Obituaries – 1872

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet
cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages. 
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.

Name Obituary Date Death Date Age

Allen, Robert Russell



aged two years, four months and four days

Auten, Charles Thomas



aged three years

Badoux, Alice


aged 12 years

Barry, Richard H.


Bennett, Mary Magdalene



in the eighteenth year of her age

Bostick, Major Thomas H.



age 38

Browne, Fannie May



infant daughter

Byram, Charles Trigg



Coleman, Mrs. Margurite



Collins, (child)


Cooley, Eugenie Florence


aged two years and five months

Cooley, Mary Lou



aged five years and one month

Corbett, Capt. J. N.


Davy, Isabella


Ewell, General R. S.


Ewell, Mrs. Lazinka


Ewing, Alexander G.


Fields, Hugh Henry



aged eight months and twenty-seven days

Fogg, Mrs. Francis B.


Fogg, Vernon Stevenson



aged nine months, seven days

Freeman, Laura



infant daughter

Gibson, Martha Ann



about thirty years of age

Gibson, Ollie



aged nearly two years

Guy, Frank



Haile, Frank Miffin



aged 20 months and 12 days

Horton, Mrs. Betsey



in the eighty-first year of her age

Hubbard, Mrs. Rebecca S.



in the 75th year of her age

Joyner, Harvey C.


aged three months and twenty days

Knight, Henry Wilcox


Lellyett, William


Mace, William



aged 32 years

Mcintyre, John


McWhirter, Brit


Moore, William Toime



aged 14 months and 12 days

Moss, Mrs. Sophia



in the 52nd year of her age

O’Keefe, Ella



an infant three months old

Paine, Thomas



Pash, Mrs. Rebecca



aged 61 years

Phillips (daughter)


aged 3 years, 5 months and 18 days

Rebay, Mrs. Emily


Spain, Mrs. Mary



in the 47th year of her age

Starkey, William



Stewart, William

1/26/1872 & 1/27/1872

Webb, George W.


Wood, Walter Murray



infant son

Yeatman, Robinson



infant son

Death Notices From the Nashville Republican Banner for 1872

January 6, 1872
Died, YEATMAN.  On the evening of the 4th instant, ROBINSON, infant son of HARRY T. AND GEORGIA R. YEATMAN.  The funeral will take place this afternoon at half past 2 from the residence of Henry T. Yeatman, 35 West Gay Street, West Nashville.  Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.  Services by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Feeham.

January 14, 1872
Funeral Notice, MOSS.  Died on the morning of the 13th instant at the residence of her son, SOLOMON MULLIN, No. 42 North Market Street, MRS. SOPHIA MOSS in the 52nd year of her age.  Funeral at 3 o’clock this Sunday afternoon.  Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.  Services by Rev. Dr. Hoyte.

January 24, 1872
Died, FREEMAN.  On the 22nd instant, LAURA, infant daughter of L. M. AND KATE FREEMAN, aged four months and five days.  The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of L. M. Freeman, No. 205 Gay Street, this morning, the 24th instant, at 10 a. m.  Services by the Rev. Dr. Hoyte.

January 25, 1872
FUNERAL OF MRS. GENERAL EWELL.  The funeral of MRS. LAZINKA EWELL, wife of GENERAL R. S. EWELL, took place at 11 o’clock yesterday morning from Christ Church and was largely attended.  Rev. Mr. Ellis, of Edgefield and Rev. Dr. Buckett, ofColumbia, conducted the services.  A long line of carriages, containing the friends and relatives of the estimable lady, followed her remains to the family burying ground in the City Cemetery.  MAJOR CAMPBELL BROWN arrived from Mississippi in time to accompany all that was mortal of his beloved mother to its last resting place.

January 26, 1872
Death of a Great Confederate Commander.  GENERAL R. S. EWELLSee original notice.

January 26, 1872
Death of an Old Citizen.  WILLIAM STEWART, an old citizen, died yesterday of pneumonia after a brief illness.  He was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, March 23, 1808 and emigrated to Pennsylvania when quite a youth.  In 1829, he walked all the way from that State to Nashville where he had lived ever since and devoted himself to the manufacture of iron fencing and other articles.  He bore the reputation of an upright, honorable and exemplary citizen and was held in high esteem by the Masons in which Order he had become a Knight Templar.

January 27, 1872
BURIED WITH MASONIC HONORS.  The remains of the late WILLIAM STEWART were interred in the City cemetery yesterday with Masonic honors, the Masons of the city and the Knights Templar accompanying them thither.

March 14, 1872
Death from Suffocation.  An infant three months old, ELLA O’KEEFE, died of croup at St. Vincent Hospital yesterday.  Coroner James Everitt held an inquest and the jury returned a verdict that it died of suffocation by croup.

March 16, 1872
Death of a Mother in Israel.  MRS. FRANCIS B. FOGGSee original copy.

March 21, 1872
Died, FOGG, on Sunday the 17th instant at 8 p. m., VERNON STEVENSON FOGG, aged nine months, seven days, son of G. M. Fogg, Jr. And Mary L. Fogg.

March 27, 1872
Died, HUBBARD, near Springhill yesterday morning, MRS. REBECCA S. HUBBARD, wife   of David Hubbard, in the 75th year of her age.  Funeral services today from Christ Church at half past 10 a. m.

April 7, 1872
Funeral Notice.  The friends and acquaintances of the late JOHN MCINTYRE are requested to attend his funeral this Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock from R. H. Groomes & Co., 42 and 44 Cherry Street.  Religious services at the Cemetery by the Rev. Dr.Sawrie.  The members of Orphan Camp No. 3 Pale Faces are hereby notified to be in attendance at the Temperance Hall on Union Street at 1 ½ o’clock this afternoon to attend the funeral of our late Brother John McIntyre and all other brothers of the Order are respectfully invited to attend.  R. S. Patterson, President.

April 7, 1872
Bennett, Died on Friday, April 5th at the residence of her mother, No. 205 Gay Street, of consumption, MARY MAGDALENE BENNETT in the eighteenth year of her age.  Almost her last words to her friends who were weeping around here, were “Weep not for me.  I’m going home,” and passed to her reward.  “As softly folds the blossom up, when evening shades come on, So died this child, the beautiful, the undefiled was gone.”  The friends and acquaintance are invited to attend the funeral this afternoon from 205 Gay Street at 2 o’clock.  Services by Rev. Dr. Kelley.

May 6, 1872
Funeral Notice.  The friends and acquaintances of MR. JOHN DAVY are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of his wife, ISABELLA today at 3 o’clock p. m. on High Street.

May 17, 1872
Accidental Homicide.  THOMAS PAINE, the painter of the Nashville and Chattanooga car shops who was fatally injured Wednesday afternoon by being struck on the head with a billet of wood which was carelessly thrown from the top of the car on which he had been at work, died early yesterday morning of his injuries.  The wood was thrown by C. Waldron, an inoffensive, peaceable old man who would have been the last person in the world to have injured anyone intentionally.  Coroner Everett held an inquest upon the remains of Paine and the jury rendered a verdict of accidental homicide.  Paine leaves a wife and twin babes, about five months old, in very destitute circumstances.

May 19, 1872
Died Byram, at 12:30 p. m. yesterday, CHARLES TRIGG, son of C. W. AND MARY D. BYRAM.   The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral at 134 South Summer Street tomorrow (Monday) at 10 o’clock a. m.  Services by Rev. D. C. Kelley.

May 23, 1872
Funeral of the late WILLIAM LELLYETT.  The funeral of the late William Lellyett took place from the Church of the Holy Trinity at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon and was largely attended.  The police were present in a body and many of the city authorities including the Mayor. Rev. M. S. Royce officiated.  The remains were conveyed to the City Cemetery, accompanied   by a large number of friends, the police force marching in procession.

May 26, 1872
Died, Gibson, In Edgefield on yesterday morning at 6 o’clock, OLLIE, only child of N. J. AND JENNIE GIBSON, aged nearly two years.  The funeral will take place from the residence, Fatherland Street at 9 ½ o’clock.  Friends and relatives are invited to attend.  Divine services by Rev. R. K. Brown.

June 13, 1872
Died Bostick, died June 12 at 1 o’clock a. m., MAJOR THOMAS H. BOSTICK, of heart disease, age 38.  His friends are requested to attend the burial services at 4 o’clock p. m. from  the residence of John F. Early, West Park Street.

June 15, 1872
Died Coleman, at her residence, No. 112 North Market Street, in this city, on yesterday at 3 o’clock, MRS. MARGURITE COLEMAN, relict of the late THOMAS B. COLEMAN.  The funeral will take place from the Second Presbyterian Church on tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o’clock p. m.  Services by Rev. Dr. Hoyte.  Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.

June 15, 1872
Died JOYNER, HARVEY C., infant son of ROBERT AND LIZZIE JOYNER, aged three months and twenty days.  Funeral at 3 o’clock this afternoon from No. 562 South Market Street.  Services by Rev. F. A. Mason.

June 25, 1872
Died, Pash, at twenty minutes past 9, June 23 at her residence, No. 103 Line Street, MRS. REBECCA PASH, wife of WILLIAM PASH, aged 61 years.  The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend her funeral at 3 o’clock this Tuesday evening.  Winchester, Va., papers please copy.

July 8, 1872
Died, ALLEN, in this city yesterday evening at 1 o’clock, ROBERT RUSSELL, infant son of J. C. and ANNA  H. ALLEN, aged two years, four months and four days.  The friends and acquaintances of   the family are invited to attend the funeral at No. 15 McCrea street this evening at 3:30 o’clock.

July 26, 1872
Died, WOOD, on the 25th instant, WALTER MURRAY, infant son of SETH G. and EMMA C. WOOD.

July 28, 1872
FRANK GUY was killed by Robert H. Spain, his brother-in-law, in front of Williams’ grocery, two miles and a half from the city on the Lebanon Pike, at half past six o’clock last evening.  It is said to be the sequel of a family feud of long standing between Spain and Frank, James and John Guy, in consequence of some disagreement had between Spain and his wife who is the sister to the Guy brothers.  As soon as Spain had shot Frank Guy, accompanied by William Foucett who is charged with being accessory to the murder, he started eastward along the Lebanon Pike but the two were overtaken and arrested by Officers Bolton and Dale and brought to the city police station.  They were then arraigned before Justice Kerrigan and both committed in default of bond.  Frank Guy died within ten minutes after he was shot.  The wound was over the left nipple and inflicted by a charge of squirrel shot discharged from a shot gun.

While at the police station last night, Spain made the following statement relative to the affair to the reporter of the Banner.  “I have been told that on Thursday night, the Guys were on the road watching for me to come along.  Some time previous to the shooting yesterday afternoon, myself and William Faucett were stopping at a public pump on our way home when one of Guy’s brothers came along and manifested a disposition to pick a quarrel.  I told him he had better go on and attend to his own business.  He was on a horse and said he wold shove on and get to the camp and get my gun and show me.  We had a melon patch on the Lewis place and camped out in order to keep a close watch upon it to prevent our melons from being stolen.  I got there before he did and got my gun in my hand when he jumped off his horse and ran off through the lot.  After that I went over to Baxter Williams’ grocery and was paying Baxter Williams a debt that I owed him, contracted this week.  I was standing in the grocery with my gun leaning against the counter when Frank Guy came up and said he intended to kill me and I aimed to shoot him but the gun didn’t fire.  The second time I tried and fired the gun and shot him and then gave myself up to John Appleby, a citizen who afterward gave me in charge of Officer Dale who brought me here.  I didn’t know where I had shot Guy or that he had died until subsequently informed.  The feud between the Guys and myself originated from their interference in my domestic affairs.”

William Faucett is said to have urged Spain to shoot Guy.  While at the police station, Faucett said that he was innocent of the charge and that he had rather go to jail than have people coming and staring at him as though he were a murderer.  He complained of being very sleepy and expressed the desire that he might be taken to jail that he might have his rest.  Spain was calm but answered all questions put to him without reserve.  An inquest was held over the remains of Guy and the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the above recited facts.

July 31, 1872
Inquest.  Coroner Everett yesterday held an inquest over the body of BRIT MCWHIRTER who was mortally wounded by John Kiber Saturday night.  Kiber has not since been heard from.

August 3, 1872
MARTHA ANN GIBSON, who resided at a house on Coon Alley between North College and North Cherry streets, was found dead at an early hour yesterday morning.  It is said that on the night previous, she had quarreled with her lover and, in his presence, tied a short rope to the balustrades and then retired.  After her paramour had gone, she deliberately tied the rope about her neck and swung off into eternity.  It was asserted that he had greatly abused and mistreated her and that this was the cause of the suicide.  But an investigation, instituted by Coroner Everett, revealed the fact that it was not the case.  The story is current that before the death of her paramour’s wife, he had promised, in such event, to marry her and that he had proved unfaithful to his promise.  The deceased was a young and rather handsome woman of about thirty years of age and a native of this city.  Coroner Everett held an inquest over the remains and the jury rendered a verdict that she came to her death by her own hand.

August 3, 1872
Died, HAILE, in this city, on yesterday evening on the 2nd instant, FRANK MIFFIN, infant son of L. C. and ALICE HAILE, aged 20 months and 12 days.  The friends of the parents and those of J. W. McCullough and family are invited to attend the funeral this evening at 3 o’clock from the residence, No. 148 North Vine Street.

August 15, 1872
Died, BROWNE, In this city, August 14 at 11 o’clock, a. m., FANNIE MAY, infant daughter of R. P. and S. E. BROWNE, born October 16, 1871.  Funeral today, August 15, at 9 a. m. from the residence of Isaac Paul, Esquire to which friends are invited.  Services by Rev. Dr. Sawrie.

August 16, 1872
Died, SPAIN, at her residence near Bellevue Station, Nashville and Northwestern Railroad, yesterday in the 47th year of her age, MRS. MARY SPAIN, wife of J. A. SPAIN.  Funeral at McKendree Church at 11 o’clock this a. m.  Services by Rev. W. D. F. Sawrie.

August 27, 1872
During the absence of her family at about 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon, MRS. EMILY REBAY took, it is supposed, what she considered a moderate dose of opium.  When her friends returned, they found her in a comatose state.  She died at 3 o’clock that afternoon.  An inquest was held by Justice Cassetty yesterday morning and the jury rendered a verdict that she came to her death from an overdose of opium.  She had been in a state of ill health for the past seven years and was addicted to the use of morphine.

September 6, 1872
Died, HORTON.  At the residence of her son in this city, September 4, MRS. BETSEY HORTON, mother of A. B. SHANKLAND, in the eighty-first year of her age.  The friends and acquaintance of A. B. Shankland are invited to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Betsey Horton, at his residence, No. 30 North Vine Street, this Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

September 20, 1872
Died, AUTEN, at 2 o’clock a. m. today, CHARLES THOMAS , son of W. T. AUTEN and grandson of REV. O. O. WRIGHT, aged three years.

September 23, 1872
Died, BADOUX.  Died last night at 12 o’clock at the residence of her mother, MADAME BADOUX on Cherry Street, ALICE BADOUX, aged 12 years.  The funeral will take place this afternoon.  The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend.

September 25, 1872
Died, WILLIAM MACE, aged 32 years, at 1 p. m., 24th instant.  Funeral from his residence near Franklin Pike.  Service at the house by Rev. Mr. Royce at 3 p. m. today.

September 26, 1872
MOORE.  Wednesday, 25th instant at 8 o’clock p. m., WILLIAM TOIMIE MOORE, aged 14 months and 12 days, infant son of MARY and GEORGE MOORE.  The funeral will take place today at 3 o’clock p. m. from the residence of his father, No. 231 South Spruce Street.  The friends of the family are invited to attend.

October 6, 1872
Death of a well known molder.  WILLIAM STARKEY, a well known molder at the Chattanooga Depot, died at his residence, No. 459 South Market Street yesterday morning.  The funeral will take place at 9 a m. today.

October 13, 1872
Died, FIELDS.  On yesterday morning at nine o’clock, HUGH HENRY, infant son of HENRY and ANNA FIELDS, of this city, aged eight months and twenty-seven days.  The friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral this morning at half-past nine o’clock from the residence, 111 Demonbren Street.  Service by Rev. T. G. Jones.

October 24, 1872
Died, Child of NELSON COLLINSSee Original copy.

October 27, 1872
Funeral Notice.  KNIGHT.  The friends and acquaintances of REV. O. O. KNIGHT and his wife are invited to attend the funeral of their only son, HENRY WILCOX KNIGHT, from their residence, No. 467 South Market Street this Sunday Evening at 2 o’clock.  Divine Service by Rev. J. Braden.

October 30, 1872
Died, PHILLIPS.  Daughter of M. G. and MARY E. PHILLIPS, aged 3 years, 5 months and 18 days.  The friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock a. m.  Services by Rev. Dr. Baird.

November 12, 1872
Funeral of the Late RICHARD H. BARRYSee Original copy.

November 21, 1872
EWING, ALEXANDER G.  See original copy

December 14, 1872
Died, WEBB.  At his residence, corner Summer and Line, on yesterday afternoon, GEORGE W. WEBB, after a protracted illness.  The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o’clock.  Services by Rev. D.C. Kelly.

December 19, 1872
Died, COOLEY.  On Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock, of scarlet fever, EUGENIE FLORENCE, daughter of THEODORE and EUGENIE F. COOLEY, aged two years and five months.  The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from their residence, South Summer Street, at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

December 20, 1872
Death of CAPT. J. N. CORBETTSee original copy.

December 20, 1872
Funeral Notice.  CORBETT.  The friends and acquaintances of the late CAPTAIN I. NEWT. CORBETT, are invited to attend his funeral today at 1 o’clock p. m. at the Presbyterian Church, Edgefield.  Services by Rev. Mr. McNeilly.  Carriages will leave R. H. Groomes & Co.’s on Cherry Street at 12-1/2 o’clock.

December 22, 1872
Died, COOLEY.  Last evening at 9 o’clock, of scarlet fever, MARY LOU, oldest and only remaining child of THEODORE and EUGENIA F. COOLEY, aged five years and one month.  Funeral will take place from the residence, No. 280 South Summer Street, at 3 o’clock this evening.  Friends of the family are invited to attend.  Richmond, Va. Papers please copy.


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