Parrish, Frank Nashville Union Bathing House The undersigned, respectfully informs the citizens of Nashville and its vicinity, that, as the season for the pleasant and healthful exercise of Bathing is fast approaching, he has at considerable expense prepared and fitted up an establishment, at which may be enjoyed �the luxury of the falling spray,� or the �lucid coolness of the flood�- THE SHOWER COLD OR TEPID BATH. He has prepared every convenience to give pleasure to those who partake of this useful and agreeable recreation at his rooms; and assures the public that order and regularity shall be kept, so as to merit and he hopes ensure the approbation of his customers. The Bath-House is situated next door to the Barber Shop on Deaderick street, opposite the office of the Banner and Whig, and will be opened on the 1st day of May, for the reception of visiters from 6 in the morning until 10 at night. Ladies are respectfully informed that convenient apartments have been prepared, with every accommodation for their comfort, for their exclusive use; and that female servants will always be in readiness to attend them. The subscriber requests and hopes to receive the liberal encouragement of the community, in this effort to accommodate them with a luxury which is universally acknowledged to be most beneficial in its effects. FRANK PARRISH. Also at his Barber�s Shop, next door, he keeps on hand for sale STOCKS, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS, best FANCY SOAPS, PERFUMERY, of all descriptions, CURLS, PUFFS, &c.; also the best SEGARS AND TOBACCO. F.P. Nashville Whig Bath House Open for Season BATH HOUSE. Frank Parrish’s Bath House on Deaderick Street, opposite the Republican Banner office, is open for the Season, where all those who wish to take cold or tepid bath can be accommodated. His former customers are invited to call. Nashville Whig Frank Parrish & Co., Respectfully announce to their friends and customers and the public in general, that they have taken, and are now fitting up, the house on the north side of the public square, adjoining the Nashville Inn, formerly occupied as a stage office, where they will be ready to commence business by the 15th or 20th of the present month — This shop will be under the immediate charge and superintendence of FRANK PARRISH. The shop on Deaderick street, with the bath establishment, will be continued under the management of JAMES THOMAS, while HORACE CAMPBELL will still give his attention to the shop in the basement story of the City Hotel. No efforts will be spared at either shop to give entire satisfaction to all who may call. |