Death Notices From the Daily American, Nashville, Tennessee, for 1876
January 8, 1876
Died – Burns – In this city on the morning of the 7th of January, 1876, Mrs. R. A. Burns, aged 27 years. Her spirit has taken its flight to a heaven of immortal bliss and happiness, to bloom among the angels in perennial beauty through the countless cycles of eternity.
January 22, 1876
Funeral Notice: the friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Margaret Wilson are requested to attend the funeral of her son, James Wilson, at Elm Street Church this morning at 10 o’clock. Service by Rev. W. M. Green and Felix R. Hill.
January 22, 1876
The Fatal Bridge – A Well Known Nashvillian Killed on a Moving Freight Train – James A. Wilson. (See copy)
February 5, 1876
Died – Mrs. Theodosia Hobbs. (See copy)
February 8, 1876
Died – McAlister, on the night of the 6th, at the residence of his niece, Mrs. M. E. Erwin, Samuel D. McAlister, in the 69th year of his age. The friends and acquaintance of the family are invited to attend his funeral from the McKendree church this Tuesday evening at 2 o’clock. Divine service by Revs. Drs. Young and Kelley.
February 15, 1876
Funeral Notice: Miss Addie Forbes (See copy)
February 15, 1876
Sudden Death – Miss Addie Forbes
February 17, 1876
Died, Allison – At 3 p. m., Wednesday, February 16, 1876, Mrs. Madeline T. Allison, relict of the late Alex Allison, of Nashville, in the 66th year of her age. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of Alex J. Porter, No. 125 South Spruce Street, on Friday morning at 11 o’clock, 18th inst. Services by Rev. T. A. Hoyte and Rev. A. J. Baird.
February 29, 1876
Love Unto Death – A South Nashville Youth Mad Infatuation – Alfred Reddick (See copy) & (see also)
[1870 Census: Alfred Reddick, age 11, father, C. P. Reddick, gambler]
March 1, 1876
Died, Smith – Yesterday at 3 o’clock, at the residence of her son-in-law, William Drake, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Smith, in the 60th year of her age. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence, No. 130 South Front Street, today at 2 o’clock. Service by he Rev. Felix R. Hill. Evansville, Ind. Papers please copy.
March 7, 1876
Funeral Notice: Died at his residence on Church Street, at 10 o’clock, A. H. Hicks, Sr. in his 63rd year. Services at first Baptist Church Tuesday evening at 3 o’clock. Services by the pastor, Dr. T. G. Jones, assisted by Dr. T. O. Summers, Sr. And Dr. J. W. Hoyte.
March 7, 1876
Busy Death – Three Well Known Citizens of Nashville Pass Away.
Deaths has indeed been busy in our midst. Sunday night at half past 10 o’clock, Mr. A. H. Hicks, Sr., and old and highly esteemed citizen, died at his residence on Church street. The deceased was born near Raleigh, N.C. in 1814 and was at the time of his death 62 years old. He was educated at Wake forest College near that city, came to Murfreesboro at the age of 18 and to Nashville at the age of 20 years since which time he had been engaged in wholesale merchandising. He was a director in the last Board of Exposition Managers and formerly a director of the Northwestern Railroad. Though often importuned to run for civil offices, he invaribly declined to accept nominations. For forty-one sucessive years, he was elected Librarian and Treasurer of the First Baptist Church Sunday school. He was one of the original officers of that Sunday school. The death of Mr. Hicks leaves Dr. Berry the oldest wholesale merchant in Nashville.
At a Meeting of the Sunday School held yesterday afternoon, Anson Nelson was called to the chair. The school decided to meet promptly at 2:30 p. m. today to attend the funeral in a body. Messrs. W. H. Pohlman, M. R. Pigue and J. L. Weakley were appointed pallbearers. The school will be draped in mourning. Memorial services will be held at 9 o’clock next Sunday morning. M. B. Howell, J. L. Weakley and W. H. Pohlman were appointed a Committee on Resolutions.
The merchants and friends of the deceased met at the Commercial Insurance office yesterday afternoon. Judge James Whitworth was called to the chair and Mr. F. A.Shepherd was made Secretary. On motion of Mr. E. D. Hicks, that a committee of three be appointed to draft resolutions, the chairman appointed Messrs. F. Furman, C. E. Hillman, and E. D. Hicks. The committee reported that following the preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted as the sense of the meeting:
Whereas, Alfred H. Hicks departed this life at 10:30 o’clock p. m., March 5, 1876, we the merchants and business men of Nashville, have this day assembled to do honor to his memory. Mr. Hicks was a native of North Carolina but had been engaged in business here for about forty years during which time no one could utter a word derogatory to the high character and perfect uprightness of the man. He was honest in his dealings and prompt in meeting his engagements. As a friend, he was faithful and true and in his family relations, he was tender, kind and affectionate. His memory of one so eminently worthy, therefore, be it
Resolved that in the death of Alfred H. Hicks, this community has lost a most valuable citizen whose place will not be easily filled. That we hereby tender to his distressed family our sincere sympathy in their great affliction and that a copy of thse proceedings be sent to them and also published in the daily papers. F. Ferman, C. E. Hillman, E. D. Hicks, Committee.
On motion, Samuel Kinkade, E. D. Hicks, William Porter and John M. Gray were appointed pallbearers to co-operate with others to be appointed by the First Baptist Church. It was then moved and carried unanimously that the merchants attend the remains from the residence to the church in a body. The meeting was adjourned. James Whitworth, Chairman.
(The other two were not buried at the City Cemetery)
March 8, 1876
Funeral of the late A. H. Hicks. The funeral of the late A. H. Hicks at the First Baptist Church yesterday afternoon was largely attended by the Sabbath school, of which he was an officer, by a numerous delegation of the merchants of the city and a large representation of the friends and acquaintances of the deceased. Conducted by the Reverend Drs. T. O. Summers, Sr., J. B. Lindsley and T.G. Jones, the service was most solemn and impressive. In the outset of the sermon, Dr. Jones said that, at the request of the deceased, he would deliver no eulogy. “Although,” said the pastor, “he had never connected himself with the church militants, he had been connected with the Sabbath school as an officer for more than forty years, and he lived a life devoted to the interests of the church.” Dr. Jones explained that Mr. Hicks had never connected himself to the church because he had the highest ideal of what a Christian life should be and had seen too often those who were professed followers of Christ fall short of that ideal.
March 28, 1876
HOOD – Died in Edgefield at 3 o’clock Sunday morning, Capt. Chesley Hood, aged 68. Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral this Tuesday morning from Elm Street Church at eleven o’clock. Services by Rev. Felix R. Hill.
March 29, 1876
Died – Edmondson – On Saturday evening at half past nine o’clock, Mrs. Matilda Edmondson, wife of John K. Edmondson. Friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from Christ church today, Tuesday, at half past two o’clock.
April 16, 1876
Died – Kirby – At his late residence, No. 335 South Cherry Street at 15 minutes to 11 o’clock last night of pneumonia, Elias R. Kirby, aged 61 years, 9 months and 7 days. The funeral service will take place tomorrow, Monday evening , April 17, at 2 o’clock from the Central Baptist church. Divine service by M. H. Lane and W. A. Nelson. Thus has passed away one of earth’s purest men. He died as he had lived – peacefully, quietly. With a firm faith in God, he passed from earth to rest for aye and to enjoy that bliss vouchsafed to all who put their trust in Him who doeth all things well. Gallatin Examiner please copy.
April 20, 1876
Died -Knowles – Wednesday, 19th inst, at 11 o’clock p. m., Mrs. L. D., wife of Joseph B. Knowles, in the 65th year of her age. Funeral at the First Baptist church at 3 1/2 o’clock this Thursday afternoon.
June 18, 1876
Death of Major Arthur Rutledge. The many friends of Major Arthur Middleton Rutledge in this city will be shocked to hear of his sudden death at Sewanee yesterday morning. His remains will be brought here for interment. Major Rutledge was a graduate of West Point and served as Captain of the First Tennessee (Confederate) artillery during the war. He was a grandson of Edward Rutledge, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and was a brother-in-law of Francis B. Fogg, Esq. of this city.
July 1, 1876
Died, Wells – This morning at his residence, 275 N. High Street, James L. Wells in the 21st year of his age. Due notice will be given of his funeral.
July 2, 1876
The Late J. L. Wells. The late J. L. Wells, a member of Vanderbilt Lodge, No 79, Knights of Honor and of the Pale Faces, was buried last Sunday by Orders to which he belonged. It was the first time that the funeral ceremony of the Knights of Honor had been performed in this city. Mr. Wells was the second member to die since the Order was established here. When the first died, the Order was not very strong at the time and the funeral ceremonies were not performed. The ceremony is a very impresive one. Mr. Wells was Past Grand Dictator of the State. He was also a Sachem in one of the tribes of the Improved Order of Red men. He was a native of Nashville and was for a long time the engineer at the Nashville Gas Works.
July 12, 1876
A Sad Case of Drowning – Hugh Morrow (See copy of notice)
July 13, 1876
Young Morrow. His Body Recovered Yesterday Afternoon
July 13, 1876
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of W. H. Morrow and wife are invited to attend the funeral of their son, Hugh Cox Morrow, from Tulip Street Church this morning at 9 o’clock. Divine service by Rev. J. P. McFerrin and Drs. Summers, Young and Sharpe.
July 21, 1876
Death of a Well Known Railroad Man. T. A. Knowles, foreman of the Decator shops, died yesterday. He was the son of C. B. Knowles who is known among mechanics throughout the state. Crape was ordered to be placed on the locomotives out of respect to the memory of the deceased.
July 30, 1876
Died – Patton. Suddenly on the evening of the 28th near Beech Grove, Coffee County at the home of Gen. B. F. Cheatham, Miss Mary E. Patton, aged 50 years.
August 3, 1876
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend the funeral of Fielding Fields next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Further notice will be given.
August 3, 1876
Death of An Old Citizen. Fielding Fields died at his late residence yesterday after a brief illness at the age of 67 years. He had occupied three or four chairs in the Order of Pale Faces and was a member of the Supreme Camp of the World. All the camps in this vicinity will attend his funeral in a body. The deceased was the father of Mrs. B. H. Stief now on a visit East with her husband. They were informed by telegraph of the sad event and left New York at once for home.
August 4, 1876
Funeral Notice: The friends of the late John Pike are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from his late residence near Buena Vista Springs this morning at 9 o’clock.
August 6, 1876
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Fielding Fields are respectfully invited to attend his funeral from the First Baptist Church this Sunday evening at 3 o’clock. Services by Rev. L.B. Fish.
August 8, 1876
Died, Randall – At 6 o’clock and 50 minutes, August 7, at his residence, 335 South Spruce street, in this city, David Randall, at the age of 75 years. The funeral will take place from the residence, as above, at 3 o’clock p. m. today, August 8 to which friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited. Services by Rev. Felix R. Hill and Rev. M. H. Lane.
August 9, 1876
Death of Justice P. W. Maxey (See copy of notice)
August 10 1876
Funeral of Justice P. W. Maxey. The funeral services of the late Justice P. W. Maxey were held at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon in Hobson’s Chapel. The services were conducted by Rev. Drs. Kelley, McFerrin, Peebles and Bishop Mctyeire. At the conclusion of these services, the Knights Templar took charge of the body, and their rites were performed by Right Eminent Sir M. B. Howell and Sir George S. Blackie, Reclate. The remains were then removed to the City Cemetery and deposited in a vault where the burial ceremonies were performed by the Edgefield Lodge. A long cortege of the best citizens witnessed the last sad rites.
August 17, 1876
B. F. Brown – I. O. O. F. — Funeral Notice (See copy of notice)
August 17, 1876
Death of an Old Citizen – B. F. Brown (See copy of notice)
August 18, 1876
Funeral of the Late B. F. Brown. The funeral services of the late B. F. Brown were largely attended yesterday afternoon from his late residence on Summer street. There was a full attendance of Trabue Lodge I. O. O. F. and members of other lodges. Rev. Dr. Fall and DeWitt conducted the services which were impressively beautiful, especially at the grave where the last tribute was paid by the I. O. O. F. and by Mr. DeWitt in a few touching remarks. These exercises were followed by a beautiful song by the choir. The following gentlemen were the pall bearers; Robert Thompson, J. L.Weakley, Henry Hensley, Dr. William Barry, J. H. Curry, W. C. Handley and P. Phillips.
August 29, 1876
Died, Copeland – In this city on Sunday evening, 27th inst., Matthew J. Copeland, son of Mrs. S. P.Copeland, in the 21th year of his age. The funeral will take place this Tuesday evening at 3 o’clock from the Elm Street Church. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Service by Rev. Felix R. Hill. Interment in City Cemetery.
September 8, 1876
Died – Kuhn. On Thursday evening the 7th 5 minutes of 7 o’clock, Mrs. Cecilia Kuhn. Her funeral will take place from her late residence, corner of Bilbo Avenue and Granny White Pike today, Friday, at 3 p. m. Service by Dr. Thompson at the residence.
September 26, 1876
Died – Colthart. In this county at 1 o’clock p. m. on the 25th inst, John Coltart in the 58 year of his age.
October 14, 1876
Died – Ewing. At Gainesville, Florida on the 10th inst., Mr. Orville Ewing, Sr. in his 71st year. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral this Saturday morning at 10 1/2 o’clock. Services by Elder P. S. Fall at the grave in the City Cemetery, South Cherry street.
October 27, 1876
Died – Foster. At the residence of B. F. Cockrill near this city on the 26th inst, at 12 o’clock, James H. Foster, age 78 years and 26 days. The funeral will take place this Friday evening at 2 1/2 o’clock from the Christian Church. Service by Rev. Phillip S. Fall.
October 27, 1876
Still another Old citizen Gone. James H. Foster (See copy of notice)
November 12, 1876
Died – Rubin. After an illness of 48 hours, Mrs. S. H. Rubin. Funeral will take place from her late residence, No. 111 Demonbreun street this Sunday evening at 3 o’clock. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Service by Rev. T. G. Jones.
November 14, 1876
Died – Gale. Fell asleep in Jesus on the morning of November 13, Josephine, youngest daughter of Catherine Polk and William D. Gale, aged 9 years, 9 months and 21 days. “Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest! Whose waking is supremely blest; No fear, no woe shall dim that hour that manifests the Savior’s power.” The funeral will take place today from Christ Church at 10 1/2 a. m. Divine service by Rev. William Graham.
November 26, 1876
Death of a distinguished Naval Officer. Capt. Paul Shirley, of the United States Navy, died very suddenly at half past 2 o’clock, Friday afternoon, on board a train of cars near Dennison, Ohio, while en route from Philadelphia to Memphis, on a visit to his family. His death was the result of a severe cold contracted while on Court martial duty in Philadelphia. The deceased was from Glasgow, Ky., once resided in Nashville, and was in the fifty-fifth year of his age. He entered the Navy nearly forty years ago and had been in active service up to the time of his death. His remains reached here at 6:30 o’clock yesterday evening and will be interred in the family burying ground at the City Cemetery.
December 14, 1876
Died – Alexander. At 8 o’clock yesterday morning, Mrs. Capt. J. N. Alexander, after a lingering illness, in this city. Her funeral will take place from the residence of John T. Price, No. 60 South Union Street, this morning at 10 o’clock. Friends and acquaintances are invited. Services by Rev. Dr. McNeilly.
December 23, 1876
Died – Alley. On the 22nd inst, at 10 o’clock a. m. of paralysis, Mary, wife of the late Joseph Alley, aged 68 years. The friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her son, A.W. V. Alley, No. 309, South Summer Street at 2 o’clock p. m. Saturday. Prayers by Rev. F. R. Hill.
December 24, 1876
Died – Bateman. At his residence, 33 Murray street, at 7: 15 a. m., December 23, Capt. John L. Bateman, in the 53rd year of his age. Funeral services by Elder J. B. Stevens at 2 1/2 p. m. today, Sunday, at the Primitive Baptist Church, South College Street. Interment at the City Cemetery.
December 24, 1876
Funeral Notice: The funeral of Miss Emma H. Atkinson will take place from the residence of her parents, H S. and Charlotte Atkinson, No. 110 South Summer street, at 2 p. m. today, Rev. Dr. Kelley officiating. |