Death NoticeS From the Nashville Republican Banner for 1871
January 13, 1871 Funeral Invitation. The friends and acquaintances of MISS LEAH NEWMAN are respectfully invited to attend her funeral at 10 o’clock this Friday morning at the residence of MRS. N. BRADFORD, five and a half miles on Gallatin Pike.
January 24, 1871 Special policeman JAMES HENSON was buried at l o’clock Sunday afternoon. His remains were accompanied to the cemetery by the whole police force.
February 22, 1871 Death of MRS. ZOLLICOFFER GAITHER. It is our painful province to announce the death of Mrs. Gaither, nee MARY D. ZOLLICOFFER, daughter of the late GENERAL F. K. ZOLLICOFFER of this city. She died at Harrodsburg, Kentucky on the 20th instant. She was married June 10, 1869 and leave one child, an infant son, aged nine months. Her funeral will take place today at 12 o’clock at the old City Cemetery, services by the Rev. W. J. Ellis. Carriages will be in attendance at the Battle House at 11:30 o’clock.
March 29, 1871 Death of COLONEL ALBERT SMITH. His numerous friends and acquaintances in this community were deeply pained yesterday by the announcement of the death of Colonel Albert Smith. He died at 2 o’clock yesterday morning of typhoid fever after an illness of only two weeks, the attack not having assumed a dangerous form until just two days previous to his death. The affliction thus visited upon an affectionate household and upon a devoted wife can only be conceived by those familiar with the nobler domestic attributes of the man as a husband and father.
The loss to society and to this community is immediately recognized and painfully felt. During his residence as a citizen of Nashville, he had endeared himself to a large circle of friends, won the esteem, indeed, of all with whom he came in contact by an affable and courtly bearing, genial temperament, chivalrous and considerate regard for others while he had established a character for business capacity and integrity only equalled by the soldierly qualities which had rendered him distinguished in the field of arms in that profession to which he had been educated literally from the cradle.
He was born in Norfolk, Virginia in 1821. He entered the United States army in the Paymaster’s Department at 20 years of age and spent twelve years on the plains of New Mexico and California in the service of the United States Government. On the breaking out of the late civil war, he was on duty at Key West, Florida, when, in obedience to what he, in common with many of the officers of the old army who were of Southern birth and kindred, conceived to be his duty, resigned his commission and took service in the Confederate States army, reported at Richmond for duty and was assigned to the late General Albert Sidney Johnston who appointed him Chief Quartermaster on his Staff. He was on the field with General Johnston when the latter was slain, received his fallen chieftain in his arms and was delegated to escort that hero’s remains to New Orleans.
During the war, he was married in Atlanta, Georgia to the second daughter of Mrs. Ellen D. Hough of this city. He was a brother of General Larkin Smith, Assistant Quartermaster general of the Confederate States during the war and also of Dr. Charles H. Smith, formerly Surgeon in the United States army. His father was also an officer of the old army of the United States and died in its service. At the close of the war, Colonel Smith made his residence in this city and since the cessation of hostilities, had received final papers of settlement from the United States War Department in full discharge of his obligations as a disbursing office before the war. Bred to the profession of a soldier, the close of the war found him with his occupation gone and the care of a little family dependent upon his individual efforts. He was not a man, even under such circumstances, to fold his arms in listless despondency. He applied at the office of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad Company for employment, and signified his willingness to take the humblest clerical position rather then be unemployed. He proved a most efficient and valuable officer and at the time of his death was Agent of the Virginia and Tennessee Air Line and by untiring industry and energy built up for this line a large and prosperous business, the fruits of which he was about to share when death’s untimely hand removed him from that sphere of usefulness at a time when his hopes were highest and his prospects brightest.
The prominent characteristics of the subject of this brief notice were unselfishness, gentleness, the highest sense of honor and honesty, added to the most catholic charity and largest sympathy with the distresses of his fellow men. He was an exemplary citizen and a member of the Vestry of the Church of the Advent in this city. He was a true and generous friend and, above all, the tenderest and most devoted of husbands and fathers. To his bereaved wife and orphaned child, our heartfelt condolence and sympathies are tendered in this their sore affliction.
March 30, 1871 Funeral of the late COLONEL ALBERT SMITH. Although the weather yesterday was quite inclement, the funeral of the late Colonel Albert Smith, which took place from the Church of the Advent to the City Cemetery, was largely attended by his relatives and numerous circle of friends and acquaintances.
April 11, 1871 Died, Woods. On yesterday morning at four o’clock in the 89th year of her age, MRS. JANE WOODS, relict of the late JOSEPH WOODS. Her funeral will take place this afternoon from her late residence, No. 50 North High Street. Her friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. Divine service by Elder Philip S. Fall.
April 19, 1871 Death of an Aged Lady. MRS. RACHAEL CORBITT died at her residence, No. 157 Maple Street at half-past one o’clock yesterday morning at the advanced age of 76 years, nine months and nine days. She was the widow of MR JOHN CORBITT, who was well know in Nashville, who died in 1862 at the age of 72 years. Her funeral, with that of her husband, will be preached at her residence at three o’clock this afternoon by Revs. Dr. Stephens and Inman.
May 24, 1871 Death of the oldest German in Nashville. MR. JOHN ROLFF, the well-known newspaper agent and carrier, died yesterday morning at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. He was born in Hanover, fought against Napoleon I, received the volunteer’s medal and also the medal of Waterloo, both of which he recently wore at the late Friedensfest. He leaves two married daughters, both of whom reside here. Mr. Rolffs came to Nashville seventeen years ago and has been one of our best citizens. He was thoroughly honest and was highly esteemed for many other good qualities.
May 24, 1871 DIED, Rolffs, at 1 o’clock p. m. yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law, after an illness of three weeks, JOHN ROLFF, 78 years of age. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o’clock from John Bordierser’s residence on Hilbo street near Franklin Turnpike. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased are invited to attend.
June 10, 1871 DIED, Haslam, on the 9th instant, MRS. MARTHA JANE HASLAM, of hemorrhage of the lungs. The funeral services will take place tomorrow at 10 a. m. at her late residence, No. 33 Haslam street. The friends and relatives of the family are invited to attend the funeral and also that of her daughter, MOLLIE, which will take place at the same time. Services by Rev. Dr. Sawrie.
June 16, 1871 FUNERAL NOTICE. Vanleer, The funeral of RUSH VANLEER will take place this Friday morning at 9:30 o’clock from the Church of the Advent. Friends and acquaintances are invited. Services by the Rev. Mr. Schwarer and Rev. W. J. Ellis.
July 7, 1871 DEATH OF COLONEL JOHN CLAIBORNE. His numerous friends in this city and in New Orleans, the place of his residence for many years past, will be pained to receive this morning the announcement of the death of Colonel John Claiborne who breathed his last at the residence of his brother, Colonel H. L. Claiborne in this city at five minutes past seven o’clock last evening. Struggling hopefully against a pulmonary affection for several months past, he had vainly sought the restoration of his health by travel and rest from professional labors but at length returned to the old home of his earlier manhood rather with hopes of rest than ultimate recovery where his last hours were made as comfortable as the affectionate ministrations of devoted relatives could render them.
The last years of his life, while able to wield a pen, were devoted to the columns of the New Orleans Picayune. He was one of the active, working editors of that journal ever since the war and had been long identified with the journalism of that city and had won enviable reputation as a journalist of judgment and capacity and as a writer forcible, graceful and courteous.
He was educated for the profession of the law and was a student with the old firm of Foster & Fogg in this city prior to his connection with the Southern press. In the brief space of time allowed, we could not do justice to his many virtues. We tender our condolences to his relatives in the loss which themselves and society and the press, of which he was an ornament, have sustained. His funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence of his brother as will be seen by announcement elsewhere.
August 3, 1871 THE LATE A. L. ROBERTSON. At a meeting of the Bar of Nashville, in the Criminal Court room yesterday evening to pay a fitting tribute of respect to the memory of the late A. L. Robertson, Judge J. L. Shackelford was called to the Chair and Mr. T. M. Steger acted as Secretary. During the absence of the committee, eulogies upon the talents and virtues of the deceased as a man, soldier, lawyer and citizen were feelingly delivered by Mr. R. H. McEwen, Colonel McClanahan, General Stubblefield, Mr. W. G. Brien and Colonel John C. Burch. Mr. S. W. Childress, General George J. Stubblefield, Colonel John C. Burch and Messrs. Robert Winstead, Ed Douglas, Frank Reid, F. C. Maury, F. Porterfield and W. H. Dillard were requested to act as pallbearers. The bar resolved to meet at the Maxwell House at 9 a. m. today to attend the funeral which takes place at 10 o’clock. Mr. Frank T. Reid reported the following resolutions prepared by the committee. “Abbott L. Robertson, a member of the bar of this city, died at a quarter to seven this morning.”
August 4, 1871 FUNERAL OF A. L. ROBERTSON. The funeral services of the last A. L. Robertson were largely attended yesterday at Christ Church, Rev. Dr. Ellis officiating. His remains were interred in the city cemetery whither many friends followed to pay a last tribute of respect.
August 5, 1871 HICKMAN, Friday evening at 6 o’clock at 132 Spruce Street, G. W. HICKMAN. Funeral services at the Christian Church on Church Street Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Petersburg and Hampton, Virginia papers, please copy.
September 11, 1871 DIED FORD, in this city on Sunday the 10th instant, T. L. FORD at the residence of his brother, B. F. L. Ford.
September 16, 1871 DIED, MILLER. At the residence of W.R. Bell, Edgefield, on Friday evening, September 15 at 3 o’clock, MRS. MARTHA MILLER, relict of the last CAPTAIN JOSEPH MILLER in the sixty-fourth year of her age. Further notice will be given of the time of funeral.
October 10, 1871 DIED, SHIELDS. Died in this city at the residence of B. F. Shields, JOHN J. SHIELDS, 80 years of age, amidst his family of children and grand children, retaining his mental vigor in his old age and beloved by all who knew him. His funeral will take place from the residence of B. F. Shields, No. 80, North Summer Street, this afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Services by the Rev. Drs. Sawrie and P. S. Fall. (I think this is D. S. Shields listed in the cemetery book.)
October 27, 1871 DIED FOERDERER. Yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, MRS. CHRISTINE FOERDERER, wife of JOHN FOERERER and daughter of MR. LACROEX. Funeral will take place at resident, corner High and Monroe streets at 2 o’clock p. m. today. [I think this is Cristena Folderes listed in the cemetery book.]
November 26, 1871 FUNERAL NOTICE. LUCAS. The friends and acquaintances of the late WILLIAM H. LUCAS are requested to attend his funeral from Tulip Street Church, Edgefield at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Services by Bishop McTyeire, Rev. Dr. T. O. Summers and Rev. Robert Brown.