Coleman was a leading member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In his business and social relations, he had many friends and hardly an enemy. His sudden demise was the subject yesterday of regretful comment throughout the city. He leaves a wife and children to whom we extend our sincere sympathy and condolence. The funeral will take place this afternoon from No. 28 North High street, the residence of Mrs. Ellen D. Hough, mother-in-law of the deceased. Elsewhere in our column will be found official notices to Olive Branch Encampment, I. O. O. F. And Trabue Lodge, I. O. O. F., regard to assisting in the obsequies.
March 9, 1870
Died Holman. At Jacksonville, Florida March 5 of consumption, W. Boyd Holman, second son of James T. and Clementine H. Holman, in his 33rd year. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the First Baptist Church, Summer street at 10 o’clock today. Services by Rev. Dr. Skinner assisted by Rev. P. S. Fall.
March 9, 1870
Arrival of Remains. The remains of Messrs. James McClelland and Boyd Holman arrived in this city per express at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. They were taken to their respective homes. Both died at Jacksonville, Florida on the same day with consumption. They went to Florida to recuperate their health. The remains of Mr. Holman will be buried at 10 o’clock this morning. The funeral of Mr. McClelland will take place at the McKendree Church at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
March 9, 1870
Death of Captain Horn. We are pained to announce this morning that Captain W. H. Horn, one of our old and well-known citizens, died in this city yesterday. Mr. Horn served for many years in the City Council and was formerly Mayor of Nashville. He has suffered for a long time of severe illness but the announcement of his death will shock many friends who did not anticipate his sudden demise. By reference to the City Council proceedings, it will be seen that arrangements have been made for the funeral ceremonies in which the Council is to participate.
March 10, 1870
Funeral of Captain W. H. Horn (see copy)
March 10, 1870
Funeral Notice: Horn – The friends and acquaintances of Williamson H. Horn are respectfully invited to attend his funeral at Christ Church this morning at 10 o’clock.
March 10, 1870
Death of Major Frank Foster. Major Frank Foster died at Mr. Samuel Scott’s residence yesterday afternoon. While passing along one of the thoroughfares of Courtland, Alabama, a year ago, he accidentally received a blow in the forehead from a stone thrown at another person, the blow occasioned a wound which subsequently wore the appearance of a boil. He grew weaker and weaker month by month until compelled to visit Nashville some time ago to seek the advice of a physician. When the boil was carefully examined by Dr. Buist two weeks since, it was discovered that the blow inflicted had fractured the skull and that the bone immediately around the sore had decayed. So much of the cranium as had decayed was cut out ten days ago and his head trepanned in the hope of saving his life but alas! without avail. The memory of Frank Foster will be long and warmly cherished, not only by the comrades with whom he so gallantly served during the war but also by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
March 10, 1870
Funeral Notice: Foster – The friends and acquaintances of Colonel B. F. Foster are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his son, B. F. Foster, Jr. tomorrow Friday morning at 11 o’clock from the residence of Mr. S. M. Scott, No. 24 North High Street. Divine service at the grave by Rev. P. S. Fall.
March 11, 1870
Funeral of Captain Horn. A Large and Imposing Display.
The funeral of captain W. H. Horn who was formerly Mayor of the city of Nashville and for many years connected with the city government, took place yesterday at Christ Church. The programme published in yesterday’s Banner was fully carried out. At the church, services were read by Rev. Dr. Ellis and several beautiful hymns sung by the choir. Dr. Ellis delivered a short and affecting discourse after which Mr. Frizzell delivered a short address, biographical in its character and dwelling upon some of the excellencies of the deceased.
After the service at the church, the procession, numbering about 1,000 people, formed in the following order: Steam fire engines, Eclipse and William Stockel, Police, Mayor, City Council and citizens, Painters, Pale Faces, Germania Lodge, Claiborne Lodge, Edgefield Lodge, Cumberland Lodge, Hiram and other visiting Lodges, Phoenix Lodge, Grand Lodge Representatives, hearse with Sir Knights, pallbearers and family. The line of march was out Summer to Ash, through Ash to Cherry and out Cherry to the graveyard, on reaching which the column opened and the line was reversed. The whole affair was conducted with the utmost decorum and solemnity and was the largest funeral demonstration that Nashville has witnessed in many years.
March 15, 1870
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Malinda E. Gardner are requested to attend her funeral at the Primitive Baptist Church today at 10 o’clock a. Services by Dr. J. B. Stephens.
March 19, 1870
Death of a Nashville Editor.Frederick Abrahams, formerly city editor of the Nashville Democrat, died at St. Vincent Hospital yesterday morning of consumption, a disease from which he had long been a patient suffered. He served during the war as Lieutenant in the 44th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. On his being mustered out of the service, he settled down in Nashville where he has remained ever since. Mr. Abrahams was a gentleman of much learning and culture, generous in disposition, highly esteemed and respected by all with whom he came in contact, and faithful and efficient in the position which he occupied. The funeral will take place at 2 o’clock p. m. today. Friends of the deceased and members of the late Army of the Cumberland are requested to assemble at the Hospital at the time stated.
April 2, 1870
Died of Apoplexy.William Engelhardt, a well known German citizen who has resided here for the past eighteen years, died of apoplexy last Thursday night. His funeral will be preached at 2 o’clock this afternoon and his remains escorted to their resting place by the Jackson Lodge of A. D. H. and the German benevolent associations.
April 21, 1870
Died, Adcock. Jennie, age three (see copy)
April 27, 1870
Died Huston N. Britt, age eight months (see copy)
May 31, 1870
Funeral Notice: the friends and acquaintances of J. F. Gheen are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of his wife at 3 o’clock p. m. today at his residence, South Cherry Street.
June 10, 1870
Died Robertson. The friends and acquaintances of Miss Lizzie Robertson are requested to attend her funeral today at 10:30 o’clock from the residence of her mother, 11 miles from the city on the Charlotte pike. Divine service by Rev. William Warren.
June 16, 1870
Funeral Notice. Auten. The friends and acquaintances of William T. Auten are invited to attend the funeral of his sister, Mary A. Auten from his residence, No. 56 Maury street, South Nashville, this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. Dr. J. B. Stephens.
June 22, 1870
Sudden Death. Squire Brien held an inquest yesterday morning upon the body of Thomas J. Hoftman, an old citizen of Nashville. The jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death from apoplexy. He worked all day Monday at the establishment of Mr. McFarland, ate a hearty supper and retired about 9 o’clock apparently in good health. About 3 o’clock yesterday morning, his son who slept with him, heard a slight moan and asked his father what was the matter. There being no reply, the son got up, procured a light and found his father dead. Deceased lived in German town. He leaves five children.
June 23, 1870 (Thursday)
Melancholy Suicide. Elizabeth Davis (see copy)
June 24, 1870
Died, Branch. At the residence of Alexander McKenzie, Esq., in this city on Tuesday night 21st instant, Mrs. Louisa A. (Magruder) Branch, relict of late Captain William B. Branch, formerly of Petersburg, Virginia. Richmond and Petersburg papers please copy.
June 26, 1870
In Memoriam “Lizzie.” in Heaven. Lizzie Southgate (see copy)
June 30, 1870
Death of a Respected Citizen. Charles Sayers (see copy)
June 30, 1870
Died, Charles Sayers (see copy)
July 6, 1870
Died Bain. On the evening of the 5th, Fanny E., infant daughter of John K. and Sarah L. Bain, aged sixteen months.
July 14, 1870
Died, North. July 13 at twenty minutes past 6 o’clock, Jennie Bell, daughter of Lyman C. and Susan A. North, aged six years, eight months and 3 days. Friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow at 3 o’clock at the home, No. 230 South College Street.
July 22, 1870
Died, Pentecost. In this city on the evening of the 21st instant of whooping cough, Maggie Aiken, youngest daughter of J. F. and E. S. Pentecost. Service at 3 o’clock this afternoon at the residence, No. 135 North Cherry Street. Service by the Rev. Mr. Warren. The friends of the family are requested to attend.
July 26, 1870
Thrown From His Buggy.Dr. Harsh was thrown from his buggy in Edgefield yesterday and badly hurt.
July 28, 1870
Death of an Old Citizen. We learn with sincere regret that the venerable Dr. Harsh who was thrown from his buggy last Monday, died yesterday morning at 2:30 o’clock from the injuries received. Doctor Harsh was one of our oldest citizens – being in his seventy-third year at the time of his death. He has practiced medicine in Nashville and vicinity for better than a quarter of a century. He leaves a widow and ten children to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father. The deceased was widely esteemed by his fellow citizens as a just and honest man and a true citizen. His funeral will take place from the family residence in Edgefield at 10 o’clock this morning to which his friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.
August 2, 1870
Died. Linck. At Madison, Indiana on the morning of the 30th ult., Mrs. Julia C. Linck, wife of John W. Linck and third daughter of Isaac and Christiana Le Croix of Nashville, Tennessee. The family and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at 9:30 o’clock this morning from 321 North College Street.
August 17, 1870 (Wednesday)
Sudden Death.James B. Conley, one of General Jackson’s body guards, died very suddenly at the residence of his son in South Nashville last Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. He was 82 years of age.
August 25, 1870
Died Dorris. At the residence of her son-in-law, W. R. Cornelius, on the 24th of August, Mrs. Susannah Dorris, in the 78th year of her age. Her funeral will take place at the Primitive Baptist Church, South College Street at 3:30 o’clock p. m. today. Divine services by Rev. J. B. Stephens.
August 25, 1870
Died Wood. Nancy, wife of Isaac H. Wood in the 52nd year of her age. The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from No. 9 North Market Street at 10 o’clock a. m. today.
August 26, 1870
Death of A. D. Cabler. We regret to announce this morning the death of this most estimable young man. He died yesterday at his residence on South Front Street in this city at half past eleven o’clock in the twenty-sixth year of his age. He was one of our most enterprising druggists, being member of the well-known wholesale drug house of Litterer & Cabler on Broad Street. He was connected for several years with our boating interest, officiating as clerk and in this, as in all other relations of life, he won hosts of friends by his kind, gentle deportment. Among business men, his name was synonym of integrity and but few men of his age had shown more capacity for the achievement of a brilliant future. His heart was easily touched by sympathy and his hand was always open to do deeds of charity. He was a member of every benevolent society in the city and may truly be said to have gone down as the sun goes down at the equator, without a shadow, or without a twilight. We sincerely condole with his relatives in their affliction and can only say to them that he has gone to that sunny clime where no winding sheets are ever woven, no funeral kneels rung or graves are ever dug. Blest land beyond the skies, to reach it we must die. His funeral takes place this evening at four o’clock at the Elm Street Methodist Church under the ministerial control of Drs. Sawrie and Warren and will be attended by the various benevolent societies of this city.
August 26, 1870
Died Majors. At his residence, 367 North College Street, yesterday morning, Mr. A. Majors. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral at his residence at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Services by Rev. Dr. Sawrie.
September 11, 1870
Death of Dr. Jo. C. Newnan. (See copy)
September 18, 1870
Funeral Notice: Farrell. The friends and acquaintances of Ernest Rossier Farrell are invited to attend his funeral from Christ Church today at 3 o’clock. Services by the Rev. W. J. Ellis.
September 21, 1870
Funeral Invitation. Bradford – The friends and acquaintance of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Fall are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Mr. Frank Bradford, son of Simon Bradford from their residence, Woodland Street, Edgefield, this morning at 10 o’clock. Services by Elder P. S. Fall.
September 28, 1870
Died Hummer. Suddenly yesterday morning at the residence of his brother-in-law, B. F. Brown, C. W. Hummer, in the 41st year of his age. The friends of the family and deceased are invited to attend the funeral from B. F. Brown’s residence, No. 64 Summer Street, opposite the First Baptist Church this p. m. at 3 o’clock. Service by Elder P. S. Fall.
September 28, 1870
Sudden Death.Mr. Charles Hummer, well known as a merchant in this city, was found dead in his bed at the house of Mr. B. F. Brown, No. 64 North Summer Street, yesterday morning. He retired between 12 and 1 o’clock on the night previous and it is supposed subsequently died of heart disease with which he had been afflicted for several years. Coroner P. W. Brien held an inquest over his remains and the jury returned a verdict that he came to his death through causes unknown. Mr. Hummer was a highly respected citizen, had many warm friends and no enemies. He was, for a long time, an officer of the Blood Horse Association.
September 29, 1870
Funeral Notice: Lawrence. The friends and acquaintances of Ed Lawrence are invited to attend the funeral of his son, George, from his residence on Gallatin Pike at 9 o’clock this morning. Divine services by Rev. Mr. Thompson Jones.
October 13, 1870
Died, Harrison. At her residence, No. 227 South Cherry street on Wednesday morning, the 12th instant, Mrs. Rebecca Harrison, in the 58th year of her age. Her friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral from the Central Baptist Church this evening at 1 o’clock. Services by Rev. W. G. Inman.
October 15, 1870
Funeral Notice: Heald. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Frances C. Heald are invited to attend her funeral from the Elm Street church at 10 o’clock this morning. Services by Rev. Dr. Sawrie.
December 4, 1870
Funeral Notice: Tindall. The friends and acquaintances of William C. and Sarah Tindall are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of their son, Jesse S. Tindall at 3 o’clock this Sunday afternoon from the residence of J. S. Strader, No. 82 Fillmore street.
December 17, 1870
Died, Biggs. December 16 at the residence of J. M. Hudson, Wetmore Street, North Edgefield, Mrs. Sarah Biggs, aged 64 years. The friends and acquaintances of J. M. and Melissa F. Hudson are requested to attend her funeral at the North Edgefield Church at 2 o’clock, Sunday, December 8.
December 20, 1870
The W. D. Kernell Murder. The city was thrown into an excited state at an early hour yesterday morning by the announcement that the Kernell murderers had been captured and brought into the city. The shock produced by the recital of the brutal deed of last Tuesday night which ushered the spirit of a feeble old man into eternity and left two orphans to buffet the world, seemed to be revived by speculations upon all sorts of rumors, current on the streets. Every person was on the alert to catch at the least breath of any of the minute and varied details of the murder and the arrest of the alleged perpetrators. A live interest was felt and manifested throughout the day and while at the station house, under the surveillance of the police, the trio of suspected murderers were visited by a large number of citizens.
We gleaned the following particulars concerning their arrest and the gist of the circumstantial evidence which points to them as the parties responsible for the killing of the old man Kernell. Officer Puckett having obtained information from parties living in the Jenkins neighborhood that Henry, Taylor and Robert Jenkins were suspected of having murdered W. D. Kernell, swore out the following warrant before Justice Everett. State of Tennessee, Davidson County. Personally appeared before me, James. Everett, an acting Justice of the Peace for said county, J. H. Puckett and made oath in the form of law that the offense of murder in the first degree has been committed and charging Robert Jenkins, Henry Jenkins and Taylor Jenkins thereof. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of December, 1870. James Everett, Justice of the Peace. |