Removals to Other Cemeteries
By Last Name | By Date Removed
Over the many years of the City Cemetery’s operation, it has become necessary to remove some of those interred and place them in other cemetery locations. It is not always known if the stone accompanied such moves in every instance, and the records are very difficult to accurately transcribe.
Removals to Mount Olivet Cemetery Alphabetically by Last Name |
Name |
Date of Re-interment |
Lot Owner/Lot Number |
Aertsen, Miss |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Anderson, Mary J. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, N. M., Mrs. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, Thomas J. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, Thomas M. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Apple, Infant of J. K. Apple |
2-1-1872 |
Section III Lot 100 |
Apple. J. K. |
2-1-1872 |
Section III Lot 100 |
Atchison, Selina McNairy |
3-16-1868 |
Dr. Atchison |
Austin, John |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Austin, John N. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Austin, Sarah E. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Bang, William H.H. |
7-14-1870 |
Bang Dorman |
Banniza, Alice |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Banniza, Ellen |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Banniza, Ida |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Banniza, Manerva |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Barth, Willie |
1-30-1867 |
P. Jeck |
Bateman, Louise Virginia |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. W. H. Bateman |
Bateman, Robert Cliffi |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. W. H. Bateman |
Bell, Thomas M. |
3-22-1865 |
W.R. Bell |
Bentley, Erminna Isatta |
4-2-1867 |
John Bentley |
Bilbo, Mary Agnes |
8-6-1867 |
Mrs. Bilbo |
Brantly, Mrs. Arnold |
5-4-1871 |
J. M. Arnold |
Brodie, Eliza |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, Henry A. |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, James A. |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, John |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Bryan, Mary Macon |
5-7-1866 |
W. T. Bryan |
Bryan, Wm. P. |
5-7-1866 |
W. T. Bryan |
Burlirg, E. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Burlirg, Franklin |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Caldwell, Mrs. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Campbell, Edwin |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Campbell, Ella |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Campbell, Katie |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Carnes, William H. |
6-18-1872 |
Section VIII Lot 29 |
Carter, Child of Sam Carter |
11-12-1868 |
Sam Carter |
Claiborne, John T. |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. S.A. Claiborne |
Clay, child of Henry Clay |
11-22-1867 |
Paupers – single grave |
Cole, Allice |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Edmund W. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Edward S. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Mary J. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Combs, Infant of M. S. Combs |
7-31-1869 |
M. S. Combs |
Conley, George Henry |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Infant of J. T. Conley |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Isaac |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, John T. |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Mary Ellen |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Cooney, Mary |
5-19-1870 |
John Cooney |
Corbett, Infant of Wm. Corbett |
10-25-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Corbett, Infant of Wm. Corbett |
10-25-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Corbitt, Mrs. |
11-25-1868 |
D. Corbitt |
Cruickshank, Alexander |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Cunningham, Allen |
5-17-1866 |
G. W. Cunningham |
Cutter, Anne |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Benjamin |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Carrie S., Mrs. |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Infant of Carrie Cutter |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Joseph |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Susan J. |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Davis, Frank |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Davis, Jeff |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Davis, Kirk |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Deschamps, Adolph |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, Albert |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, George |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, Sophie |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deubelbeiss, R. |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Dixon, John |
2-2-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Dunlap, Capt. W. K. |
2-1-1870 |
Geo. A. Leiper |
Duvall, Claiborne |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
Eichbaum, Adeline |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, D. S. Stearns |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, Eliza |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, T. G. |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Erwin, Anna |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Erwin, James, Jr. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Erwin, James, Sr. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Erwin, Juliett |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Evans, Ella |
4-27-1872 |
Section V Lot 14 |
Evans, Jimmie W. |
4-6-1874 |
Section V Lot 15 |
Evans, Mary E., Mrs. |
4-27-1872 |
Section V Lot 14 |
Evans, William H. |
4-6-1874 |
Section V Lot 15 |
Foster, Child of Mr. Foster |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Foster, Harriett, Mrs. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Fravel, California |
3-6-1871 |
Fravel & Toney |
Fravel, Kitty |
3-6-1871 |
Fravel & Toney |
French, Adelina |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
French, Louis |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
French, Mrs. Grandm of Louis French |
5-14-1868 |
H.S. French |
French, Willie |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
Frith, Edith |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Hardy |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Harriotte |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Medora F. |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Fuller, Charles A. |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Louis |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Susan Anna, Mrs. |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Willis |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Garrett, Wm. A. |
10-9-1868 |
W. Jackson |
Gilliam, Wm. Branch |
10-8-1868 |
Wm. G. Gilliam |
Gillman, Ada |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Gillman, Henry |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Glazier, Margaretta, Mrs. |
6-9-1870 |
R.L. Weakley |
Goodlett, Emma |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Goodlett, William A. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Greig, Eliza C., Mrs. |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Greig, George |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Greig, John |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Griffin, Jennie Jackson |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Grooms, Mary Ann, Mrs. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Grooms, Stillborn of R. H. Grooms |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Gross, Evalina, Mrs. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Gross, George S. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Grubbs, E.F. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Haden, T.B. (Infant) |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Hamilton, James |
3-18-1870 |
Dr.Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Hamilton, Joseph D. |
3-7-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
Hamilton, Miss |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Hamlin, Child of Dr. Hamlin |
4-12-1869 |
Dr. Hamlin |
Hanmer, Lucy W. |
11-19-1863 |
Section I Lot 136 |
Hard, Child of Alex Hard |
6-16-1875 |
Section Vi Lot 146 |
Harlett, Infant dau of W. T. Harlett |
6-12-1866 |
W. T. Harlett |
Harlett, Nally |
6-12-1866 |
W. T. Harlett |
Harman, Anna, Mrs. |
9-19-1868 |
Richard Harman |
Harman, Laura |
9-19-1868 |
Richard Harman |
Harris, Frances A. Bartee |
5-3-1871 |
T. O. Harris |
Harris, Gabriel H. |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Harris, Jane Tyson |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Harris, Matthew John |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Harris, William O. |
5-3-1871 |
T. O. Harris |
Harrison, Rhoda H., Mrs. |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Harvey, Albert |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Hawkins, Calvin |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, John |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, John, Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, Julia Ella |
3-2-1872 |
Section VI Lot 93 |
Hitchcock, Mrs. R. A. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Horne, E. A. |
12-2-1868 |
Mrs. Horne |
House, George W. |
2-13-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
House, James |
2-13-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
Howell, Charles Trabue |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Howell, Crawford |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Howell, Richard Crawford |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Hubbard, Ada |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Hubbard, Jacob |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Hubbard, Nally |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Huntington, Rebecca, Mrs. |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Hurt, F. O. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Francis |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Isabella |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Penelopy |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, W. C. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Irwin, E. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Irwin, G. W. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Irwin, O. H. P. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W Irwin |
Johnson, Henry |
11-7-1860 |
Lot 402 |
Jones, Hannah Jane |
11-26-1867 |
W. R. Cornelius |
Jones, Mrs. E. M. |
7-12-1866 |
Edgar Jones |
Joynt, Henry |
9-22-1863 |
Thomas Treanor |
Jungerman, Conrad |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Jungerman, Heinrich |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Kenly, Frank |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Kenly, George |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Kenly, George |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Kirkman, Catherine S. |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Eleanora Van Leer |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, Ellen |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh, Jr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh, Sr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, J. N. |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, John, Jr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Knapp, John S. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Knapp, Martha D. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Knapp, Teresa A. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Kyner, John |
3-25-1867 |
J. D. Strader |
Leek, Lea Addison |
5-12-1868 |
F. M. Carrell |
Lewis, Wm. Scott |
10-1-1868 |
Mrs. Scott |
Lingner, Mrs. Elizabeth |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Loiseau, Mrs. |
3-23-1865 |
Section II Lot 39 |
Longhurst, George |
6-13-1869 |
Charles D. Longhurst |
Longhurst, Mary F. |
6-13-1869 |
Charles D. Longhurst |
Lubbren, Gustav |
4-27-1870 |
Single grave |
Lynn, Eliza |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Matthias, Stephen |
3-21-1866 |
E. W. Adams |
McCall, Annette |
9-29-1866 |
McCall & McCrea |
McCall, Edward Warthroop |
4-25-1867 |
T. A. McCall |
McCall, Frances |
9-29-1866 |
McCall & McCrea |
McCall, James |
4-25-1867 |
T. A. McCall |
McCrea, Andy Hamilton |
5-12-1867 |
Section II Lot 408 |
McDaniel, Fanny |
11-7-1871 |
Section II Lot 199 |
McFarland, Winnie H. |
5-27-1872 |
Section III Lot 87 |
McNairy, Elizabeth F. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
McNairy, F. N. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
McNairy, John N. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
McNairy, Mary C. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
McNairy, Nat A. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
McNairy, Nathaniel A., Jr. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
Mier, W. |
6-10-1873 |
Section VIII Lot 82 |
Moore, A. T. |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Alexander |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Columbus |
9-25-1862 |
Section I |
Moore, Isabelle, Mrs. |
7-3-1875 |
Section III Lot 92 |
Moore, Willie |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Willie T. |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moses, Eliza Ann |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Elizabeth Ann |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Mary |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Wm. Henry Harrison |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Woods Collins |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Mueller, C. F. T. |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Mueller, G. L. |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Mueller, Margarette |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Myers, Mary |
9-14-1866 |
S. H. Stitt |
Niblett, Henry |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Nichol, Neil E. |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Nichol, Thomas Washington |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Orchard, Otto Martin |
4-6-1870 |
John W. Crawford |
Pearl, Anne |
8-10-1865 |
D. Pearl |
Pearl, J. J., Dr. |
10-15-1865 |
Dr. P. W. Pearl |
Perine, Infant dau of A. H. Perine |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Perine, Willie |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Pohl, Charles |
6-10-1873 |
Section VIII Lot 82 |
Powell, John |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Putnam, Miss |
3-5-1870 |
A. W. Putnam |
Putnam, Mrs. |
3-5-1870 |
A. W. Putnam |
Reid, Cary V. |
5-1-1868 |
Dr. J. H. Reid |
Reid, Kate Hortense |
5-1-1868 |
Dr. J. H. Reid |
Rolls, Alfred, Dr. |
4-30-1867 |
Mrs. J. M. Rolls |
Rosser, Mr. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Rosser, Mrs. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Sands, John E., Jr. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Sands, Wm. James |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Scruggs, Annie M., Mrs. |
8-4-1874 |
From Currin Vault. Section I Lot 15 |
Sheppard, M. A., Mrs. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Shull, Maggie |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Shull, William |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Shull, William T. |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Sigler, Infant of Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, John |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, William |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Speirs, G. M. |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Speirs, G. M. (Infant) |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Speirs, Johnny T. |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Stearns, Mrs. C. M. |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Stitt, Mrs. M. A. |
9-14-1866 |
S. H. Stitt |
Stubblefield, Child of J. T. Stubblefield |
12-3-1868 |
Stubblefield |
Sutfin, Americus L. |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Swan, John M. |
4-27-1870 |
H. B. Champion |
Thompson, Eddie |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Emma |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, George |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Mary, Mrs. |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Stillborn of Jas. Thompson |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Toy, Jane, Mrs. |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Van Leer, A.W. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Van Leer, Mrs. Rebecca |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Vaupel, Annie |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Christian |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Ettie |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Otto |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vogt, Magdalena Sabina, Mrs. |
11-1-1867 |
A. Miller |
Warren, Sarah M., Mrs. |
10-9-1868 |
W. Jackson |
Washington, Mary Eliza |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Washington, Mary, Mrs. |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Washington, Thomas |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Weakley, James |
6-9-1870 |
R. L. Weakley |
Weakley, Margaret, Mrs. |
6-9-1870 |
R. L. Weakley |
Wetzel, Charles |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Infant of L. Wetzel |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Joseph |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Mr. |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Mrs. |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Phillippine |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, William |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wills, Barthenia, Mrs. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Wills, Sarah, Miss |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Winfrey, Child of T. J. Winfrey |
6-16-1875 |
Section VI Lot 187 |
Wright, John |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, Maria E. |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, Oscar |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, William |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Zanone, C. W. |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
286 Re-interments from City Cemetery to Mt. Olivet Cemetery |
Prepared by Fletch Coke 12-10-2007 |
Removals to Mount Olivet Cemetery by Date |
Name |
Date of Re-interment |
Lot Owner/Lot Number |
Johnson, Henry |
11-7-1860 |
Lot 402 |
Moore, Columbus |
9-25-1862 |
Section I |
Joynt, Henry |
9-22-1863 |
Thomas Treanor |
Hanmer, Lucy W. |
11-19-1863 |
Section I Lot 136 |
Eichbaum, Eliza |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, T. G. |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, Adeline |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Aertsen, Miss |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Eichbaum, D.S. Stearns |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Stearns, Mrs. C. M. |
6-14-1864 |
W. A. Eichbaum |
Harris, Jane Tyson |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Harris, Matthew John |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Harris, Gabriel H. |
9-19-1864 |
B. D. Harris |
Bell, Thomas M. |
3-22-1865 |
W. R. Bell |
Loiseau, Mrs. |
3-23-1865 |
Section II Lot 39 |
Pearl, Anne |
8-10-1865 |
D. Pearl |
Pearl, J. J., Dr. |
10-15-1865 |
Dr. P. W. Pearl |
Matthias, Stephen |
3-21-1866 |
E.W. Adams |
Bryan, Mary Macon |
5-7-1866 |
W. T. Bryan |
Bryan, Wm. P. |
5-7-1866 |
W. T. Bryan |
Harvey, Albert |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Perine, Willie |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Perine, Infant dau of A. H. Perine |
5-12-1866 |
A. H. Perine |
Cunningham, Allen |
5-17-1866 |
G. W. Cunningham |
Harlett, Infant dau of W. T. Harlett |
6-12-1866 |
W. T. Harlett |
Harlett, Nally |
6-12-1866 |
W. T. Harlett |
Jungerman, Conrad |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Lingner, Mrs. Elizabeth |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Jungerman, Heinrich |
7-5-1866 |
J. Jungerman |
Jones, Mrs. E.M. |
7-12-1866 |
Edgar Jones |
Stitt, Mrs. M.A. |
9-14-1866 |
S. H. Stitt |
Myers, Mary |
9-14-1866 |
S. H. Stitt |
McCall, Frances |
9-29-1866 |
McCall & McCrea |
McCall, Annette |
9-29-1866 |
McCall & McCrea |
Barth, Willie |
1-30-1867 |
P. Jeck |
Speirs, G. M. |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Speirs, Johnny T. |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Speirs, G. M. (Infant) |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Haden, T. B. (Infant) |
2-12-1867 |
Mrs. A. Speirs |
Kyner, John |
3-25-1867 |
J. D. Strader |
Bentley, Erminna Isatta |
4-2-1867 |
John Bentley |
McCall, James |
4-25-1867 |
T. A. McCall |
McCall, Edward Warthroop |
4-25-1867 |
T. A. McCall |
Rolls, Alfred, Dr. |
4-30-1867 |
Mrs. J. M. Rolls |
Moses, Elizabeth Ann |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Wm. Henry Harrison |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Eliza Ann |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Woods Collins |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Moses, Mary |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Shull, William |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Shull, William T. |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
Shull, Maggie |
5-10-1867 |
L. Moses |
McCrea, Andy Hamilton |
5-12-1867 |
Section II Lot 408 |
Austin, John |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Austin, John N. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Austin, Sarah E. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Hitchcock, Mrs. R. A. |
5-13-1867 |
Mrs. M. A. Austin |
Conley, John T. |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, George Henry |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Isaac |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Mary Ellen |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Conley, Infant of J.T. Conley |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Griffin, Jennie Jackson |
6-28-1867 |
W. K. Griffin |
Bilbo, Mary Agnes |
8-6-1867 |
Mrs. Bilbo |
Irwin, G. W. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Irwin, E. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Irwin, O. H. P. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Burlirg, E. |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Burlirg, Franklin |
10-24-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Corbett, Infant of Wm. Corbett |
10-25-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Corbett, Infant of Wm. Corbett |
10-25-1867 |
G. W. Irwin |
Vogt, Magdalena Sabina, Mrs. |
11-1-1867 |
A. Miller |
Clay, child of Henry Clay |
11-22-1867 |
Paupers – single grave |
Greig, George |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Greig, Eliza C., Mrs. |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Cruickshank, Alexander |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Greig, John |
11-26-1867 |
Mrs. G. Greig |
Mueller, C.F.T, |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Mueller, G. L. |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Mueller, Margarette |
11-26-1867 |
G. L. Mueller |
Jones, Hannah Jane |
11-26-1867 |
W.R. Cornelius |
Atchison, Selina McNairy |
3-16-1868 |
Dr. Atchison |
Bateman, Louise Virginia |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. W. H. Bateman |
Bateman, Robert Cliffi |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. W. H. Bateman |
Claiborne, John T. |
3-20-1868 |
Mrs. S. A. Claiborne |
Reid, Cary V. |
5-1-1868 |
Dr. J. H. Reid |
Reid, Kate Hortense |
5-1-1868 |
Dr. J. H. Reid |
Leek, Lea Addison |
5-12-1868 |
F. M. Carrell |
French, Louis |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
French, Mrs.Grandm of Louis French |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
French, Adelina |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
French, Willie |
5-14-1868 |
H. S. French |
Washington, Mary, Mrs. |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Nichol, Neil E. |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Washington, Mary Eliza |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Washington, Thomas |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Nichol, Thomas Washington |
5-15-1868 |
Thomas Washington |
Wright, Maria E. |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, Oscar |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, William |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Wright, John |
5-26-1868 |
Mrs. V. F. Wright |
Van Leer, Mrs. Rebecca |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Van Leer, A. W. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, Eleanora Van Leer |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh, Sr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, John, Jr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh, Jr. |
6-19-1868 |
Hugh Kirkman |
Harman, Laura |
9-19-1868 |
Richard Harman |
Harman, Anna, Mrs. |
9-19-1868 |
Richard Harman |
Lewis, Wm. Scott |
10-1-1868 |
Mrs. Scott |
Fuller, Charles A. |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Susan Anna, Mrs. |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Louis |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Fuller, Willis |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Hubbard, Jacob |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Hubbard, Ada |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Hubbard, Nally |
10-1-1868 |
Charles A. Fuller |
Gilliam, Wm. Branch |
10-8-1868 |
Wm. G. Gilliam |
Warren, Sarah M., Mrs. |
10-9-1868 |
W. Jackson |
Garrett, Wm. A. |
10-9-1868 |
W. Jackson |
Sigler, William |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, John |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Sigler, Infant of Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, John |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, John, Mrs. |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Hawkins, Calvin |
10-14-1868 |
J. M. Hawkins |
Carter, Child of Sam Carter |
11-12-1868 |
Sam Carter |
Corbitt, Mrs. |
11-25-1868 |
D. Corbitt |
Horne, E.A. |
12-2-1868 |
Mrs. Horne |
Stubblefield, Child of J.T. Stubblefield |
12-3-1868 |
Stubblefield |
Kirkman, J. N. |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Catherine S. |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Hugh |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Kirkman, Ellen |
1-28-1869 |
John Kirkman |
Hamlin, Child of Dr. Hamlin |
4-12-1869 |
Dr. Hamlin |
Davis, Kirk |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Davis, Frank |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Davis, Jeff |
5-2-1869 |
N. S. Davis |
Longhurst, George |
6-13-1869 |
Charles D. Longhurst |
Longhurst, Mary F. |
6-13-1869 |
Charles D. Longhurst |
Deschamps, Adolph |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, George |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, Albert |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Deschamps, Sophie |
7-13-1869 |
John Burkholz |
Combs, Infant of M.S. Combs |
7-31-1869 |
M.S. Combs |
Frith, Harriotte |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Medora F. |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Hardy |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Frith, Edith |
10-3-1869 |
J. H. Frith |
Dunlap, Capt. W. K. |
2-1-1870 |
Geo. A. Leiper |
Putnam, Mrs. |
3-5-1870 |
A. W. Putnam |
Putnam, Miss |
3-5-1870 |
A. W. Putnam |
Huntington, Rebecca, Mrs. |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Hamilton, James |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Hamilton, Miss |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Harrison, Rhoda H., Mrs. |
3-18-1870 |
Dr. Rev. Jonathan Huntington |
Toy, Jane, Mrs. |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Howell, Richard Crawford |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Howell, Charles Trabue |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Howell, Crawford |
3-21-1870 |
Howell |
Orchard, Otto Martin |
4-6-1870 |
John W. Crawford |
Sands, John E., Jr. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Sands, Wm. James |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Gross, George S. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Gross, Evalina, Mrs. |
4-12-1870 |
John E. Sands, Sr. |
Swan, John M. |
4-27-1870 |
H. B. Champion |
Lubbren, Gustav |
4-27-1870 |
Single grave |
Cooney, Mary |
5-19-1870 |
John Cooney |
Glazier, Margaretta, Mrs. |
6-9-1870 |
R. L. Weakley |
Weakley, Margaret, Mrs. |
6-9-1870 |
R. L. Weakley |
Weakley, James |
6-9-1870 |
R. L. Weakley |
Anderson, Thomas J. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, N. M., Mrs. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, Thomas M. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Anderson, Mary J. |
6-14-1870 |
John S. Anderson |
Cutter, Carrie S., Mrs. |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Infant of Carrie Cutter |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Joseph |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Anne |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Susan J. |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Cutter, Benjamin |
6-16-1870 |
B. R. Cutter |
Bang, William H. H. |
7-14-1870 |
Bang Dorman |
Campbell, Katie |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Campbell, Edwin |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Campbell, Ella |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Sutfin, Americus L. |
8-1-1870 |
R. A. Campbell |
Cole, Mary J. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Edmund W. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Allice |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Cole, Edward S. |
11-10-1870 |
E. W. Cole |
Erwin, James, Sr. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Erwin, James, Jr. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Foster, Harriett, Mrs. |
12-1-1870 |
Mrs. Margaret Erwin |
Fravel, California |
3-6-1871 |
Fravel & Toney |
Fravel, Kitty |
3-6-1871 |
Fravel & Toney |
Harris, William O. |
5-3-1871 |
T. O. Harris |
Harris, Frances A. Bartee |
5-3-1871 |
T. O. Harris |
Brantly, Mrs. Arnold |
5-4-1871 |
J. M. Arnold |
McNairy, John N. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
McNairy, Elizabeth F. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
McNairy, Nathaniel A., Jr. |
6-15-1871 |
A. Kayne |
Niblett, Henry |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, Henry A. |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, John |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, Eliza |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
Brodie, James A. |
10-13-1871 |
Section VI Lot 19 |
McDaniel, Fanny |
11-7-1871 |
Section II Lot 199 |
Foster, Child of Mr. Foster |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Rosser, Mr. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Rosser, Mrs. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Erwin, Anna |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Caldwell, Mrs. |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Erwin, Juliett |
12-1-1871 |
Section VI Lot 64 |
Wetzel, Mr. |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Mrs. |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Charles |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Joseph |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, William |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Phillippine |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Wetzel, Infant of L. Wetzel |
12-24-1871 |
Section I Lot 37 |
Apple. J.K. |
2-1-1872 |
Section III Lot 100 |
Apple, Infant of J.K. Apple |
2-1-1872 |
Section III Lot 100 |
Hawkins, Julia Ella |
3-2-1872 |
Section VI Lot 93 |
Evans, Mary E., Mrs. |
4-27-1872 |
Section V Lot 14 |
Evans, Ella |
4-27-1872 |
Section V Lot 14 |
McFarland, Winnie H. |
5-27-1872 |
Section III Lot 87 |
Carnes, William H. |
6-18-1872 |
Section VIII Lot 29 |
Pohl, Charles |
6-10-1873 |
Section VIII Lot 82 |
Mier, W. |
6-10-1873 |
Section VIII Lot 82 |
Goodlett, William A. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Grooms, Mary Ann, Mrs. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Grooms, Stillborn of R.H. Grooms |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Goodlett, Emma |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Wills, Barthenia, Mrs. |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
Wills, Sarah, Miss |
8-3-1873 |
Section VI Lot 138 |
McNairy, Mary C. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
McNairy, Nat A. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
McNairy, F. N. |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
Duvall, Claiborne |
11-15-1873 |
Section VI Lot 142 |
Knapp, John S. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Knapp, Martha D. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Knapp, Teresa A. |
4-1-1874 |
Section I Lot 156 |
Evans, William H. |
4-6-1874 |
Section V Lot 15 |
Evans, Jimmie W. |
4-6-1874 |
Section V Lot 15 |
Scruggs, Annie M., Mrs. |
8-4-1874 |
From Currin Vault. Section I Lot 15 |
Kenly, George |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Kenly, Frank |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Lynn, Eliza |
10-14-1874 |
VI 106/1883 VIII 126 |
Powell, John |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Kenly, George |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Banniza, Alice |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107/1883 VIII 126 |
Banniza, Manerva |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Banniza, Ellen |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Banniza, Ida |
10-14-1874 |
VI 107 |
Deubelbeiss, R. |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Gillman, Henry |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Gillman, Ada |
11-5-1874 |
Section VI Lot 71 |
Dixon, John |
2-2-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, A.T. |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Willie |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Willie T. |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Moore, Alexander |
6-8-1875 |
Section VI Lot 60 |
Hard, Child of Alex Hard |
6-16-1875 |
Section Vi Lot 146 |
Winfrey, Child of T. J. Winfrey |
6-16-1875 |
Section VI Lot 187 |
Moore, Isabelle, Mrs. |
7-3-1875 |
Section III Lot 92 |
Vaupel, Otto |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Annie |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Christian |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Vaupel, Ettie |
2-23-1876 |
Section VI Lot 127 |
Thompson, Mary, Mrs. |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Zanone, C. W. |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, George |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Emma |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Eddie |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
Thompson, Stillborn of Jas. Thompson |
4-12-1876 |
Section I Lot 157 |
House, George W. |
2-13-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
House, James |
2-13-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
Hamilton, Joseph D. |
3-7-1877 |
Section II Lot 45 |
Hurt, W. C. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, F. O. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Penelopy |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Sheppard, M. A., Mrs. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Isabella |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Hurt, Francis |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
Grubbs, E. F. |
10-5-1877 |
Section IX Lot 3 |
286 Re-interments from City Cemetery to Mt. Olivet Cemetery |
Prepared by Fletch Coke 12-10-2007 |
Match ALL words Match ANY word