Obituaries – 1875

Please note that the listings here are only for obituaries that have been found to date. It does not include all those that are listed with readable inscriptions; therefore, we have not yet
cross-referenced them to the tombstone pages. 
Please use the search feature to locate those listed in both directories.

Name Obituary Date Death Date Age
Alley 10/31/1875   in the 75th year of his age
Auten, Willie Knight 8/24/1875 8/22/1875 aged one year, 11 months and 14 days
Bennett, Nannie J. 10/14/1875 10/12/1875 in the 21st year of her age
Boench, Priscilla Adams 6/30/1875 Tuesday afternoon aged 16 months
Bruce, Major, J. R. 6/4/1875 6/3/1875 of consumption at the age of 45 years
Cady, A. W. 1/29/1875    
Callaghan, P. B. J. 3/4/1875    
Cartwright, Mrs. Margaret Greenwood 11/5/1875 11/4/1875 at the age of 58 years, 5 months and 15 days
Corbitt, Mr. Felix 7/20/1875 Sunday Morning  
Ellis, Lucy 9/14/1875 9/13/1875 in the 18th year of her age
Freeman, George 9/26/1875 9/25/1875 aged 5 weeks
Hamilton, John J. 10/31/1875    
Harlow, A. H. 10/13/1875 10/12/1875 in the 76th year of his age
Harris, Rowland 9/18/1875 9/17/1875 at the age of fourteen months
Huddleston, Ruben 7/1/1875 6/30/1875 a colored boy, three years old
Knipe, E. F. 2/20/1875    
Kyle, Mr. James 8/5/1875 8/4/1875  
McGovern, James 4/18/1875 Funeral Notice -Removed from City Cemetery Vault and taken to Calvary
McKay, Frank 6/26/1875 6/25/1875 in the 12th year of his age
McKay, Maud Myrtle 10/27/1875 10/25/1875 in the 4th year of her age
Meacham, Miss Addie H. 4/25/1875 To be interred from Vault
Moore, William 6/13/1875 6/12/1875 aged 7 years and 4 months
Porter, James Hickman 6/13/1875 6/12/1875 infant son
Ristine, Mrs. Alice P. 12/22/1875 12/20/1875  
Sandhouse, Arnold 10/5/1875 10/4/1875 in the 65th year of his age
Smalley, Sadie 10/23/1875 10/22/1875 aged 6 years
Smith, Charles W. 1/28/1875 1/27/1875 aged 62 years
Snowden, Benton 7/27/1875 7/26/1875 Aged 47 years
Sullivan, F. J. 5/11/1875 5/10/1875 in the 34th year of his age
Terrass, Frederick 8/19/1875   in the 55th year of his age
Walker, Nelson 7/8/1875 7/7/1875  
Woods, James Sr. 8/11/1875 and8/11/1875 on Monday  
Wray, Mrs. Susie 2/7/1875    
Young, Mary Frances 8/11/1875 8/8/1875 in the fourth year of her age

Death Notices From the Nashville Republican Banner AND NASHVILLE DAILY AMERICAN for 1875

From the Nashville Republican Banner

January 28, 1875
Gone to his Rest.  Death of CHARLES W. SMITH, one of Nashville’s Oldest Citizens.  See copy of original notice.

January 29, 1875
Died.  SMITH.  Died at 7 o’clock p. m., January 27, at his residence, No. 106 North Market Street, CHARLES W. SMITH, after a lingering illness, aged 62 years.  The friends and acquaintance of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at 10:30 o’clock Friday morning from the Second Presbyterian Church.  Services by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Hoyte.

February 7, 1875
The Late A.W. CADY.  The remains of the late A. W. CADY will be interred in the City Cemetery at 1 o’clock this afternoon with the honors of Trabue  Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., of which he was a member.

February 10, 1875
Died.  WRAY.  MRS. SUSIE, wife of W. A. WRAY.  Services by Dr. Baird at the family residence, corner South Union and Gowdy Streets at 2 p. m. today.  Memphis and Franklin papers, please copy.

February 20, 1875
Sad Death.  A Well-Known Bar Tender Found Dead in His Bed.  E. F. KNIPESee copy of original notice.

March 4, 1875
Died.  CALLAGHAN.  On March 2, at 4 o’clock p. m. P. B. J. CALLAGHAN, of pulmonary consumption, aged forty years and two months.  The friends and acquaintances of MR. AND MRS. G. H. RATTERMAN are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from their residence, No. 362 North Summer Street on Thursday evening at 3 o’clock.  Services at the Church of Assumption.

April 18, 1875
Funeral Notice.  The remains of JAMES MCGOVERN will be removed from the vault in City Cemetery to Mt. Calvary at 2:30 o’clock this evening.  Hacks will leave R. H. Groomes & Co. at 2 o’clock p. m. today.  Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.

April 25, 1875
To be interred.  The remains of the late MISS ADDIE H. MEACHAM, daughter of W. F. MEACHAM, ESQUIRE, will be interred from the vault at the City Cemetery this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

May 11, 1875
Died.  SULLIVAN – At the late residence of his mother, MRS. M. A. SULLIVAN, F. J. SULLIVAN, at 8:15 o’clock, May 10 in the 34th year of his age.  The funeral will take place at the residence at 4 o’clock this Tuesday afternoon.  Services by the Rev. F. R. Hill.  Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.

June 4, 1875
Died.  BRUCE.  Died at his residence on North College Street at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, MAJOR J. R. BRUCE of consumption at the age of 45 years.  The funeral will take place at the Second Presbyterian Church at 3 o’clock this afternoon, Rev. R. J. Hoyte Officiating.

June 4, 1875
Death of MAJOR JAMES R. BRUCESee copy of original notice.

June 14, 1875
Died.  On the 12th instant, JAMES HICKMAN, infant son of ROBERT M. AND JESSIE PORTER.  Prayer by the Rev. T. A. Hoyt at 5 o’clock p. m. in parlor 46, Maxwell House.

June 14, 1875
Died.  MOORE.  On yesterday morning at 12:15 o’clock, WILLIAM MOORE, son of WILLIAM and AMANDA MOORE, aged 7 years and 4 months.  The funeral will take place this evening at 2:30 o’clock from the residence, 282 Cedar Street.  Friends of the family invited to attend.  Divine services by Rev. William Graham.

June 26, 1875
Died.  MCKAY.  On yesterday morning at 2 o’clock, FRANK, son of F. G. and J. S. MCKAY, in the 12th year of his age.

June 30, 1875
Died.  BOENCH.  On Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m., PRISCILLA ADAMS BOENCH, aged 16 months, infant daughter of FRANCIS N. and JOSEPHINE ADAMS BOENCH.  The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at the residence, No. 147 Cedar Street at 5 o’clock p. m.  Divine services by Rev. T. A. Hoyt.

July 1, 1875
Fatal Fall.  MRS. MANDY WARNER, wife of JOHN WARNER, living on McLemore, just south of church Street, went away from home last night leaving REUBEN HUDDLESTON, a colored boy three years old, asleep in bed.  She returned at 2 o’clock this morning to find him a corpse at the back of the house, he having gotten up and fallen a distance of five feet out of the door.  The rats had already begun to nibble at his fingers.  The boy was WARNER’S nephew.

July 8, 1875
NELSON WALKERSee copy of original obituary.

July 10, 1875
Funeral of NELSON WALKER.  The remains of the late NELSON WALKER, a prominent colored man of this city, were interred in the City Cemetery yesterday afternoon.  The Nashville Sons of Relief and the colored Masonic Fraternity accompanied them to their last resting place.

July 20, 1875
Died of his Injuries.  MR FELIX CORBITT, who fell down Noel’s elevator a week or two ago, died of his injuries at 5 o’clock Sunday morning at his late residence in South Nashville.  His body was buried yesterday morning.  The employees at the elevator, fifty in number, marched to the grave in a body to pay their last sad tribute to their fallen comrade.

July 27, 1875
Died.  SNOWDEN.  At his residence on the corner of Jefferson and Front streets, at 11:30 p. m. on the 26th instant, BENTON SNOWDEN, aged 47 years.  Funeral at 4 p. m. today.  McVaytown, Pennsylvania papers please copy.

August 5, 1875
Died.  KYLE.  In this city on the 4th of instant, MR. JAMES KYLE.  His friends and the friends and acquaintances of  MRS. ELIZABETH SMITH are respectfully invited to attend his funeral on Friday morning at 9:30 a. m. at their residence, corner South Union and Stevenson Avenues.  Hacks will leave R. H. Groomes for the house at 9:00 a. m.

August 11,1875
Died.  WOODS.  At his late residence, corner Vauxhall and Broad streets, at 1 o’clock p. m. on Monday, JAMES WOODS, SR.  The funeral will take place at 11 o’clock this morning from the Christian Church to which the friends are invited.  Divine services by Elder P. S. Fall and Rev. Dr. J. W. Hoyt.

August 11, 1875
Died.  YOUNG.  In this city Sunday morning, August 8, 1875, MARY FRANCES, daughter of F. M. and LUCIE LEE YOUNG and the granddaughter of the late W. HY SMITH, in the fourth year of her age.  See copy of original obituary.

August 19, 1875
Died.  TERRASS.  At the residence of his niece, MRS. ANNIE V. JOHNSON, No. 43 South Vine Street, FREDERICK TERRASS, in the 55th year of his age.  The friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral from Christ Church at 4 o’clock this evening.  Divine services by the Rev. William Graham.

August 24, 1875
Died.  AUTEN.  On Sunday, August 22, at 5-1/2 p. m., WILLIE KNIGHT, only son of W. T. and F. R. AUTEN and grandson of REV. O. O. KNIGHT, aged one year, 11 months and 14 days.

From the Nashville Daily American

September 14, 1875
A Sad Bereavement.  We are deeply pained to hear of the heavy affliction that has overtaken our friends, REV. WILLIAM J. ELLIS and his wife in the death of their oldest daughter, LUCY, a most loveable and beautiful girl and the idol of her parents.  It is a sad stroke, the cruel anguish of which words but inadequately express and are impotent to appease.  Our heartfelt sympathies are tendered to them and theirs in this great bereavement.

September 14, 1875
Died.  ELLIS.  Yesterday in the 18th year of her age, LUCY, eldest daughter of REV. J. W. ELLIS.  The funeral will take place today at 4 o’clock from the residence, No. 37, South McLemore Street.  Friends and acquaintances invited.

September 18, 1875
Died.  HARRIS.  On the 17th instant at 12 o’clock, ROWLAND, infant son of DR. W. H. and SUSAN P. HARRIS, at the age of fourteen months.  The funeral will take place from the residence, 385 South College Street, at 11 o’clock this Saturday morning.  Services by Rev. J. W. Hanner, Jr.

September 26, 1875
Died.  FREEMAN.  In Edgefield at 9 o’clock on the 25th instant, GEORGE, infant son of G. W. and OPHELIA FREEMAN, aged 5 weeks.  The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this afternoon at 3 o’clock from their residence on the Gallatin Pike.  Services by Dr. Stanley.

October 5, 1875
Died.  SANDHOUSE.  Died at his late residence on the 4th instant, ARNOLD SANDHOUSE, in the 65th year of his age.  The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the First Presbyterian Church this Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.  Services by Rev. T. A. Hoyt.

October 13, 1875
Died.  HARLOW.  Tuesday, October 12, at 2 o’clock p. m., A. H. HARLOW in the 76th year of his age.   The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend his funeral today (Wednesday, October 13) at 2 o’clock p. m. from his late residence, No 27 South Union Street.

October 14, 1875
Died.  BENNETT.  At the residence of her mother on October 12th at 6 p. m., NANNIE J., daughter of MISSOURI BENNETT, in the 21st year of her age.  Funeral services by the Rev. Drs. Jones and Hargrove from the First Baptist Church this Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock. 
“She left us soon, choosing the better part; Left as the meteor’s bright and dazzling flights. 
Makes denser, darker for the gloomy night; Or, like the snowflake from the fountain river,
Touches the earth, enhance, then waits toward Heaven.”

October 23, 1875
Died.  SMALLEY.  On the 22nd instant, SADIE, daughter of J. K. and S. W. SMALLEY, aged 6 years.  The friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral at 3 o’clock p. m. today (Saturday) from residence of CHARLES BORDISER, Bilbo Avenue.  Divine services by Rev. T. A. Hoyt.

October 27, 1875
Died.  MCKAY.  At Lavergne, 25th instant of diphtheria, MAUD MYRTLE, only daughter of DR. C. E. and ELLA M. MCKAY in the 4th year of her age.  Louisville Courier Journal copy.

October 31, 1875
Funeral notice.  HAMILTON.  The funeral service of the late JOHN J. HAMILTON will take place from Elm Street Church this Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, Rev. Felix Hill officiating.  The friends of the family and members of the Elm Street Sunday school are invited to attend.

October 31, 1875
Death of JOHN J. HAMILTONSee copy of original notice.

October 31, 1875
Died.  ALLEY.  At the residence of his son, A. W. V. ALLEY, in the 75th year of his age.  His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral at Elm Street Church this evening at 3:45 o’clock.  Services by Rev. F. H. Hill.

November 5, 1875
Died.  CARTWRIGHT.  At her residence in Edgefield at half past 6 o’clock on the morning of the 4th instant, MRS. MARGARET GREENWOOD CARTWRIGHT at the age of 58 years, 5 months and 15 days.  The funeral will take place from Tulip Street Church this Friday morning at 10 o’clock to which friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited.  Services by Revs. J. B. and Sumner McFerrin.

December 22, 1875
Died.  RISTINE.  In Edgefield, December 20, 11 o’clock p. m., MRS. ALICE P. RISTINE, consort of DR. F. RISTINE and daughter of H. S. and MARY PEACH.  Funeral today at 10 o’clock at Tulip Street Church.  Divine services by Rev. J. P. McFerrin and Dr. T. O. Summers.  Knoxville paper please copy.


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James Woods Obit.